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Tis the Season
Thoughtful Americans spend this time each year counting their blessings. Living out one's life in the US affords one incredible well being. Not only do we celebrate our blessings but, this is the time when we focus on the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Life is sweet. We have the best of everything. The only problem with that is owing to the absence of a basis of comparison, or being insulated from same by short sighted government, successive generations do not understand how well they actually have it, and that is as contrasted to any place on earth. Therefore, it is my observation that the American public has become jaded and rather unthankful. In fact, everybody wants everything, and is this not the mantra of the Obama Administration as they blame all ills on lack of substance? Contrast that against the attitudes of those who were lucky enough to survive the great tribulations of WW2. Those folks had a smile on their face every day, as compared to the horrors of war, rising up early every day to meet the challenges of this work-a-day world in order to provide for their families was a privilege, not a burden. Hence the argument for equality of opportunity, over the twisted notion of financial inequality.

Unfortunately this jading of American sensibilities has had an equally destructive affect on our heralded systems of justice and governance. The more each individual focuses all his energies on personal gratification over personal responsibility, the more society's ills have taken root. This has had the effect of causing "the people" to abandon their sacred duties of self governance. They don't have the time or the inclination. In fact, the only effort those involved, who constitute a woefully insufficient minority BTW, will put forth is to vote, and in consideration of said vote the most they will put forth by way of vetting candidates is to identify the candidate's party affiliation. Thus we find ourselves in the mess our own civic sloth has created. Recent events have revealed all too clearly that devoid of civic oversight in the form of self government, no 'one' party may be trusted with managing our destinies.

There is all of a sudden, a ray of hope however. Lou Dobbs pointed that out last night on his broadcast. According to him, the upper echelons of the Republican leadership may finally be waking up to the reality that they are beholden to their to date, AWOL constituents. And again, according to Dobbs, we have one Donald J Trump to thank for it. He represents without fear, the point of view of the voter. And should he be elected, he gives every indication that he will remain beholden to them for the direction of governance his administration would take. If Dobbs is correct, visions of the sun coming up over a long dark and barren landscape come to mind. One can only hope!

At any rate, if this thing called self governance has awakened within the hearts of the citizens of this land, we may well see at least a temporary reprieve. I really hope this is true, because the evil that looks about to befall mankind can be stymied if America awakens to her God given role on the world stage. (Existential threat has a way of opening one's eyes) The founders, who I believe were influenced and guided by Godly intent, set up an incredibly efficient mechanism of government, which may well have the power to fix it's own broken inner workings. When such occasions rise, the power of free speech, in which national ailments can be exposed to the people, and through which, congressional debate and the elective process take place as guaranteed under the Constitution, this nation has an opportunity in that time of need to heal itself. Albeit according to the will of the people.

In short, what we have seen of late are the throes of survival any free people must endure in an ongoing fashion. We must remain vigilant if our culture is to have any hope of survival. On the contrary, it would seem to me that there have been those among us, many of them in high office, who have given most of their energy in an effort to sing us to even deeper slumber, asking Americans to merely trust them to give us what we need. Finally, according to Dobbs, Trump has managed to "wake us back up", to counter the lullabies being sung by the left.
Messages In This Thread
Tis the Season - by TheRealThing - 12-17-2015, 08:49 PM
Tis the Season - by Granny Bear - 12-17-2015, 09:13 PM

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