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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa
Truth Wrote:The Urban Sombrero is a perfect example of why the death of Justice Scalia is so devastating to the future of the United States. Obama will obviously nominate (not appoint as the liberal media spins) a radical misfit who will espouse the philosophy of fools like him and his ignorant followers like The Urban Sombrero.

The "new court" will steadfastly support the increased influence of abortionists, homosexuals, criminals, illegal aliens, welfare kings and queens, secularists, minorities of all flavors, and various and sundry fringe groups. Who will suffer? Obviously, the main group that will suffer is traditional Christians who believe in absolutes. Taxpayers won't fare well. Neither will victims of crime.

Who is at fault? Above all, it is the multitude of fools who elected an anti-American abomination like Obama. For those who are appalled by the arrogance and stupidity of this piece of excrement, The Urban Sombrero, keep in mind that many of you caused this situation by voting as you did.

Yes. The United States as you know and love it likely died Saturday and the USSC is likely corrupted for the remainder of most of your lives. As one who has taught constitutional law for many years, I can honestly state that as a fact.

I can accept what you have said in the form of an indictment of America. When I say things like I am about to say, many times I get the 'roll eyes' for having done so. However, in the day of the soon coming calamity, such statements will get nods of acceptance.

Those who study Scripture are familiar with the fact that the Israel of the Old Testament lived in an endless cycle of repentance and backsliding. The reason is because every successive generation rejects the wisdom of the one before. The youth of all peoples follow this same pattern of rejecting the wisdom of their elders as passé and non-applicable. And just as reliably, every time Israel turned her back on God, calamity fell upon them. Unbelievably in the case of Israel, God took the extraordinary step (or steps) of warning His people. If the continued to ignore His law, judgment was coming, and this message or warning was made clearly and without potential for misunderstanding through the prophets. And what did the people of Israel do with this vital information? The did what the present generation is doing, they blew it off.

The mistake I have made in my life is to assume that because I knew the truth, and have repeated the truth often to those around me, that they would accept it and incorporate that precious knowledge into their own lives. Well guess what? It don't happen exactly that way. Though some of it sticks, most does not, and as a consequence the appropriate lumps are administered by the dean of the school of hard knocks. This truth, the fact that man suffers a generational moral drop off, is what King Solomon was trying to get across in
Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 (KJV)
9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."
10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after."

We fail to get the message across to our youth, and they are susceptible to being led astray. That is how America has so soon forgotten the hard lessons of WW2, the formula to economic success of the recent past, and the spiritual ramifications associated with the moral readjudication of God's Word. (Such as in the case of legalizing the homosexual lifestyle by the SCOTUS, or what may be surprising to some, abortion on demand and affirmative action) There is a reason that man writhes in travail and that is because he never, and I mean never learns. This idea therefore, espoused and preached by the Obama Administration which holds that man is evolving is absurd then, on its face. Rather, he is instead mutating and becoming even more perverse and resistant to God's rule.

The great ones such as Justice Scalia and others who led this nation from the dark days of WW2 and the boom times of the Regan/Clinton era, are either dying off, or fading into retirement. Those who have filled their shoes thus far, have been inferior in every way, and I fear that is just one more validation to those who say we live in the final days of God's prophetic timetable. So, the Sombrero and others like him who can't wait to dismantle the viability of the Constitution, all the while denying the credibility of our traditional conservative values and our Christian roots, may live to see their dream fulfilled.

The nightmarish fortunes of the apocalypse are upon us IMHO. And frankly, there may not be much that I can do to slow it's approach. But, I can say that I intend to go down fighting (in the spiritual sense) because that is what I believe the Lord would have me do. Things may be out of hand, but right is still right, and ours' is to run the race with patience.
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Supreme Court Justice Scalia dies during hunting trip in Marfa - by TheRealThing - 02-15-2016, 05:16 PM

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