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FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace
Following the debate, I hope my conservative friends across this nation have finally come to their senses about FOX and certain of their news anchors and the groupies in orbit around them there at the news agency. In this case, Chris Wallace. Inexplicably Wallace, who is about as left as they come, continues to enjoy 'sacred cow' status among a large segment of conservative leaning media. In fact, Kiron Skinner was just on the Varney and Co show moments ago and attempted to 'out' Wallace for his biased line of questioning and for "inserting himself into the debate, creating a debate between himself and the President." During the debate Wallace's thinly veiled disapproval had been evident in his over the top criticisms of MR Trump, which by way of comparison, made Candace Crowley's 2nd debate collaborative shenanigans against Mitt Romney seem almost excusable. Now I like Varney. But Varney felt compelled to defend Wallace, out of a sense of fraternity or something. Skinner had it just right in my view, and MR Varney's errant rebuff of MRS Skinner for calling Wallace out to that end, just goes to show the privilege to which many of the more established media imagine themselves to be entitled. And the degree to which their own un assessed biases bear on factual analysis.

Immediately after the debate even Neil Cavuto, who is certainly no friend of the President, said that his team had charted Wallace's interruptions of the two candidates, and found that Wallace had interrupted Trump 37 more times than he had Biden. And maybe somebody could explain to me why Wallace would ask the President to denounce white supremacists while letting Biden completely off the hook by not asking him to denounce the riots and the antagonist organizations like Antifa and BLM? No white supremacists have been out taking the streets by storm, committing all sort of mayhem, looting and burning down towns and major cities, and destroying thousands of small businesses and the lives of their owners, and/or assaulting and making terroristic threats to Trump rally goers to include even the like of sitting Senator Rand Paul, or setting fire to the residences of people with Trump signs in their yards that I know of. AFWIW, MR Trump is on record clearly condemning white supremacists more than once during his tenure. Most notably after the events in Charlotte. The cheerleaders of the mayhem, many of them Dem members of the US Congress, are openly calling for the people to 'rise up' in even more civil unrest. And in representation of all that they stand for and call for who is their candidate? Joe Biden. But it was softball all night out of Wallace for him.

Wallace did manage to ask MR Trump about the NYT story (for which there is no documentation in support BTW) about his having paid only 750 dollars in income taxes for the 2 years preceding his election. Even pressed him a number of times on how much he'd paid by way of income tax for 2 years in particular. To which Trump said "millions." There are however, the actual recovered bank records in existence to prove Hunter Biden got a wire transfer for several million dollars from the Mayor of Moscow of all places. Yet Wallace refused to ask a thing about it, even allowing MR Trump's statement about Biden's having been the one who'd come up with the idea to prosecute Lt Gen Michael Flynn in that now famous Oval Office meeting during which the plans to launch the Russia Hoax were set in motion.
Messages In This Thread
FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by TheRealThing - 10-01-2020, 01:12 PM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by WideRight05 - 10-01-2020, 02:13 PM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by TheRealThing - 10-01-2020, 08:25 PM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by WideRight05 - 10-02-2020, 10:35 AM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by Spirit100 - 10-04-2020, 10:48 AM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by Hoot Gibson - 10-08-2020, 08:41 PM
RE: FOX NEWS' Chris Wallace - by TheRealThing - 10-12-2020, 11:04 PM

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