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How are your Little League All-stars picked?????
It's so hard to keep balance in your life when you have a kid who plays one, two , or even three sports. Throw in a couple of other siblings who are just as active and life can get tough. Our boys want to play whatever season is, basketball, baseball, turkey, squirrell, ect... By the time little league finally comes to an end, we are worn out. We have three at three different fields and it gets miserable. Their bodies and minds need a chance to rest in between seasons and the only time is summer for us. We always passed on all-stars and so far we haven't regretted it. Perhaps this may shed a little light as to why someone would not want their child to play all-stars.

For us it is about priorities. If you can't get your home work finished because you are too tired from practice or because we got home too late, then something needs to give. If you can't make it to church services because you are at practice or are too tired, then you need to make a change. Sometimes we have to keep "checking" ourselves as the seasons go by and we are dragging the kids to a ball game, eating supper at the concession stands ,or at the nearest fast food restaurant while the kids are doing homework in the car on the way home. Sports are great and can be a way to earn a college degree. Alot of sacrifice has to be made in order to achieve certain goals that kids have. I guess as parents, we have to know where to draw the line and say enough is enough. Balance!
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How are your Little League All-stars picked????? - by Mama Bear - 07-02-2008, 10:00 AM

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