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Trumps Running Mate...?
I have no idea who a loose cannon like Trump might choose as his VP. I certainly hope that if he offers the position to Ted Cruz that Cruz declines. For a younger politician like Rubio or Cruz who have presidential aspirations, risking association with a failed administration would be foolish, IMO. If Rubio loses his home state of Florida, then he would not bring much to the ticket anyway.

Trump's best bet would to offer the position a seasoned moderate such as Colin Powell or Condi Rice, who might be content of never running for president themselves.

The most obvious choice would be John Kasich, assuming that he wins the Ohio Republican primary. Kasich is already playing the spoiler role for Trump and hoping to negotiate his way onto the ticket at the convention. Kasich is also old enough to retire if the Trump presidency goes south, which I expect it would.
Messages In This Thread
Trumps Running Mate...? - by Spirit100 - 03-13-2016, 01:59 PM
Trumps Running Mate...? - by Hoot Gibson - 03-13-2016, 06:36 PM
Trumps Running Mate...? - by 64SUR - 03-13-2016, 09:50 PM

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