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What's the most important ingredient for a successful squad?
WORK, work and more work... NOT just on your material either. You have to work to be a great team as a whole, work to keep the squad on the same page, work to keep alll hostilities away from the squad, work to keep the squad from having disagreements and jealousy, work on a great rapport amongst members, work on your fan support during games, work on perfecting "just the right" routine for competition, work on acquiring friendships with other squads, ...... I so could go on and on!!! Cheerleading is a TEAM effort just like basketball, football, baseball, etc. ALL members must work together to make it click. You can have the BEST gymnasts who can tumble and flip all over the floor BUT if that same team has attitudes from 1 or 2 girls, this can cause more turmoil and cause the squad to struggle and NOT be as good to a good "critic" (ie: KAPOS judge or other official) who is watching them. You can spot it a mile away when you know what your looking for. To any of you girls out there who are cheerleaders right now... Do not consider yourself part of a special "CLICK" or group. You are only as unique as the rest of your squad members are when you are on the floor/field. Work as one, compete as one, win and lose as one, and cheer your hearts out as one!!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
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What's the most important ingredient for a successful squad? - by phs1986 - 11-29-2008, 03:25 AM

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