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Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November
I saw the acceptance speech last night. Biden did prove he can read a teleprompter with some degree of effectiveness. Some observations having conceded that---

Biden never once set foot in Wisconsin, which of course was the site of this year's Democrat Convention. I watched his eyes throughout the speech, and I can tell you that he was fixated on only one teleprompter. Usually there are as many as 4, so that the speaker can adjust his gaze from left right forward and left to right broadly, as any good speaker will do.

Now, I've watched Biden since the days of his assault on Judge Bork, and I can tell you that that mannerism is not vintage Biden. He's normally much more personal and makes eye contact. I have no doubt that Biden's speech writer handlers drilled him, perhaps for the several days prior to his 'appearance' to get him ready. In fact, since Biden's speech was prerecorded and delivered virtually, I have no doubt that he actually made his acceptance speech any number of times, (all of which being on video tape of course) with the best among those having been sent along to the DNC. As in any tapped TV appearance, this tactic would have allowed his handlers the time to do as many 'takes' as was necessary in order to get a view worthy performance put together.

As to FOX News and their alleged conservative stance on news delivery. FOX is not predominately conservative, a fact I have attempted on more than one occasion to convey. As to the Fox anchor's reviews of the speech--- always basing his opinion and citing the political dynamics of a bygone era, Brit Hume for example, has an affection for the establishment and globalism. Chris Wallace like his father before him and on whose coat tails he rides, is a Democrat. Brett Baier says he's an independent, but I know a Dem when I hear one. Juan Williams would have loved anything Biden said and Dana Perino says whatever is politically correct. You take Fox and Friends and the late evening shows off of FOX News and it would pass for a liberal network, and Fox Business is certainly not far behind. Therefore given any reasonable Biden performance, I knew the anchors assigned would praise same. No surprise at all in that.

I know Democrats want to stand up for their Party. But for Biden supporters to reduce the valid concerns of those who've watched the public and impromptu performances of Joe Biden for the past couple of years to 'playing the dementia card' doesn't even make sense. He does manifest broken and detached speech patterns. And the old go-to's of the past Joe once just dialed up and put out there without really having to think about it, are no longer accessible in the moment. That's why he becomes rattled so easily and is forced to make so many inartful bailouts when speaking. He simply has to stay tethered to the teleprompter to stay believable. That means no reporter questioning and no un-handled moments. I just don't see the tactic working for a majority of the electorate.
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RE: Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November - by TheRealThing - 08-21-2020, 12:10 PM

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