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A Republic Ma'am, if You Can Keep It.
The responses in this thread are an excellent example of the kind of revisionist blather of which the left have been guilty for time immemorial.

The Republican Party started out as the Anti-Nebraska movement in 1854.  Abraham Lincoln a life-long and staunch Whig, became attracted to the Republican party and joined in 1856. He was elected President on Nov 6, 1860. The Civil War started on April 12, 1861. Lincoln became a Republican because he disagreed bitterly with the Whig backed proposed expansion of Kansas or Nebraska coming into the union as a potential slave state. And in 1857 the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision sealed the deal on that front for MR Lincoln.

The Republican Party formed because people of conscience abhorred slavery. But when Abraham Lincoln joined, the Party began to more overtly take on the convictions of Lincoln, who as mentioned, went on to become President in 1860. The Republicans ARE the Party of Lincoln who like Ronald Reagan, had a profound change of heart regarding his party affiliation. Further, the opponents of the Republican's efforts to recognize blacks under the auspices of the constitutional clause "all men are created equal," were the Democrats. End of story.

And mrtvtimeout, scholastically, you are one 'fundamentally' flawed individual.
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