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The Cas Walker Thread: Never Heard of Him? ... You Need To !!!
Cas served as Mayor of Knoxville from 1946  until 1946 . Yep, that's right, Cas was less than a year into his term when he was recalled, the only recall election in Knoxville's history.  Hard to imagine Cas pissing off that many people, huh?  Cas actually won a city council seat within a year after being fired as mayor. Cas fought against Sunday movie showings(His groceries were always open on Sundays. I guess he wanted people shopping for groceries and not watching movies), fluoridated water, liquor sales, parking meters, and daylight savings time.  

Here's Cas provoking a fist fight with a fellow council member at a  Knoxville City Council meeting in 1956. Something to do with property tax assessments, I think. Who knows, could be over one of his watermelon billboards?


What ever happened  to never hitting a guy wearing glasses???

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