Poll: Should the US use military action against Syria
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Should the US use military action against Syria?
vundy33 Wrote:The point of my statement TRT was really that we can kick ass, lol. Something I feel the nation lacking on, mainly due to the bloodiness of huge losses in big battles during these wars like the First and Second battle of Fallujah, where we had guys killing the toughest enemy we've fought in either war, the hardcore guys who wanted to kill Americans enough that they took on our soldiers and Marines face to face (that might not sound tough just saying it, but our infantrymen excel in that close fighting, the enemy knows it and was willing to die in every single building in that city), including taking on our tanks and fighting vehicles. That's ballsy considering so much of the Taliban turn and run from just our trucks with .50 cal machine guns or less. The same with battles in Sadr City, Mosul, Marjah and the other huge battle. That's the toughest enemy our nation has fought in these two wars. Of course, it was nothing when compared to Vietnam...when I read or watch a doc on that war, I can't really grasp how those guys, most younger than I am right now which is crazy to think about, got through that and still dominated the enemy while taking dozens and dozens of casualties in the matter of a minute.

It kills me that those warriors, from the infantryman knee-deep into the shat, the pilots getting lit up in the air, the special ops killers that were chin deep in it, to the support personnel who might have not have taken the huge casualties the typical grunts did but still worked their butts off in a jungle to enable us to come out of those battles on top most of the time...they don't get the credit they deserve. So many of our own people spit on them, shunned them, just through them out like trash. We are seeing the same thing with both of these wars, but especially Iraq.

I'm a little off-topic but given what day it is, and the fact that so many of the young guys with a future ahead of them who actually fought the damn war for the suits who declared it and lost their lives doing so, I think it needs to be said and honestly I have to get it off of my chest, lol.

Oh they were ballsy in Fallujah alright. And many don't hesitate to face death in close quarters combat. They can't fight worth a spit on the battlefield though and that's why we ran through them like a dose of salts in the Iraq War. Personally, standing off and blasting the area they're in to dust is how I think it should be done.

One of the greatest travesties of all time is the way GI's are treated once they get home. No telling what body parts have blown off, and government help is sadly lacking. Meanwhile, bureaucrats would see this nation in ruins before they would deny the do-less their food, housing, free utilities, free phones, and free health care.

BTW, for the sake of conversation. Last year's version of the sequester only involved 85 billion dollars. This year's version is over 100 billion. And we're going to light up the skyline for Assad, being ever so careful so as not to actually hit anything, for a cost of something north of 200 million for starters? You know, if it's time to go to war then we should definitely let it roar. But, we don't even know what the heck we're doing this for outside of a "shot across the bow."
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Should the US use military action against Syria? - by TheRealThing - 09-11-2013, 08:22 PM

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