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Rep. Greene to Submit Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden
(01-15-2021, 08:49 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 06:31 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 06:03 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Couple of issues or 5.   

1.  Marjorie Taylor Green has to make it there.
      She was a part of the Sedition Caucus, and possibly could have been involved with the insurrection.

2.  She has to be re-elected.
    That's a lot considering the Qanon stuff she has signed on to is in direct correlation to treason.

3.  GOP has to swing the House.  That could be a big task with the GOP splitting in twain. 

4.  The Senate will swing more blue.  Republicans have more contested seats, and some poor candidates that have to defend their actions.

5.  So she wants President Kamala Harris?
Greene is not the issue. Democrats nominated a criminal. Accepting bribes and extorting the Ukrainian government to fire a prosecutor to protect his son's company are impeachable offenses. As soon as Democrats control of the House, Biden will be impeached. You can count on it.

Look closely at the poll that you posted. Congress is very unpopular. That is why so many Republican newcomers were elected and why Democrats lost so many seats. I have shown you solid evidence, in addition to the 2020 House and Senate election results, that this is a center-right nation. Already, Pelosi and the Democrats have continued their political persecution of Donald Trump, which almost cost them control in the last election. Now, it is put up or shut up time, and what Democrats are offering will not be well received by conservative Republican or moderate Democrats.

The impeachment case will be a very easy one to make -  it will practically write itself.

Congress as whole  has been unpopular for years. 

But most believe their Congressman is not complicit in the crookery. 

Hooter, there is pre-Election Day and then there will be Jan 6th and after which will destroy the GOP. 

GOP needs to focus on not being expelled and going to jail and not a Biden impeachment.
The GOP is not focused on Biden's impeachment at all but they can walk and chew gum at the same time. Besides, most of us believe that it is very unlikely that Biden will be president for more than a few months. Harris and the Democrats will throw him under the bus at the first good opportunity. So, just in case he is not around, hopefully Trump will leave some loyalists around so that a dossier of Kamala's crimes as VP can be compiled. Democrats have really made a mistake impeaching Trump twice with no evidence of a crime. They will pay for that mistake sooner or later.
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RE: Rep. Greene to Submit Articles of Impeachment Against Joe Biden - by Hoot Gibson - 01-15-2021, 09:04 PM

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