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RIP Republican Party Hello Patriot Party
(02-19-2021, 08:20 PM)Old School Hound Wrote:
(02-19-2021, 06:45 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-19-2021, 06:21 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: Wasn't it Ted that called Donald a liar and a coward?   Hello pot meet kettle...   This is one creepy guy.  Seriously, there are people who actually checked the box next to his name on a ballot. Scary world we live in...

It is hilarious but sad watching people who voted for Joe Biden, one of the most dishonest human beings of our time, calling Ted Cruz dishonest. It was Donald Trump who tagged Cruz "Lying Ted," and Marco Rubio supported Trump's smear. You and the two comrades obviously do not remember or never knew the truth. Cruz was actually tough on immigration before Trump gave it a second thought. Rubio was one of the "Gang of Eight" and as soft on immigration as most Democrats. Rubio claimed that Cruz's immigration policy was the same as his own. Seizing on an opportunity to undermine one of Cruz's strengths, Trump began calling Cruz "Lying Ted," with Rubio's support. But, hey, don't let the truth get in the way of demonizing the most intelligent member of Congress.

The thing that I have noticed about Democrats on this forum, and most Democrats in general is that they almost never criticize members of their own party, no matter how stupid or how dishonest they are. If I were a Democrat, I would be even more embarrassed to be a member of a party having AOC, Talib, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Adam Schiff, et al., than I am to be in the same party as Mitch McConnell. The turtle is a slimy crook and I eagerly await his retirement, but he is not a moron. How do you people sleep at night, knowing how many dimwits you have empowered with your votes?

I have noticed that the media has collaborated and decided that after helping assassinate Trump's character, that Cruz is the next big threat - and the obedient BGR Democrats have fallen in behind them. It really is pathetic to watch how little thought goes into some of your posts and how little patriotism exists on the left.

Hoot, I agree with you about Mitch on both accounts. Yes, he is a slimy crook and he is definitely not a moron. He's one of the shrewdest politicians in my lifetime. Very smart man.  There are some in the Democratic Party that I like better than others. I don't put a great amount of faith in any politician, from any party. There are a few( and getting fewer by the year) Republicans that I respect because I believe they are truly principled in their beliefs(Romney, Sasse, Kasich, among a few others). I'm somewhat lukewarm on Joe, primarily because I think he is too conciliatory towards the opposition, although his razor thin majorities probably dictate his being a centrist.  I'm sure you,  as a hard line conservative, don't want someone like Kasich or Romney as head of your party. I don't see you as a conciliatory sort of dude. You want someone who will ram the opposition into submission. I get it.  I see Ted as much more dangerous than Donald because Donald is a dimwit who has an eighth-grade reading level. On the other hand, Cruz is very smart - a real Devil of a human being - a narcissist with a big brain (although the Cancun thing was pretty dumb). Dangerous combination.
All you did with your post was confirm what I said about BGR liberals. Mitt Romney is the most petty, least patriotic Republican in the U.S. Senate, and you respect him. What a shock! The only reason that Romney voted to impeach Trump twice was that in response to Romney's criticism of his 2016 campaign, Trump labeled Romney a loser who was too timid to say what needed to be said to win his election over Barak Obama, which was true. Romney harbors a deep personal grudge that he will hold forever.

In contrast, Ted Cruz shrugged off Trump's campaign lies about him and his family and supported Trump when Trump took positions that Cruz had always supported and voted based on the facts and the law when Democrats impeached Trump. Cruz is an honorable man. Romney is not. It is easy to support people who attack people those who disagree with you but adults should be capable of respecting those who disagree with them based on honest differences of opinion.

I respect Alan Dershowitz, who would never vote for a conservative. I respected Sam Donaldson, Tim Russert, Paul Wellstone, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, all of whom were liberal and honest men of principle, IMO. I even respect liberal comedian, Bill Maher. I have not respected these men because I have agreed with them politically because I rarely have, I respected them because I believed that the opinions that they expressed were honest and consistent with their principles. They did not simply repeat liberal consensus opinions and then create new opinions to match the ever changing party consensus.

Sadly, the only current member of the Democrat Party who I respect is Tulsi Gabbard and I suspect that she will switch parties at some future time. She agrees with me too often to feel at home in the Democrat Party and she also gives me the impression that she believes in the positions that she advocates.

The Democrat Party likes to promote itself as the Big Tent party, but the truth is the party is very intolerant of dissenting opinions. I recall a time not so long ago when both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, along with many other Democrats, claimed to believe that marriage consists of a union of one man and one woman. Now, Democrats attack those who believe in the traditional definition of marriage as homophobes. Does anybody really believe that the actual beliefs of all of those people have changed in such a short time? I don't.

I have more respect for those in the Democrat Party who advocated for gay marriage 15 years ago because that was almost certainly an honest expression of their opinion. Those whose position on gay marriage have evolved during the past 15 years were most likely either lying then or they are lying now.

Finally, as JP observed, you declined to criticize a single Democrat in your response. You also failed to address the issue that your votes have empowered so many imbeciles who approve the spending of trillions of dollars of federal spending every year and are responsible for national security decisions.
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RE: RIP Republican Party Hello Patriot Party - by Hoot Gibson - 02-20-2021, 10:36 AM

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