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Fire Tubby Petition (For Real) Here's your chance!
"Yellow Snow" Wrote:Simply amazing......UK beats the worst team in the SEC on their HOME COURT without Ole Miss's best player and these 'young' UK fans think the Wildcats are world beaters. Back years ago before you were born, there would practically be no mention of a victory of this was 'expected'. Tubby has got UK fans to the point that they celebrate victories over weak foes. Like I said, simply amazing.

NOBODY said they were world beaters...It was just a good performance by the whole team, *except Adam Williams*...Two good wins in a row, and if you don't think beating South Carolina on the road like we did was good then you don't know your basketball at all....Yeah I'm sure this win was expected in Suttons last year and Pitinos first....Schools have down years, and when something positive comes in a down year you take it and run with it...You build off of that momentum and try to finish strong on the season...Call me crazy but I celebrate victories over any 'foe' as a win is a win...I don't know why you wouldn't want to celebrate a win like that...You're simply amazing because you can't get by the fact that Tubby Smith is having a bad season with a very young team..They lost their heart and soul in Chuck Hayes, and lost their leading scorer in Azubuike...Those were 2 of the 3 leading scorers on the team...If you just want to bitch and moan about it, then quit watching them and quit worrying about them until Tubby Smith is gone, because your complaining isn't going to do anything now is it? Be truthful to yourself..Is your bitching going to change the way the A.D. and the UK Administration thinks of Tubby Smith..If you can answer yes to that then you have no business here, because that would be ludacris...Just tell me what you plan to accomplish with all this whining..Seriously, because I've always wondered what Tubby Bashers really plan to accomplish or if they are just really that bored...

One simple solution to your problem..FIND A NEW TEAM TO ROOT FOR BECAUSE TUBBY ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE! :thumb:
Messages In This Thread
Fire Tubby Petition (For Real) Here's your chance! - by alfus21 - 02-23-2006, 04:54 PM

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