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Mitch McConnell's "Lock Him Up" Speech
(02-14-2021, 06:36 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(02-14-2021, 05:28 PM)vector#1 Wrote:
(02-14-2021, 03:50 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(02-14-2021, 12:21 PM); Old School Hound Wrote:
(02-14-2021, 12:06 PM)TheRealThing Wrote: Mitch got what he deserved. He and Paul Ryan collaborated to work against the Trump Presidency from day one. Hoot said McConnell is a snake but no more than Ryan. Voters could see through that facade from the early days, and even then many media types predicted McConnell would pay for his betrayals.

The losers are the Republican Conference and their supporters. The ultimate losers are all Americans because even if the election wasn't rigged, it might as well have been. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

You're right, TRT, Mitch and Pauley were never in the Trump camp. Mitch pretended because that's what he does. Hoot is right, Mitch is a snake . But he's more clever than the snake in the Garden of Eden(did I just compare him to Satan?) He is easily one of the shrewdest(and most self-serving) politicians in my lifetime. People underestimate that bastard at their own peril.

Total transparency. I made the switch to the Republican side during the Reagan years and thought I had left all or most of the lying deceit and getting played behind. In the preceding election I had voted for Jimmy Carter. A good man who didn't really understand economics and I believe, got thoroughly manipulated by his liberal advisors.

But soon I realized that Capital Hill is just another collection of self absorbed snobs whose lives and actions are governed largely by peer pressure; but who walk around acting more like monarchs than 535 public servants. Conservatives have no more of a safe haven by automatic votes for Republicans, than blue collar America can depend on Democrats to provide good jobs. A little aside on that; when Dems first started claiming they 'created' jobs, the entire media horse laughed them to scorn. Supply and demand creates jobs. The three main groups being courted by the Dems of the 60's were organized labor (who Dems have always played for suckers and used as a pinata), women, and the black community. Now they just say all Republicans are rich greedy white men who callously care for nothing except themselves.

Mitch did pretend with Trump. Going simple majority on judges was the one thing he did to work with the administration. But shrewd as he is, in going against Trump he still brought down his own house because I don't think he saw the loss of Majority Leader in the tea leaves.
Looks like we can agree on one thing "Supply and demand creates jobs"
The problem is you think give everything to the top and it will trickle down it doesn't we have tried that for 40 years and what has it accomplished ? No more middle class 
Before Reagan we had a strong middle class in this country after 40 years of trickle down Reagan voodoo economics it's just about gone

It is the redistribution of wealth which has nearly completely finished destroying the middle class. In a word, taxes. And while you have denied what what has gone on right in front of your eyes; your Dem heroes have been both arsonist and fireman. Then you come on here explaining it all with the same 50 year old union parroted baloney that your grandfather swallowed. The only economic turnaround that went any faster than the one Reagan presided over was that of one DJT.
70% of our economy is consumer driven so in simple terms it's a consumer driven economy not top driven economy
Give more to the consumer they will spend more which equals more jobs your voodoo doesn't work 40 years of a failed experiment
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RE: Mitch McConnell's "Lock Him Up" Speech - by vector#1 - 02-14-2021, 07:07 PM

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