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13th Region and Mountain Basketball Trivia
48 years ago on this very evening, Feb. 15, 1973,  a game took place between a 13th region school and a tiny Quaker school of 55 students from Tennessee that gained national attention. Media from across the country took notice. Why?  Because the Tennessee high school team had amassed a losing streak that had reached a staggering 138 games, a streak spanning six long years.  Richard Nixon was president on this night but the Tennessee school had not tasted victory since the Lyndon Johnson administration and the Monkees were singing "Last Train to Clarksville."  There was no taking a train to Clarksville on that night, as the tiny gym in Friendsville, south of Oak Ridge, was filled to capacity in hopes of watching  the nation's longest losing streak come to an end.  And that's exactly what happened , as the home team came away with a 62-43 win, setting off a wild post-game celebration. According to an article the next day in the NY Times, "the game ended with a riot scene in the gym."  Walter Cronkite reported the outcome of the game on his CBS evening newscast the next night.  While one long losing streak came to an end that night, another one continued. It was the 49th consecutive loss for the 13th region school.

Can you name the 13th region school that lost this game that still lives in infamy nearly fifty years since it was played?
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RE: 13th Region and Mountain Basketball Trivia - by Old School Hound - 02-15-2021, 10:09 PM

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