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A Republic Ma'am, if You Can Keep It.
(11-27-2020, 02:35 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(11-27-2020, 01:52 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: The argument you attempt to make is not your own. It comes from the left and is grounded not in concern for the black folks who have long since departed this earth, rather it is grounded in their desire to see the land destroyed as I outlined in the thread starter. Which BTW had nothing to do with slavery, but since playing the race card is about all the cannon fodder your side ever has, I understand why you led with that. I will play along briefly.

The United States fought a civil war over slavery. Abraham Lincoln (Republican for the record) led the fight to free the slaves and abolish the practice of slavery at great cost. And who was it that contested the freeing of the slaves vector? Democrats. Who afterwards having been defeated, revised the historical record and blamed Republicans. Can't you see the pattern here? Slaves, Katrina, WMD's, CV-19?

The Lord Himself allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to remove the Jewish people to Babylon, enslaving them and forcing them to serve himself. In a world where the slave  ca which stopped and faced herself to question the practice of slavery. It was America who led the world in the abolishment of slavery. And to that end it is America to whom the world owes a debt of gratitude for her lead and sacrifice to that end.

I have no doubt that in your case, doubt is the overwhelming factor in your thought processes.
well the republicans today especially in the south where democrats before LBJ passed the civil rights act and desegregation are not the same republicans during the civil war 
if you think they are then why did the democrats controlled the south before LBJ ?
and after LBJ they switched to republicans
and as far as slavery the verse i quoted is pretty simple to understand no doubt the founding fathers was religious but is was more of freedom of religion any religion they wanted to practice or they just cheery pick what ever they believed in
but don't try to tell me the republicans in the south are the same as during the civil war
and i do see your pattern of thinking when a republican in charge you see nothing but good
when a democrat in charge you see nothing but bad it's not that hard to see just look at your old posts
Liar. The Democrat Party is the same party that it was when it was formed. Democrats have always been the party that resorted to violence to win political battles, They have gone from intimidating and suppressing black votes through the Ku Klux Klan to intimidating and suppressing Republican votes through Black Lives Matter and Antifa. They rigged the 1960 election and they rigged the 2020 election. Election fraud has been a Democrat tradition for generations.

The mainstream media and Big Tech has imposed a news blackout to maximize Democrat rage in the event that the Supreme Court tosses out hundreds of thousands of illegally counted votes. They are obviously attempting to influence the Supreme Court through the threat of violence.
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