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Do Words Still Mean Anything?
WideRight05 Wrote:Remember these words Obama said to the Russian president?

"Wait until after my election when I have more flexibility ."

Can't help but wonder if that has anything to do with what's going on now.

Boy, do I ever. Frankly, I thought congress should have landed on him with both feet for that comment. Obviously he intended to take actions with regard to Russia for which I'm thinking, he was afraid voters would likely take offense.

Like I have pointed out on so many occasions past, it's all about appearances for Dems. That's the reason all good Democrats adhere to DNC generated talking points with such meticulous care. They have learned how important it is to present a united front if they expect voters to swallow the going party line. The logic of repeating a lie until it is accepted as fact, is the favorite tool in the Dem's box of tricks, they just have to make sure they're all saying the same thing. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has her hands full with the daily e-mailings and other coordinative efforts to that very end and, that's one of the reasons the DNC is such an effective get out the vote organization. Staffers constantly hone their skills, staying busy and connected, with the daily machinations necessary to orchestrate the 'official' party line. From the president to Harry Reid, to Nancy Pelosi, you're going to get the very same story, likely presented using the very same verbiage. That's how they run their campaigns and that's how they push party priorities that are obvious departures from traditional America. They call such breaches of faith "moving forward."

But, to your point. If the rats which purport to be news media professionals these days, had given the story even one half of the attention it surely merited, maybe Crimea wouldn't be part of the Russian Federation right now. And, given the actions taken by this administration to cancel plans to build a missile defense system in Poland, (which btw, was already a done deal and Putin fully expected to see it all go down on schedule) it doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure out what he meant by being "more flexible." He'd already dehorned NATO and after the election more gifts were to follow. Wink, Wink. :please:

At any rate, this is what Poland thinks of this kind of "flexibility;"
"This week, Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski accused the Obama Administration of betrayal, saying, “Our mistake was that by accepting the American offer of a [missile defense] shield we failed to take into account the political risk associated with a change of president.… We paid a high political price. We do not want to make the same mistake again. We must have a missile system as an element of our defences.”

In 2009, President Obama cancelled the deal the U.S. had with Poland and the Czech Republic to build an interceptor site and radar that would provide protection of the U.S. homeland and allies from rogue ballistic missiles."

In other words, this was one of Mr Obama's very first actions as President (which means to him it was a big deal) and, we see the inevitable outcome has revealed itself in the form of chickens come home to roost. Polls and good looking 30 somethings news anchors are hardly the stuff of statesmanship. It's time America rejected the pacifist failings of the past (WW2), which led to the US being far behind the power curve once we finally stopped shaking in our boots and stepped up that time. It's happening again, whether we like it or not. Thanks to a chinless foreign policy that featured a rather famous apology tour, America pulled in her horns creating the power vacuum into which the deranged and the psychotic have so opportunistically strode, to achieve sudden global prominence. Assad, Putin, Kim Jong-un, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and other bad guys wait in the wings. Meanwhile, we're going to cut our military to the levels suggested by Hagel, or this President will darn well know why. So, we kiss the ring of a KGB thug, and betray the trust of Europe in one fell swoop. And, for what? Putin had already seen an opportunity in Georgia and fought a somewhat failed war to annex that country. Why appease a tyrant who had already proven he was hungry to conquer and expand Russia?

The US has managed to defeat and to otherwise stare down all who would challenge her up until the year 2008. I mean, you try staring your enemies down using 'pajama boy' and you see what happens.
Messages In This Thread
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by TheRealThing - 03-18-2014, 03:15 PM
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by Granny Bear - 03-19-2014, 12:25 PM
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by TheRealThing - 03-19-2014, 02:21 PM
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by Granny Bear - 03-20-2014, 05:08 AM
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by WideRight05 - 03-21-2014, 09:59 AM
Do Words Still Mean Anything? - by TheRealThing - 03-21-2014, 07:01 PM

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