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Virus why so polorized
(09-03-2020, 08:20 PM)vector Wrote: first you need to listen and read what he says about the payroll tax
this is what he says "IF relected i will terminate the payroll tax"
it will be paid out of the general fund P.S. better start doing maintance on the printing machines
but all jokes aside why does he want to do away with the payroll tax ?
because this is the ONE tax the businesses have to pay all of the other taxes they have either eliminated
or reduced just look at the tax revenue and see where it comes from and Donald would
benefit BIGLY from the payroll tax eliminated i know you are all in for your Dear Leader but just
look around he inherited a growing economy now it's as bad as the great depression or maybe worse
listen and read just exactly what your Dear Leader says

"If I'm victorious on Nov. 3, I plan to forgive these taxes and
make permanent cuts to the payroll tax," Trump said.
"I'm going to make them all permanent."

SS is funded with the payroll tax if you do not earn enough credits then you will not recieve benefits
you said and i quote "Democrats, (who have sworn to take funds from SS and
give them to people who contribute not a dime)
That's a LIE unless you are counting the spouses who has not worked

SSI is financed by general funds of the U.S. Treasury--personal income taxes,
corporate and other taxes. Social Security taxes collected under the Federal
Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) or the Self-Employment Contributions Act
(SECA) do not fund the SSI program.,

i didn't say there was no riots during Obama's years i said we have not seen riots like
the ones today since the 60's another spin by the spinmaster

i see you have given up on the humongous debt your Dear Leader
has added in a SHORT time 3 years and 6 months

i will agree what you said if Donald hadn't put the China ban on it probaly did save some
lifes but just think how many he could of saved if he took it serious at the beginning
i will cut him some slack on that but when the second wave hit after memorial day that's
all on Donald 165,000 Americans Dead could you imagine if this would of happened
under a democrat president i mean like i said you Sh!t your pants over Benghazi

have you ever notice this is becoming a trend the repbulicans say you are safer when
they are in charge but that's not what the numbers show 9/11,Afghanistan,Iraq and now Covid 19
all happened with a republican in the white house

And YES this is Donald's America

I will correct you one last time and then I'm done with the silliness for now. When the government takes payroll taxes out of your check they're taking money that you've made. You do understand that fact don't you? Democrats have been taking funds which under past budgets were designated for SS for decades. That's why the Social Security system is under financial duress in the first place. Or did that fact get past you as well?

Able bodied people who don't work these days, significantly outnumber those who do work to pay the bills. And those people who don't work get checks, free housing, food, health care and everything else lined up on the smorgasbord of free goodies, and they are depleting at an ever increasing rate the money that is left. Money that should have gone to Social Security, Medicare, and all forms of discretionary spending is gone. Supposedly you work-- so a very sizable portion of your weekly check goes to pay for people who do not work, but nonetheless have no trouble finding the energy and time to go burn and plunder the resources of this land. At any rate, the money Uncle Sam promised you and which the Social Security Administration should be managing for you in safe keeping for your retirement, will instead be in the pockets of the looter you're so proud of.

If you can overlook the fact that Dems have OPENLY called for lawlessness in our streets (and you obviously can) you ought to be embarrassed and ashamed. Further, none of these so-called protestors have right on their side. NONE. This land held a free and fair election in 2016, possibly the last of it's kind BTW, and the people elected Donald J Trump as their President. Your side refused to accept that and since election eve have led insurrection against that half of the people and this Administration. And in doing so have left a trail of burned out buildings, destroyed businesses and ruined lives. Even worse that trail is dotted with far more than a few dead bodies, not you seem to put any particular import on that. The President has been the victim of false legal charges, illegal investigations.

His political opponents have lied their heads off, resisted him at every turn, and generally made the US the laughing stock of the civilized world. On top of that you don't seem to be able to figure out that even if these same paramilitary thugs, trained and armed with the courage to commit the unthinkable without a second's remorse, do actually get the President they want the violence, property destruction, mayhem and murder are now a way of life for them. Apocalyptic style mobs roam the streets of Portland, Chicago, New York, Kenosha Wisconsin every night. Nobody goes to those places anymore, people and families are bailing out left and right. And the mobs sure won't lay down and behave once MR Trump's term is fulfilled, can you not understand that? So welcome yourself--- to the world of lawlessness that your ilk created for yourselves there vector. You haven't started to regret it all yet but IMHO you will. Big time.
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