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Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November
(08-22-2020, 09:36 PM)Van Hagar Wrote: At least there is certainly some legitimate intimacy in the Biden household. Melania, God Bless her, is clearly the most miserable human being on the face of the earth. And you continue to rant about mail-in voting. But you have yet to contribute one shred of evidence as to why it will be fraudulent, just your opinion on what will happen. Back it up. Everyone with half a brain knows Trump and DeJoy’s attack on the postal service is to set up a convenient alibi in defeat, because the poll numbers are so bad for him right now. Trump says he won’t accept the results of a primarily mail-in election. So if we have one, and he wins, (and he certainly could, he overcame bad polling numbers last time) that means he won’t accept the victory, right? And you will support that position, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Sure I have, it's just that you won't accept the plain truth. The next fight the Dems have cued is to use ballot drop boxes. Heck, even Venezuela doesn't have ballot drop boxes.

Under US voting law which the left evidently despises, only duly registered US citizens can vote. Dems (shocker) who have fought hammer and tong to disallow voter ID; had already been trying to get around legal voting for decades. The argument now is to let anyone who happens to be in the US, legally or not, to vote. Voting is a privilege and an honor reserved for legal, registered US citizens. The only reason Dems want to argue about it is because they feel they need to cheat to win. End of story. Well, that and the fact that their hatred of conservative values makes them feel justified in playing dirty.

But Nicolás Maduro Moros could mail-in hundreds of ballots if he so desired. And he wouldn't even have to worry about coming to America, mail-in ballots from outside the US are legal now as well. Problem solved. If China and Russia and all the other dictator led rogue nations want to vote, according to you guys, let them have at it. The wolf is at the door and the left is fighting with all they have to throw that door open. Shred of evidence? If you were standing on the Kentucky Natural Bridge and I told you to be careful about getting too close to the edge would I have to prove a 200 foot fall would hurt you? I would ask where common sense has gone but I don't have to.

2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
"10 It will happen with every sort of wicked deception of those who are heading toward destruction because they have refused to love the truth that would allow them to be saved. 11 This is why God will send them an influence that will mislead them so that they will believe the lie. 12 The result will be that everyone will be judged who is not convinced by the truth but is happy with injustice."
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RE: Post Office/Kentucky Plans on voting in November - by TheRealThing - 08-23-2020, 12:15 PM

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