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SHOULD Trump be (1)Tried and (2) Convicted in the Senate ???
I find the opinion of 150 lawyers claiming to be from different "political persuasions" not persuasive at all. Many Republicans, including many lawyers, are vehemently anti-Trump, including those aligned with Project Lincoln. Also, there is no shortage of lawyers claiming to be constitutional experts who are not. Former President Obama is an example of such a lawyer.

The fact that all 222 Democrat Representatives voted to impeach Trump in the most recent impeachment vote and 230 of 233 Democrats voted to impeach him the first time is persuasive evidence to me that the impeachments and trials have nothing to do with justice.

How many of you have actual read the transcript of Trump's Ukrainian phone call? How many of you listened to Trump's entire speech on 6 January? How many of you have read the incriminating Hunter Biden emails and listened to the allegations made by Hunter Biden's former business partners implicating Joe Biden in an influence peddling scheme? How many of you bothered to watch Joe Biden brag about using $1 billion dollars of American aid to coerce Ukraine into firing the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden and his employer, Burisma? 

Why do I ask these questions? Because no honest person could possibly understand how much evidence of corruption there is against Joe Biden, support Trump's first impeachment, and oppose impeaching Biden.

I did listen to Trump's recent speech and it contained no call for violence. Yet, the House impeached Trump despite the fact that no investigation had been completed into the events of 6 January. Subsequent investigation revealed that pipe bombs were planted in DNC and RNC headquarters on the day before Trump's rally and there was advanced planning of the Capitol attack before the rally by groups not related to Trump.

I have never witnessed anything close to the political bias of liberals who participate in this forum. It is disgusting and it is the kind of bias that threatens all of our constitutional rights. I understand that Democrats are afraid that Trump will be elected to a second term. They believe that they are justified in taking any kind of action necessary to ensure that he cannot run for the office again. The reason is that the type of people running the Democrat Party cannot win a fair national election. Maybe eventually the near monopoly that liberals have on our media, Big Tech, and education system will allow enough voters to be transformed into socialist zombies but we are not there yet.

So what can liberals do to win fair elections faster? Open our southern border and put citizenship for illegals on a fast track. So, that is what Joe Biden plans to do, despite the pandemic. Liberals plan to flood this country with even more illegals that we already have, bribe them with federal benefits, and grant them citizenship ASAP.

Trump and his supporters represent the only resistance to the real insurrection of the United States, which is the cynical plan to import Democrat votes from Mexico and Central American countries.
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RE: SHOULD Trump be (1)Tried and (2) Convicted in the Senate ??? - by Hoot Gibson - 01-31-2021, 09:23 PM

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