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I challenge Sniper to a duel. Publically calling you out, BOY
Colonel Kill Wrote:Of course he could have been on his knees because he was praying to God :AngelPray that the Sniper would't hurt him. And yeah unless it is a texas death match head shots are the same. I have some pictures of the duel and I will post them so everyone can see the Sniper won the duel and was stylin and profilin the whole time and even smoked a cigar after winning both duels. The Sniper is THE MAN. I think it is time for the Sniper to step back and make the yella bellys earn a duel with him. The yella bellys should only be able to duel the Sniper after they work their way up to number one contender.

The Sniper is glad you said that Colonel because he couldn't agree more. So after going 2 - 0 today and with an overall dueling record of 5 - 0 in Death Valley The Sniper is in a unique position that no paintballer has ever been in before. The Sniper can basically pick and choose his matches! The Sniper has nothing left to prove! The Sniper has faced the best the Yella Bellies have to offer and THE SNIPER'S BEAT 'EM ALL BROTHER!


So from this point forth the Sniper is officially retired from dueling until someone proves themselves worthy of a shot at the title! However, the Sniper will still be available for autographs from time to time!
Messages In This Thread
I challenge Sniper to a duel. Publically calling you out, BOY - by The Sniper - 02-08-2009, 10:01 PM

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