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Obama seeks to rally support for health care bill
Old School Wrote:After telling the house and senate he wanted it on his desk by August, he is now wanting it done by the end of the year.

Funny thing is that he can't seem to get the democrats to vote for his plan.

He made the comment about the police acting stupidly, just after he said he didn't know all of the facts.

"Obama also vowed at a prime-time news conference to reject any measure "primarily funded through taxing middle-class families."

"Obama said in response to one question that Cambridge, Mass., police "acted stupidly" last week in arresting Henry Louis Gates Jr., a black scholar at Harvard, in his house. Police were called to the house to investigate a possible break-in. Gates produced identification but was arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct after protesting the police conduct.

"Now I don't know, not having been there, what role race played in that," the president said. But he added that blacks and Latinos often are stopped by authorities in disproportionate numbers They did act stupidly and he is correct when he says blacks and latinos are stopped in disproportionate numbers. He also said he didn't want to tax the middle class to fund his health reform, are you rights wanting taxed? No matter what Obama does, the right will *****. Garner some support from democrats(which it will take) in 3 1/2 years and put him out.
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