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Kentucky gay marriage ban struck down
TheRealVille Wrote:One thing that should be painfully obvious to you, given all the tea party defeats this spring and summer, the latest being in Alaska, is that America is tired of you hardline, far righters. I'd bet America won't be caught with their pants down, like 2010, not going to the polls and voting. The teas slipped in, and America woke up fast. It's all but over for that wing, and they will be voted out, as their elections come back up. At least we can deal with moderate republicans.

^^Another post brimming with Democratic talking points.

As usual what seems painfully obvious to you, looks like liberal self delusion to me. Republicans are endeavoring to nominate credible candidates. You go ahead and interpret that in whatever light you've been told to by your anti American leadership. In my opinion you're wrong. Wave elections are not occasions of getting caught with pants down, rather they are a change of direction as chosen by the voting public.

Hard line far righters as you put it, are the folks of the Great Generation. They are those who would have agreed with Dwight D Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan. Those who wouldn't think of faking a disability or living on welfare. Folks who refuse to drink from the liberal bucket of monkey puke which passes for modern wisdom, in favor of the reality they have known their entire lives. These know the horror that comes with foreign policy born of pacifism, and the nauseous and cancerous backlash that comes from embracing the evil of nearly 80 million dead as the result of state sponsored infanticide and so-called gay rights. They sacrificed mightily for the "common good" the result of which is the apple of the world's eye, the face of America which the liberal, the like of Bill Ayers is so desperate to bring down.

In any event, I can't imagine anybody taking a party seriously that can speak of nothing other than an admitted preoccupation and a raging support of sexual depravity and other issues of social justice. The world is in economic chaos and armed conflict and still, all the left wants to do is sue straight people to legalize the "unseemly." It's got nothing to do with the Tea Party who if nothing else, have given the people of this land a MUCH needed lesson in civics. The left doesn't want Americans to know their Constitution because the threads they insist tie their arguments to law are thinner than a gnat's butt stretched over a boxcar.

No, after the dust settles this November Mitch will be the new Senate Majority Leader and Dems will be in the dumpster of history.
Messages In This Thread
Kentucky gay marriage ban struck down - by TheRealThing - 08-20-2014, 09:58 AM
Kentucky gay marriage ban struck down - by runbch - 09-11-2014, 02:32 AM

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