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Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ???
For those who are not aware, here are just a few of the hundreds of books that have been banned in various libraries across the country:

1. CHARLOTTE'S WEB ---   We've all read this delightful book about Wilbur the pig and his friend Charlotte the spider. AA Kansas parent group didn't think the popular book was so delightful. In their view,  talking animals are “unnatural and blasphemous as humans are the highest level of God’s creation.”  The book was banned.

2.  A LIGHT IN THE ATTIC ---  Shel Silverstein's  book of humorous rhymes and quirky illustrations have made kids and adults giggle for years. Some Wisconsin parents weren't laughing , though. Their feeling were hurt over this poem:

If you have to dry the dishes
(Such an awful, boring chore)

If you have to dry the dishes

('Stead of going to the store)

If you have to dry the dishes

And you drop one on the floor—

Maybe they won't let you
Dry the dishes anymore

So, they banned the book.

3. The Dictionary ---  That's right, the dictionary !!!  

Schools in Indiana and Alaska once banned The American Heritage Dictionary because of what it deemed was an inappropriate entry. The word was "bed." They objected to the verb slang entry.

Folks, bottomline. Keep these kind of people off of your school boards. Hell, if  you see them loitering around your school's libraries, notify the authorities immediately because they are probably looking to ban Green Eggs&Ham . lol   In a Hoot, Jet,  The Wrong Thing world, these are the kind of insane bannings of books that occur. In the opinion of many, they are not about protecting your kids from inappropriate offerings, but instead want to keep your kids misinformed and indoctrinated. They know full well what they're doing. They will fail .  
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RE: Does America Need a National Divorce or Just "Marriage Counseling" ??? - by Old School Hound - 03-25-2023, 09:26 PM

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