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Cancel white people
Cardfan1 Wrote:Are you kidding?

But you are the dude that believes Confederates were Americans who rebelled, but not traitors.

You must live in a basement, and are in definite need of an education.

How in the hell does white privilege not exist when this country has spent 400 years oppressing Black people either by slavery, violence, oppression, violation of civil rights, or just basic systemic racism?

I’ll admit I’m not qualified to give you an education on this subject, but you need to reach out and do better; it’s undeniable.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:As I said, you are a racist. As a white liberal, you victimize black Americans by constantly telling them that they cannot succeed because of racism. Yet, immigrants of all races and from all over the world fight to get into this country to take advantage of our freedom and opportunities.

From the inception of mankind on planet earth, the world was prone to enslave people. The world still enslaves people even today, upwards of 40 million of them.

We don't do that in this country, (enslave people). Why? Because we know it is wrong and immoral, and how do we know that" Because back in 1862 fresh off of a Civil War of which had it's bane of contention firmly rooted in the practice of slavery, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. A signature born of a war that spilled enough American blood to float the USS Lexington to use for the signing ceremony. It took a while for the moral reality to sink in, but as of the 1960's Americans had made peace with each other. The different factions of our society had not only learned to embrace all of mankind, more notably perhaps, America led the world in bringing all the civilized nations to that same awareness of equality in deference to their Creator. But as Caesar famously said, all peace is fleeting, and though dead at the time, Cardfan's comrades-in-arms, the Al Sharpton's and George Soros' of this world, managed to pull off a resurgence of racism. And aided today by the able though illegal assistance of Democrat Governors of this land, race riots and anarchy of all forms once again threaten to plunge the US into an existential spiral of self destructive violence.

But frankly, this idea that bias goes only one way is as ludicrous as it is dishonest. All races have had their suspicions and dislikes of each other across time. Deciding to be socially inclusive is a two way street between everybody. There are supposedly four major racial groups on earth. But no two countries are really sweethearts. Countries have fought each other since the flood. If one were to take war out of the conversation the countries of Europe wouldn't have anything to write in the history books. Cain slew his brother Abel. The sons of Ishmael have always hated the Jew. Germany despised France. Heck, take something as trivial as football and basketball rivalries at the high school level in this land. Games... not land, not disputes over mineral rights or the like but games, have created life long enemies out of the adult parents of high school athletes who live 200 feet from each other separated only by an invisible school district boundary line. The natural man is biased, and he is sinful.

But congratulations there Cardfan you're still 0-fer. Just going by your BGR comments, I don't know that you've ever been on the right side of any political, social, or religious issue.

If America were racist, and if white privilege did exist you explain to me how we have allowed over 30 million Latino's to illegally cross the border in defiance of immigration law, get good jobs and raise families here in the US? Even to the point where President Trump very publicly and generously offered to give nearly 2 million Dreamers a path to citizenship?

The vast majority of Americans, white Americans, have nothing but respect and admiration for anybody who is a go-getter. I know, I employed these folks myself for years. And I can tell you that they are as extremely well treated as they are liked by their American co-workers. And I'm not the only one in my family who can make that statement. I have brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, and brothers and sisters who can say the same thing without the slightest hint of fudging.

White privilege does not exist systemically in this land. Another point. Millions of white male children sport jersey's of their favorite athletes here in America. From David Ortiz, to Michael Jordan, to Alex Rodriquez, to James LeBron. White privilege is a lie. But with you, what else is new?
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Cancel white people - by Cardfan1 - 08-05-2020, 02:02 PM
Cancel white people - by TheRealThing - 08-05-2020, 03:06 PM
Cancel white people - by Hoot Gibson - 08-05-2020, 06:10 PM

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