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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
I wonder why Hoot uses Obama's African sounding middle name?
TheRealVille Wrote:I wonder why Hoot uses Obama's African sounding middle name?

Not that it is a material point, but I would say that "Obama" is a rather African sounding name, too. Obama is half African and, for obvious political expediency, he chooses to ignore his other half.
TheRealVille Wrote:I wonder why Hoot uses Obama's African sounding middle name?

I would venture to guess because it is and African sounding name no matter how you say it. :HitWall:
TheRealVille Wrote:It was genius to put the pretty white girl telling about the black man breaking in and robbing her, and Zimmerman coming to the rescue. Like Casey Anthony, another Florida killer will probably go free.

Gee, TheRealVille, if we didn't know better, we might conclude from your biased post that you are a "racist".

Since just a few days prior to the shooting, this "pretty white girl" and her infant child, had two blacks break into their home and rob them, her testimony was relevant to say the least.

The testimony proved that there was an atmosphere in that neighborhood of illegal behavior and that, at least in this recent situation, the perpetrators were black. Thus, it was reasonable to suspect Martin, with his unusual behavior, of less than sterling motives on that rainy night.

From the evidence that we know that the jury doesn't know, it is obvious that Martin was trouble and, most likely, was not going to be a positive member of the Sanford community. That is just fact.
The judge has covered her butt by allowing the instruction on manslaughter. That also gives the jury an out. I still expect that Zimmerman will be found guilty of manslaughter in regard to the death of Obama's pseudo-son. The evidence doesn't remotely support such a finding but neither the evidence nor justice is running this show.

That politically motivated verdict will insure the safety of the judge and jurors, prevent the burning and looting by the usual sources, and enhance the wrongful death suit of the Martins. It also sets up an obvious appeal in which, somewhere down the line, the verdict will certainly be reversed.

Final score: Coercion 1, Justice 0.
So, would that give hispanics a right to riot and loot? After all they are a minority group and deserve to get to vent in their own way.:eyeroll: 11 million illegal imigrants of which probably half are hispanics. That means just illegals alone there would be over 5 million people rioting. :yikes:
Crossbones Wrote:So, would that give hispanics a right to riot and loot? After all they are a minority group and deserve to get to vent in their own way.:eyeroll: 11 million illegal imigrants of which probably half are hispanics. That means just illegals alone there would be over 5 million people rioting. :yikes:

While no one has any "right" to riot, burn, and loot, the Hispanics would certainly have reason to feel abused by the system.

Blacks have a far better developed political network of malcontents, whiners, and troublemakers than the Hispanics. And, of course, the former group has its top supporters/apologists in the White House and running the US Justice Department.
Crossbones Wrote:I would venture to guess because it is and African sounding name no matter how you say it. :HitWall:

You wouldn't guess it would be because using Hussein proclaims his "bias" louder?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Gee, TheRealVille, if we didn't know better, we might conclude from your biased post that you are a "racist".

Since just a few days prior to the shooting, this "pretty white girl" and her infant child, had two blacks break into their home and rob them, her testimony was relevant to say the least.

The testimony proved that there was an atmosphere in that neighborhood of illegal behavior and that, at least in this recent situation, the perpetrators were black. Thus, it was reasonable to suspect Martin, with his unusual behavior, of less than sterling motives on that rainy night.

From the evidence that we know that the jury doesn't know, it is obvious that Martin was trouble and, most likely, was not going to be a positive member of the Sanford community. That is just fact.
What evidence that he was trouble? Very small traces of THC? Skittles and tea? Walking where he was completely legal? Aren't his dad, mom, and brother positive members of the community? Exactly what made him "suspicious looking, and "trouble"?
In 20-30 years whites are going to be the minorities. You guys here aren't going to adapt very well.
We've been the "minority" ever since the days of slaves. Black people have there own tv channels, beauty pagents, United ***** College Fund. They even have their own black colleges. How much butt kissing and I'm sorry is it going to take? The Indians had it a whole lot worse than any race that I can think of. You don't hear them bitching and moaning how bad they got it and how everybody with a different skin color is against them.
TheRealVille Wrote:You wouldn't guess it would be because using Hussein proclaims his "bias" louder?

No, I would guess that that is his name. Plain and simple.
Crossbones Wrote:No, I would guess that that is his name. Plain and simple.

Your guess would be wrong.
TheRealVille Wrote:Your guess would be wrong.

So? That is not his name? Confusednicker: That was the name on the ballet when he ran for President. Hmmm.
I can add a link too!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama
If Zimmerman is innocent, why did he lie so much?
Crossbones Wrote:So? That is not his name? Confusednicker: That was the name on the ballet when he ran for President. Hmmm.

Yea, that's his name, but you guys use it for a purpose, unless you use all President's middle name.

TheRealVille Wrote:If Zimmerman is innocent, why did he lie so much?

If Martin was so innocent, why did he jump Zimmerman and start beating on him?
Make no mistake CB, that middle name is used for a reason, but most users dont have the nuts to admit it in public.
Crossbones Wrote:If Martin was so innocent, why did he jump Zimmerman and start beating on him?

How do you know the stalker didn't provoke, or start the fight? Why couldn't Martin stand his ground?
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, that's his name, but you guys use it for a purpose, unless you use all President's middle name.


You guys? hmmm. Actually I do use the middle name of alot of the Presidents that I refer to. George W. I have even refered to Clinton as ole Bill Jefferson. Not everything is racist as "you guys" like to make it out to be. Heck, I even voted for Barrack Hussein Obama the first time. That was the name on the ballet when I put the little check mark beside it.
TheRealVille Wrote:How do you know the stalker didn't provoke, or start the fight? Why couldn't Martin stand his ground?
Same old same old. How do you know that he did. Stand your ground does not cover the aggressor. :lame:
TheRealVille Wrote:Make no mistake CB, that middle name is used for a reason, but most users dont have the nuts to admit it in public.

There is no mistake about it. Racist are out there. But why is it always the white guy that is the racist? Is the black man or hispanic man or oriental man not able to be racist because they are not white?
TheRealVille Wrote:Make no mistake CB, that middle name is used for a reason, but most users dont have the nuts to admit it in public.

If Obama's middle name is a problem for him, why didn't he just have it changed to "Darrell"?

His middle name and last name both make it reasonable for one to conclude that he has middle eastern/African/Muslim/whatever roots and ties. One, then, can make of it whatever he/she chooses to make of it. The US Constitution guarantees that right.

If Obama and his followers are thin skinned, maybe they should get Obama to change "Hussein" to "Darrell". "Darrell" is certainly a non controversial name.
TheRealVille Wrote:What evidence that he was trouble? Very small traces of THC? Skittles and tea? Walking where he was completely legal? Aren't his dad, mom, and brother positive members of the community? Exactly what made him "suspicious looking, and "trouble"?

Read the last sentence of my post. Martin had a long record as a trouble maker. Everyone but you seems to know that. I think it is safe to assume that Trayvon Martin would ever be confused with St. Martin de Porres (first black American saint).
Crossbones Wrote:If Martin was so innocent, why did he jump Zimmerman and start beating on him?

Maybe Martin was hitting from the bottom. It was witnessed that Martin was yelling "get off", or "get off of me"(I don't rember which).
TheRealVille Wrote:In 20-30 years whites are going to be the minorities. You guys here aren't going to adapt very well.

:hilarious: You guys? Have you been in touch with Robert Downy Jr, or did you just get the name of his make-up artist during the credit roll when you watched "Tropic Thunder"?

According to the US Census Bureau Whites presently make up 77.9% of the population of this country. Even rabbits don't reproduce that quickly. Confusednicker:
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If Obama's middle name is a problem for him, why didn't he just have it changed to "Darrell"?

His middle name and last name both make it reasonable for one to conclude that he has middle eastern/African/Muslim/whatever roots and ties. One, then, can make of it whatever he/she chooses to make of it. The US Constitution guarantees that right.

If Obama and his followers are thin skinned, maybe they should get Obama to change "Hussein" to "Darrell". "Darrell" is certainly a non controversial name.

Nobody said he had a problem with it. It's others that use it to show their bias. Any honest person would admit why they use that name. It's not like it's not already obvious.
People that side on a case based on race are worthless.
TheRealVille Wrote:Nobody said he had a problem with it. It's others that use it to show their bias. Any honest person would admit why they use that name. It's not like it's not already obvious.

I'm sure some are using it to show their bias. However, I believe, from the little that has been disclosed about Obama's life, many are suspicious of his motives and agenda. Obviously, his name, Barack Hussein Obama, adds to that suspicion.

It may be unfair to Obama but this country and this world can be described in many ways. "Fair" is not one of those ways. People are free to read into his name whatever they please. The secrecy surrounding his past doesn't tend to help his situation. But, I doubt he cares what the citizens of this country think of him.
TheRealVille Wrote:I wonder why Hoot uses Obama's African sounding middle name?
sounds more Arab/Muslim than African to meConfusednicker:
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