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Liz(Cheney) & Me: What's the World Coming To?
I agree that Donald Trump is not a conservative , or even knows what a conservative is. He will play the role of a conservative to benefit himself . He would also play the role of a liberal(which he has) if he thought it would be to his personal benefit.

Just like I've said about Mitch many times, I'll say about Liz as well. Never count her out. Strong woman!!!

Hoot, do you really believe that Liz's actions were just a revenge thing for Trump's slimy treatment of her friend, Jeb? You don't think she was disturbed by 1/6 and thought her country's democracy was jeopardized and wanted to hold the perpetrators accountable? She would sacrifice her political career because of Jeb's hurt feelings? Come on now, Hoot. I think her motivations were noble and not just some petty personal thing over Trump's belittling of her friend and former governor .

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