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Democrats pushing slew of tax hikes to fund massive spending plan
(09-08-2021, 09:47 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-08-2021, 09:35 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(09-08-2021, 08:58 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(09-08-2021, 08:40 PM)The Outsider Wrote:

This is a very informative article on the correlation between corporate tax rates and job growth.  In my opinion, the 15% corporate tax cut that Trump implemented greatly benefitted the wealthy.  I could have understood lowering the rate to 27%, which would have resulted in a real tax -rate for corporations between 17-22% instead of the 10-15% that most end up paying.

Regarding the[i] first approach[/i] to the relationship between corporate tax rates and job growth, the Center for Effective Government reports in a recent study that employment shows no relationship to corporate tax rates. Consider the following graph.

As can be seen, corporate tax rates are about the lowest they have been since World War II. Yet there is little, if any, variation in job growth across 60 years of declining corporate tax rates. If declining corporate tax rates were indeed a stimulant to job growth, we would expect to see an increase across time in the rate of job growth. But, we do not.

(09-08-2021, 06:19 PM)vector#1 Wrote: Quooter by your theory prices should be around 1950's level it might be where you live but not where i live. Prices go up NO MATTER WHAT unless they can't sell what they are producing Damm if you ain't dumb
Tax Rates are the lowest since the 50's are prices that low ?

Don't tell anyone I said this, but Hooter is partially correct.  If corporate taxes go up, prices will follow, although not at a 1:1 ratio.  They are going to make their projections one way or another so that the huge bonuses keep flowing into the upper management's pockets.  That being said, the rates do need to rise and the ultra wealthy need to pay a fair tax rate instead of the low rates most pay now.
I get they will go up.  Hell the market crashed in 09 and some of the bailouts went to ceo bonuses.  

Obama should have stuck these crooks, but Democrats never pound these meatheads when they have a chance.  

today we have traitors that fomented an insurrection and a Military industrial complex of crooks that profited off of a 20 year war.  Democrats should smash both but they will pitter patter around and let Republicans steal the ball.  SMH
You are truly an economic illiterate. You talk about smashing industries companies as if the employees of those companies will just walk down the street and get another good paying job. American companies compete globally for capital. People can invest in Asian or European stocks and bonds just as easily as they invest in American stocks and bonds. When you make it more expensive to do business in this country, then you are making it more profitable for our companies' foreign competitors. You can bet that the People's Republic of China will welcome Joe Biden's plan for raising corporate tax rates on American companies. In fact, I suspect that it is not Biden's plan at all, but one of the services that China paid for in advance. Every major action that Biden has taken since becoming president has directly benefited China.

Dumbasses like you are also oblivious to the fact that tens of millions American citizens own 401Ks and other retirement investment funds. When you attack the profits of corporations as an evil that needs to be slain, you are advocating taking money out of the pockets of millions of middle class retirees and future retirees. You cannot punish successful companies without harming their employees and investors, most of whom are not among the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.
Whoa whoa 
are you talking a global economy?  Globalism?  Are you supporting that?  Oh hell you just got disowned by The Wrong Thing.  Big Grin 

Hooter, why aren’t corporate taxes where they were in the 50’s-70’s when America was great?  You didn’t answer that.  You just spewed bs about how no one know what you know.  
Corporations were brought to heel in the mid 20th century then Reaganomics came around and the rich got filthy and the rest world gets pissed on.
Yes, I did address that and I am not going to dumb it down for you further. I hope nobody who matters thought that I was showing off by explaining my issues with the graph that The Outsider posted. Your opinion of me could not matter less, in case you have any doubt where you stand with me.

I attended a four-day class on SPC taught by Dr. Deming when he was in his late 80s or early 90s and later took a four-week class in advanced SPC in Minneapolis. That is my source of my knowledge on SPC and how Deming helped the Japanese break into U.S. markets by drastically improving their quality control. Before going to Japan after WWII, Deming was a statistician with the U.S. Census Bureau. I have forgotten most of what I learned about SPC but I remember enough to know how the Japanese economy recovered from the country's disastrous loss in WWII. Unlike you, some of my opinions have been formed by real world experience.

Apparently you are as ignorant about conservatives' objections to globalism as you are about nearly everything else. TRT can speak for himself but the problems that I have with globalism have more to do with the useless United Nations and other attempts to globalize governments and supplant the U.S. Constitution as our supreme law of the land than economics. I probably do believe in free trade to a greater extent that TRT does, and that is why I am adamantly opposed to burdening American companies with high tax rates and more burdensome regulations than its foreign competitors have. I also oppose most tariffs but I support high tariffs and much more harsh penalties against China. The U.S. should not be dependent on imports from a country engaging slave labor to under sell American products.

Most importantly, the U.S. president should not be on China's payroll, nor should he ever been on their payroll. To say that Biden has a conflict of interest would be much too kind. This country should be working to forge trade agreements with Russia and India to counter China's growing influence and territorial ambitions. It is ridiculous that we have trade sanctions in place against Russian, which is driving them into an alliance with China. Putin is not a good guy but he does imprison people to create a source of cheap labor.
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RE: Democrats pushing slew of tax hikes to fund massive spending plan - by Hoot Gibson - 09-08-2021, 10:44 PM

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