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Bluegrass Poll: Same sex marriage opposition lowest in decade

I would call Kentucky the Flagship state in "The Bible Belt"

This isn't really much of a surprise. The grandparents who took their grand-kids to Sunday school and Church are dying out. So the grand-kids who are adults now aren't taking their kids or grand-kids to any type of church service or activity. Add on top of that... every time you turn around, we are seeing a celebrity or athlete proclaiming to be in the LGBTQ movement. TV shows, movies and songs are all but brain-washing people in to believing the LGBTQ lifestyle is ok and acceptable. And the people that don't accept it, there is something wrong with them.

The Bible, Ten Commandments, Prayer.... even talking about God, Jesus and The Holy Ghost are two/three generations removed from some families. And it's sad... really sad that the good ole' U. S. of A. headed down a path of destruction like we read about in Genesis ch. 19.

Please don't let anybody tell you that the LGBTQ lifestyle is right. Millions of people are being mislead. And sadly, they are on a path straight to hell.

I know that when somebody tells you what you are is wrong... that makes you wanna do it that much more. I was the same way when I was younger. When mom and dad would tell me not to do something, I would do it or die trying. But looking back, they always did it to protect me or they were looking out for my best interest. Doing what you want, living a life that seems to have no consequences is a great thought. But that is not true.
I posted a thread in this forum about "You Only Live Once" is wrong. This has pretty much has become a motto for the early twenties and teenagers. Or "If It Feels Good Do It" is about as wrong as wrong can be.

It is human nature to sin. We are all born sinners, but when you hear that still small voice... and you know what you are doing is wrong. My friend, that is when you know that you are committing a sin. You and only you know it,

That still small voice you hear is The Lord. That is why non-Christian's hate Jesus. Cause they don't want Him in their life. They don't want somebody to tell them they are doing wrong and they don't want to accept that Jesus is alive. And He died for that exact reason.

If you have questions or need to talk about it, send me a P.M., I'll do my best to answer your questions or guide you to somebody who knows more about The Bible than me.
Check out my YouTube channel.
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Bluegrass Poll: Same sex marriage opposition lowest in decade - by Pulp Fiction - 07-30-2014, 08:26 AM

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