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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Supporting equal protection under the law extended to all citizens is not sin. Supporting the right to peaceful protest is not sin. Is loving the sinner co-equal to loving the sin? That's a form of zeal God will not own, a form of either/or thinking that has the appearance of "for God" but actually contradicts the Spirit.

The United States was not designed to be governed as a Christian Church. It was designed to allow a Christian Church to govern itself, within its own beliefs, free of interference from government.

You might be able to sell that bull on the other site you frequent (and freely plagiarize) but not on here. You don't know what you support because you don't understand what you're talking about in the first place. Just another frothing lib who thinks his is to correct every thing and everybody, and that includes the Constitution AND God no less.

The second paragraph is revisionist lies even you could never have swallowed apart from the benefit of the liberal money puke you use to wash them down.
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Godspeed to Congressman, Aide & Capitol Officers Shot in VA - by TheRealThing - 06-19-2017, 04:36 PM

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