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WWE Over The Limit
Christian finally makes it and the hold is broken. They go back and forth in the corner. Christian dodges an RKO. Christian with a roll-up from the second rope for a close 2 count. They get up and Christian with a right hand. They counter each other on the ropes until Orton brings Christian in with the second rope DDT for a 2 count. Orton hits the mat and gets ready.
Here comes the turn.....
Either Orton has got a LOT better in the ring, or Christian REALLY is good at working with others. Actually a really good match.
The Turn is coming.....
Great match. Great false finishes
Orton goes for an RKO but Christian pushes him off. Christian starts calling for a spear and gets ready for it in the corner. Orton gets up and catches Christian, blocking the spear with a powerslam. 2 count by Orton. Orton stands over Christian now and then backs up for a punt kick. Orton charges with the punt but stops in mid-stride. Orton backs up for it again but Christian spears him. Christian covers Orton for a close 2 count. Christian is very frustrated now. Christian motions for the Killswitch but Orton blocks it and eventually hits the RKO for the win.
Well, another heartbreking loss. The turn is definitely in the works
WOW - did you hear the crickets when Orton stood in the corner and raised the belt?
After the match, Orton poses as we go to replays. Orton tries to help Christian up but Christian pushes him off and goes to leave the ring. Christian comes back in and gets in Orton's face. Christian shakes Orton's hand and they embrace to a mixed reaction from the crowd.
Stardust Wrote:WOW - did you hear the crickets when Orton stood in the corner and raised the belt?

I was amazed at that. They were loud through the whole match, when Orton won, and raised the belt it was like, disappointment!
I hope this feud ends tonight
LWC Wrote:I was amazed at that. They were loud through the whole match, when Orton won, and raised the belt it was like, disappointment!

The worst possible reaction for a wrestler - NO REACTION
Kiss My Foot Match: Michael Cole vs. Jerry Lawler

The only way to win this one is by pinfall or submission. The loser must kiss the winners feet. We go to the ring and out first comes Jerry Lawler. Out next comes Michael Cole but he's limping and dressed in a suit. Cole takes the mic and has a prepared statement. Cole says he can't compete tonight because he's medically prohibited. Cole asks for Lawler's understanding and compassion, as well as the fans. Cole says his doctor won't let him compete because his athlete's foot has became infected, making it unsafe for Cole and Lawler. Cole hands the ref his doctor's note and the ref rips it up, calling for the bell.
Lawler unloads on Cole with right hands and beats him around the ring. Lawler hits a dropkick and Cole ends up on the floor. Lawler comes out after him but Cole takes a cheap shot and throws Lawler into the steps. Cole throws Lawler into the barrier and begins to take his shoe and sock off. Cole's foot is brown and horrible looking. Cole waves it in Lawler's face. Lawler grabs Cole's leg and punches him. Lawler throws Cole through his Colemine and down it goes.
Lawler finally gets his revenge - Will Jack Swagger take a shot at Cole as well
Hit MAN!!!!
Stardust Wrote:Hit MAN!!!!

Very pleasant surprise!
- After the match, Lawler starts taking his boot off but stops and thinks for a second. Lawler motions to the back and out comes Eve Torres. Eve climbs to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault on Cole. Lawler takes his boot off now and the crowd chants for him. Lawler motions to the back again and out comes Jim Ross to a big pop. JR pulls out a bottle of BBQ sauce and pours it all over Cole's face. Cole escapes from the ring and goes to leave. Lawler wants him to come back and kiss his foot but Cole says no way. Cole takes a mic at the top of the ramp and says it may look like he lost tonight, but he didn't. Cole says he isn't a loser. He calls Lawler, JR and Eve losers. Cole says it doesn't matter what Lawler did, he never did and never will kiss his foot. Bret Hart's music hits and he comes out. Bret backs Cole down the ramp and towards the ring. Bret tosses Cole back into the ring and follows him in. Bret locks the Sharpshooter on Cole to a big pop from the crowd. As Cole is locked in, Lawler puts his foot in Cole's mouth. Lawler's music hits as Cole gags on the mat, still covered in BBQ sauce with his clothes torn. We go to replays. Bret, Lawler and Eve wave to the fans as Bret's music hits next. JR goes to commentary as Bret shakes hands with fans at ringside. Cole is now crying as he stumbles out of the ring.
LWC Wrote:Very pleasant surprise!

That one was a surprise
Something tells me that Miz beats Cena so badly that he is knocked unconscious, but never says, "I Quit".
^ That makes sense. Do you remember the taped recording "I Quit" that The Rock used against Mankind
I really, really, really like the Miz! I'm a fan of Cena, but I am really getting into the Miz
Stardust Wrote:^ That makes sense. Do you remember the taped recording "I Quit" that The Rock used against Mankind

I had honestly thought about that earlier, that would be classic!
I Quit Match for the WWE Title: The Miz vs. John Cena

We go to the ring and out first comes The Miz with Alex Riley right behind him. John Cena's music is up next and out comes the WWE Champion to a nice reaction from the crowd. We get formal introductions from Justin Roberts and here we go.
Stardust Wrote:I really, really, really like the Miz! I'm a fan of Cena, but I am really getting into the Miz

Same here.
^ I knew all along they would make this a 2 on one. This is shaping up to be fun
They are trying to make John look more and more legendary before Wrestlemania.
The bell rings and Miz takes the mic. He mentions there are no rules in an I Quit Match except one must say they quit. Miz says he can use weapons on Cena but Riley can also. Riley enters the ring and stands beside Miz, ready to go. Miz lets Cena have the chance to go ahead and quit now. Cena says hell no. Miz charges and Cena ducks. Cena unloads on Miz and Riley, going back and forth between the two. Cena with a big bulldog on Miz and a gutwrench. Cena locks on the STF but Riley breaks it up. Riley goes to work on Cena now.
LWC Wrote:They are trying to make John look more and more legendary before Wrestlemania.

It would be smart booking if they do

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