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India, Kentucky and W.Va. coal producers announce partnership
Bob Seger Wrote:But here's what I would bet the farm on:

If, Obama were to campaign through the coal fields, his campaign rhetoric would include phrases such as "I made this happen", "I worked out this deal with India....." "My polocies are working and it's keeping all of you miner's working".....yada yada yada

Obama , would someway, somehow try to find a way make others believe he is the reason for the deal.

Any takers on the wager?

No, you got it right. If it happens on his watch and it's good then, his policies and leadership made that happen. Of course, anything and I mean anything, that happens and is bad, it's George W's fault. It's kindergarten time at the white house.
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India, Kentucky and W.Va. coal producers announce partnership - by TheRealThing - 08-19-2012, 03:54 PM

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