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Preparing for the Coming Economic Collapse
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.
nky Wrote:It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

nky, the coming economic collapse has been proven to be a real threat to us. Hoot Gibson has even agreed with me that this is coming. I'm pleading with you that you prepare for the coming economic collapse.

If you're still not sure whether or not it's coming, please look at the proof that I've provided in post #26.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I know I'm probably going to be made fun of for making this thread, but I honestly believe that we're about to experience an economic collapse.

Dude, the way Congress is acting, no one will make fun because they may just keep playing politics instead of actually doing something.
Deathstar 80--

This sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory that I am on.. Not referring to your opinions and statements as a conspiracy theory, but you can check this out..
It may have some more information on this topic of yours... It's the Denver Colorado Airport.. You can google it -- There is many sites you can find the info on, let me know what you think.. But basically, a lot of the info I have read of yours sounds just like this one.

Here is one site I'd like for you to read up on.

Also, check out the art they have there. They talk about the New World Order - (as stated in your topic replies) as well.
The right panel of Leo Tanguma's "The Children of the World Dream of Peace".There are several conspiracy theories relating to the airport's design and construction.

Murals painted in the baggage claim area have been claimed to contain themes referring to future military oppression and a one-world government. However, the artist, Leo Tanguma, said the murals, entitled "In Peace and Harmony With Nature" and "The Children of the World Dream of Peace," depict man-made environmental destruction and genocide along with humanity coming together to heal nature and live in peace.[50]

In the mid-1990s, Philip Schneider gave lectures about highly secretive government information concerning "deep underground military bases" that were constructed by the United States government, and said that one of these bases exists underneath the Denver International Airport. Author Alex Christopher claimed to have worked in the tunnels under the airport, and described what appeared to be vast holding areas for prisoners, strange nausea-inducing electromagnetic forces, and caverns big enough to drive trucks through, presumably to be filled with helpless political prisoners. This theory has been challenged, since photos have revealed that these tunnels are used for transportation of baggage by way of conveyor belts.[51]

Conspiracists have pointed to unusual words cut into the floor as being Satanic, Masonic, or just some impenetrable secret code of the New World Order: Cochetopa, Sisnaajini, and the baffling Dzit Dit Gaii.[52] These words are actually Navajo terms for geographical sites in Colorado. "Braaksma" and "Villarreal" are actually the names of Carolyn Braaksma and Mark Villarreal, artists who worked on the airport’s sculptures and paintings.[53]

There is a dedication marker in the airport inscribed with the Square and Compasses of the Freemasons, along with a listing of the two Grand Lodges of Freemasonry in Colorado. It is mounted over a time capsule that was sealed during the dedication of the airport.[citation needed] The Freemasons participated in laying this “capstone” (the last, finishing stone) of the airport project.[citation needed] The capstone also is inscribed with a line that simply states "New World Airport Commission"
Ballers Wrote:Deathstar 80--

This sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory that I am on.. Not referring to your opinions and statements as a conspiracy theory, but you can check this out..
It may have some more information on this topic of yours... It's the Denver Colorado Airport.. You can google it -- There is many sites you can find the info on, let me know what you think.. But basically, a lot of the info I have read of yours sounds just like this one.

Here is one site I'd like for you to read up on.

Also, check out the art they have there. They talk about the New World Order - (as stated in your topic replies) as well.

Ballers, I haven't read all of that link yet, but I definitely will find some research about it. From what I've read from that link, I really don't think it's true. I do think there are people who want world genocide, such as the president of Iran, but I would think they're not the majority of the "secret elite" that Grant Jeffrey talks about. I do think there are peaceful and good-intentioned politicians such as President George W. Bush and President Clinton who might be trying to create a one-world government simply because they think it's the best solution for world peace. But as Grant Jeffrey stated in his book, it's very, very difficult to point out who is truly trying to create this one-world government. They do a great job of hiding themselves.

Overall, from what I understand now, I think that link is a conspiracy theory. From the little amount of research that I've done about the "secret global elite", I think a majority of them truly wants world peace and certainly not world genocide. I also think they would do a much better job of hiding, such as they wouldn't make a suspiciously large image of a nazi soldier in their "secret" meeting place. And if the world ever found out that they put a picture of a nazi soldier in their "secret" meeting place, they would be a serious threat of rejection of the proposed one-world government. To be honest, the only people who might support that would be President Ahmadinejad and the other radical Islamists (keep in mind, completely separate from peace-loving Islamists), and maybe some socialists/communists.

I'm not saying that this is for-sure a conspiracy theory or not. But with what I've learned, I can definitely tell all of you to look up information for yourself. Don't expect the media and the government to tell you everything that you should know. The media only tells what they think will give them good ratings and what will fit their agenda. The government only tells what will fit their agenda and will help them get re-elected. If you understand psychology, you know that both the media and government can be used as puppets, just as the government and the media can use regular people as puppets.

*EDIT*: Just to let you know, I've also heard that there are people willing to commit genocide in order to save the environment from global warming. I really think there are people out there who believe this, but I'm not sure how many.
Not only does everything add up to this conspiracy theory I believe in, there is also a lot of duplications that I have been seeing with the bible as well. A lot of things happening here and there adding up to the rapture.
Ballers Wrote:Not only does everything add up to this conspiracy theory I believe in, there is also a lot of duplications that I have been seeing with the bible as well. A lot of things happening here and there adding up to the rapture.

First of all, I want to again make it clear that I have no idea when the rapture will occur. I have seen a lot of evidence that the rapture will be near, but I honestly have no idea. Only God knows for sure.

You should always be careful with any information that you're given. It's important that you do your own research. You shouldn't even take what I say as gospel, and I beg you not to. Please do your own research, and please be careful at the same time.
^LOL calm down DS-- I was just soaking in what you where saying, nothing more. I agree noone knows when the rapture will occur, but a lot of things indicate that it is indeed near.
Ballers Wrote:^LOL calm down DS-- I was just soaking in what you where saying, nothing more. I agree noone knows when the rapture will occur, but a lot of things indicate that it is indeed near.

Sorry Ballers. When I typed that, I wanted to make a clear and strong statement of what I really believe, but not towards you or anything. When I made that post, I wanted to send a clear message of what I believe to those who have disagreed with me about this bible prophecy information. And I don't mean any insult with my last statement, because that's okay if they disagree with me. But I feel like I've been misunderstood in the past with my statements and, therefore, I wanted to make this last statement as clear and strong as I could on what I believe.
I've tried my best to take the past few hours in order to think of and write what might be the most important information you need to know. I hope I didn't mess this up. Therefore, if anyone has anything to add, please feel free to post here. I usually have to go back and edit the information, but this is what I have right now:

  1. Unite the Churches.
    --> This is the most important because it will bring unity to your area. While others in the community are panicking, you will be able to explain what has happened to the country’s economy and what the community should do. The community will also be able to share ideas once they’re united. Another benefit is that since the community will be united, there won’t be as much crime compared to if you don’t unite the churches.

  2. Seek Your Parents/Grandparents Advice.
    --> I encourage you to prepare for the worst. This might include that our economy will be at the level where everyone has to be completely self-reliant. The best way I think people can prepare for the coming economic collapse is to talk to your parents/grandparents who experienced what those times were like where you were forced to be self-reliant. From them, you can learn how to make soap, make herbal medicine, eat edible plants, etc.

  3. Stock Up on Food/Water.
    --> If you trust me enough, I greatly encourage you to stock up on food. You could stock up on water as well if you wanted to, but you could get water by simply filtering and boiling water if you’re in the country. But if you are to do this, you have to know how to boil water and how to make a filter. In order to make a filter, a key ingredient is activated charcoal, which – from what I’ve learned – is completely different from the charcoal that you use for grilling. I’ve been trying to find out, but I have no worldly idea how to find charcoal in the wild. You might want to stock up on charcoal instead. Remember, filters are mostly used to protect you from chemicals inside the water. Boiling protects you from anything else. Therefore, you could just boil water, but make sure there aren’t any chemicals. And when you do use a filter, make sure you filter your water before you boil it.

  4. Pay Off Debts.
    --> As soon as you’re able to, try to get yourself out of debt. From what I’ve learned, the reason for this is that one of the last things you need to worry about during this crisis is how you can pay off your debt, such as loans, etc. Interest rates will be skyrocketing when the economic collapse occurs.

  5. Dealing with Psychology / STOP.
    --> The purpose of this step is to inform you how psychology can be linked with self-reliant times. There’s a good video that I want to show you guys that talks about how to manage tough times involving psychology. In this video, it mentions the technique of “STOP”. I’ll mention this video below. The technique of STOP deals with the steps you should take when most people might panic. Here’s what STOP stands for:
    a) S --> Stop, don't panic.
    b) T --> Think about your situation.
    c) O --> Orientate yourself.
    d) P --> Plan.

  6. Above All, Stay Calm. Work Around Uncontrollable Events.
    --> The purpose of this step is to inform you what you should do during uncontrollable times. This goes along with the above point. Let’s say something unexpecting occurs, such as your community is so divided that you’re unable to unite the churches. That’s okay. Identify the fact that this is something you can’t control, calm down, and plan around this obstacle. Such as, your community might not be willing to unite, but a neighbor of yours might want to join you in a discussion of ideas of how to deal with problems. Or if even your neighbor doesn’t want to be associated with you, you can live in your house and try to draw as little attention as you possibly can, and remove anything that might make you a target of a crime (Such as if you have a sign in front of your house that says “We have food!”, you might want to remove it. This even goes for guns as well, because people will want guns during this tough time.). This will prevent crime from occurring near your home because if they don’t think you have anything valuable for them to steal, then they’re less likely to break into your home. In summary, you should always stay calm. Don’t become discouraged, and work around the uncontrollable events.

  7. Walk with God.
    --> If you believe in God like I do, the most important thing you can do – even more important than uniting the churches – is to live for God. I would like to emphasize the three things that the bible teaches us to have, which is faith, hope and love/charity, which can be found in 1 Corinthians 13:13. Another bible verse to point out for these coming tough times is Romans 12:21.

Again, here's the list in a shorter form:

  1. Unite the Churches.
  2. Seek Your Parents/Grandparents Advice.
  3. Stock Up on Food/Water.
  4. Pay Off Debts.
  5. Dealing with Psychology / STOP.
  6. Above All, Stay Calm. Work Around Uncontrollable Events.
  7. Walk with God.


About psychology, here's the video that I want to show you:

I was going to post some more information, but if you guys don't mind, I'll probably go ahead and put it in a later post. And again, if you guys have any advice to add, please feel free to post it here. This is a thread for everyone.
I want to share some videos with you guys that I've found.

These following videos teach you how to clean water from the wild. This first video teaches the different techniques to purifying water. Here's the video:

This next video explains in more detail of how to collect and boil water:

This next video explains how to make a water filter. Something that I want you to keep in mind is that when making a water filter, you make it in layers. Such as, the bottom-most layer might be a layer of grass or clothing. The layer above that might be charcoal. Then, a layer above that might be sand. Simply keep in mind that water filters are made with layers. Here's how to make a water filter:

From what I understand, the charcoal they're talking about might just be burnt wood by simply putting wood into a fire and using it after it's completely burnt. However, I'm not really sure. I've tried to look this information up, and this is a complete guess from what I've seen. Please find out for yourself. Charcoal is important because, from what I understand, it helps the most in filtering out water.

If you guys don't mind, I'll probably wait to share more videos later. I was going to try to post all of the videos that I wanted to in this post, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow to continue.
This next video explains how to make a water filter. Something that I want you to keep in mind is that when making a water filter, you make it in layers. Such as, the bottom-most layer might be a layer of grass or clothing. The layer above that might be charcoal. Then, a layer above that might be sand. Simply keep in mind that water filters are made with layers. Here's how to make a water filter:

From what I understand, the charcoal they're talking about might just be burnt wood by simply putting wood into a fire and using it after it's completely burnt. However, I'm not really sure. I've tried to look this information up, and this is a complete guess from what I've seen. Please find out for yourself. Charcoal is important because, from what I understand, it helps the most in filtering out water.

If you guys don't mind, I'll probably wait to share more videos later. I was going to try to post all of the videos that I wanted to in this post, but I'll probably wait until tomorrow to continue.[/QUOTE]Activated charcoal (or activated carbon) is far more effective for filtering water or air than powdered charcoal. It's what is used in systems that filter tap water, aquarium tanks, etc. I use it as part of the fume extraction system for my laser cutter/engraver. I have not had to buy any activated charcoal yet, but I understand that you can buy 50 lb. for just over $100 if you shop around. Smaller quantities can be pretty expensive but you can buy the stuff off of eBay.
I won't address the religious angle of the coming economic calamity because I see no evidence that our troubles are much different than what Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, and Portugal have faced or will face soon, nor is it much different than what Germany faced after WW I or that a number of Latin American countries have faced over the years.

What sets our economic problems apart is the size of our economy and the fact that it is our country that is being affected. The cause of our current predicament is the same as it was in most of the examples that I cited - spineless, power hungry politicians.

There are not enough honest, courageous politicians in Congress (and certainly not enough in the Oval Office) to stop our economy from taking a second dip into recession and maybe sinking into a real depression. There is nothing admirable about compromising when one side advocates taking more of the kind of dangerous actions that got us into this mess.

It is ironic that so much good advice about how to handle our jobless rate and exploding national debt is coming from the so-called "banana republics," which have lived threw the same dismal future that awaits us if our elected leaders do not grow a backbone soon and do what is right instead of waiting for the system to crash and point out scapegoats.

The graph below shows the impact that Obamacare has already had on jobs in this country, but Obamacare is just the tip of the iceberg of the economic problems that our own government is creating for us.

Hoot Gibson Wrote:Activated charcoal (or activated carbon) is far more effective for filtering water or air than powdered charcoal. It's what is used in systems that filter tap water, aquarium tanks, etc. I use it as part of the fume extraction system for my laser cutter/engraver. I have not had to buy any activated charcoal yet, but I understand that you can buy 50 lb. for just over $100 if you shop around. Smaller quantities can be pretty expensive but you can buy the stuff off of eBay.

This is definitely important to keep in mind. Do you know how they make activated charcoal?

But just to remind everyone, you don't have to use a water filter if you're taking water from a source that you're absolutely sure doesn't have chemicals in it. You can then just boil the water and save your activated charcoal for a more dire use later on. The type of water that wouldn't have any chemicals in it would be small creeks found far in the forest. I emphasize that you should look for small creeks found far into the forest because if there are houses or any other buildings nearby, then chemicals could possibly be transported through runoff or anything and contaminate your water source. Again, for some water sources, you only have to boil your water, but be sure that it doesn't have any chemicals in it.

As the water source gets larger, such as a lake or even a large creek, you might want to be more cautious about chemicals. But it could help you quite a bit if you save your activated charcoal. Such as, let's say that a drought comes and the water levels lower by quite a bit, and the small creeks that you got your water from happen to dry up. You can then go to a lake and use the activated charcoal that you've been saving and filter out any chemicals before you boil it.

And to let everyone know, I plan to talk about other countries that have experienced economic collapses in the past in my next post. I'm hoping this will help you get an idea of what to expect in this next economic collapse. If you want to know about anything else, simply send me a pm or post it here and I'll try to research it the best I can.
Not saying that times won't get hard, but Deathstart 80 - you are speaking as if people who have homes will no longer have them.. That a person will not be able to buy a 1.25$ gallon of water.. I don't see that happening.. Maybe if people who are drawing checks monthly or are disabled will have a hard time. But I wouldn't think that this would affect middle-class America or just regular Americans in general.
Ballers Wrote:Not saying that times won't get hard, but Deathstart 80 - you are speaking as if people who have homes will no longer have them.. That a person will not be able to buy a 1.25$ gallon of water.. I don't see that happening.. Maybe if people who are drawing checks monthly or are disabled will have a hard time. But I wouldn't think that this would affect middle-class America or just regular Americans in general.

I hope you're right in that we'll still be able to buy from local stores. And you could definitely be correct about that. But just in case, I'm preparing as if our economy goes back similar to what it was like during the Great Depression and we have to completely be self-reliant. That might be too much, but it's always good to be safe. What I've been trying to do is to research other countries that have had their economy collapse in the past, such as with the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe or the economic collapse in Argentina, which I'm pretty sure have both happened in the last 15 years. I encourage you to research that if you're able to.

But one thing I'm pretty sure of is that there will be inflation and higher interest rates. And inflation will cause the price of everything to rise. Therefore, you might have more financial stability if you stock up on food now. And if you learn how to purify water, then that means you don't have to buy water, which saves you money to buy other stuff, such as food.

And I'm pretty sure this coming economic collapse will effect middle class Americans. When hyperinflation occurs, that pretty much means everyone's money will be worth less, which means that store prices will skyrocket. Since the middle class saves the most money, they'll probably be the most negatively effected.
Ballers Wrote:Not saying that times won't get hard, but Deathstart 80 - you are speaking as if people who have homes will no longer have them.. That a person will not be able to buy a 1.25$ gallon of water.. I don't see that happening.. Maybe if people who are drawing checks monthly or are disabled will have a hard time. But I wouldn't think that this would affect middle-class America or just regular Americans in general.

^I want to greatly thank you Ballers for posting this. I've just watched a video on the internet, and the two people in the video were talking about a modern-day economic collapse. They said that many people who were preparing for the coming economic collapse were preparing incorrectly in that they were preparing for a complete "shutdown" of everything (which is what I've been preparing for). They continued to explain that a modern-day economic collapse would be different.

If you guys don't mind, I'll probably not post the information about past economic collapses until later. Right now, I would like to try and help you guys prepare for a complete "shutdown" of everything (I figure it's good to prepare to lose everything, just in case). I would greatly appreciate any help at all in posting more information about any of this.

After I explain how you can live your life fully self-reliant, I will try to find out how you can live through a "modern-day economic collapse". If you guys want to go ahead and research on how to live through a "modern-day economic collapse", please feel free to. I definitely need help with this.

One thing that I really need your guys help with is how to protect yourself. The only way that I personally think I have found that would greatly be positive and effective is to unite the churches. I'm hoping that this will bring the community together and, therefore, discourage looting, etc. But please help me with this. I found a few videos about this, and I'll try to watch them when I can. I'll then try to post them here.

By the way, I would like to tell you guys where I find all of my information at. If you're able to, I encourage you to help me with this, or at least please look this information up yourself so that you can be sure about it. Just to warn all of you, the first three of the following websites do have cussing / adult material on their websites. Here are the websites where I mostly get my information:
--> This is a website that is trying to help people prepare for the coming economic collapse. From what I understand, they try to mostly help people who live in urban areas.
Captain Dave's Survival Guide
--> I haven't provided any information from this website, but I have read this information a long time ago. It simply informs you how to prepare for any crisis that could occur, including an economic collapse.
The Pathfinder School
--> This is where a lot of the information that I've provided comes from. From what I understand, this information would mostly help those who live in a very rural area and who have plenty of space to live off the land. Although, I highly recommend that you don't solely try to live off the land.
--> I haven't mentioned this information yet, but I really hope to show you this information very soon. This website is where I find out the different edible plants and how to prepare them. I have downloaded the videos of edible plants that can be found in numerous areas around the world (such as wild apples, acorns, pine trees, etc.). If you can look up information of the plants that are in your area, that's even better. And please tell me if you're able to do that, because I'm personally having a tough time with that. And just to give you guys a warning about this, please make sure that you know what you're doing before you eat any plants. There are poisonous look-alike plants, and there are also plants that can be fatal. I can't emphasize that enough.

These are all the websites that I can think of now. When I can think of other websites that have helped me or if I find any other websites that could help, I'll try to post them.

And as I always ask you guys, please help me with this. I would like to greatly thank those who have already posted. And if you disagree with how we are preparing or even if you disagree in that there isn't going to be an economic collapse, such as nky posted earlier, please post here. I truly don't want to run anyone away, and I hope you don't think that's what I do. I only want to help you guys.
I just saw on the Fox News Channel that if our nation doesn't have a budget by 4:00 pm today, then there might be a " negative reaction" in the stock markets. I'm guessing that if there's a possibility of a "negative reaction" in the stock markets, they might include that it's possible that China might sell their bonds at any moment from now on. If this information is true, then what that means is that the economic collapse can happen at any moment.

I found this information on the Fox News channel, but I'm not sure what the CNN and MSNBC channels are saying about this.

When the economic collapse occurs, I'll try my best to continue to post here. But I might not be able to. I really don't know what things will be like when the economic collapse does occur.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I just saw on the Fox News Channel that if our nation doesn't have a budget by 4:00 pm today, then there might be a " negative reaction" in the stock markets. I'm guessing that if there's a possibility of a "negative reaction" in the stock markets, they might include that it's possible that China might sell their bonds at any moment from now on. If this information is true, then what that means is that the economic collapse can happen at any moment.

I found this information on the Fox News channel, but I'm not sure what the CNN and MSNBC channels are saying about this.

When the economic collapse occurs, I'll try my best to continue to post here. But I might not be able to. I really don't know what things will be like when the economic collapse does occur.
This is all a part of Obama's strategy. He has threatened default on August 2 by threatening to not send out Social Security and military checks. Obama wants the markets to react negatively to the current impasse because it will allow him to call another press conference to ratchet up pressure on Republicans to make a bad deal.

There is no need for panic. This is just more of the same crisis creation and saber rattling that Obama has done since he took office. His mode of governance, as should be obvious by now, is to create crises, blame Republicans for them, and then use his obsequious media to support his bogus claims of impending doom.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Activated charcoal (or activated carbon) is far more effective for filtering water or air than powdered charcoal. It's what is used in systems that filter tap water, aquarium tanks, etc. I use it as part of the fume extraction system for my laser cutter/engraver. I have not had to buy any activated charcoal yet, but I understand that you can buy 50 lb. for just over $100 if you shop around. Smaller quantities can be pretty expensive but you can buy the stuff off of eBay.

^I wanted to remind everyone that I think you could actually just buy a good water filter instead of buying activated charcoal and having to make the water filter for yourself. But make sure that it will filter out chemicals.

I greatly apologize for not mentioning that earlier. If you've been reading my posts, you'll notice that I don't point out anything that I think you should buy. This is because I have a fear that I'll tell you guys, "Buy this!" and then I'll later learn that you shouldn't have bought it. I understand that all of you work hard for your money, and that's why I have a fear of giving you advice on what you should buy. I have a fear that you'll pay $100 on something, and it'll turn out that you shouldn't have bought that. I'll try my best to give advice on what you should buy, but please do your own research and find out yourself on what you should do with your money.

I would like to go ahead and explain to all of you the different edible plants that you can get in the wild, prepare, and eat since it's convenient to. But if all of you don't mind, I'll show these first two videos and I'll post the other videos when I have more time.

Deathstar 80 Wrote:nky, the coming economic collapse has been proven to be a real threat to us. Hoot Gibson has even agreed with me that this is coming. I'm pleading with you that you prepare for the coming economic collapse.

If you're still not sure whether or not it's coming, please look at the proof that I've provided in post #26.
Doom and Gloom- you know Mr. Beck is paid to endorse all those things he talks about on his show right?
This country can handle more debt next week is not a magic day but political hype and media frenzy
Calm down it's not a religious thing, it's not doom and gloom, It's not the end of the world as we know it.
To be honest your posting sound like a fanatical zealot who harms those around them in the name of salvation before the catastrophe hits. History is full of these types. Be Safe:thanks:
Deathstar 80 Wrote:nky, the coming economic collapse has been proven to be a real threat to us. Hoot Gibson has even agreed with me that this is coming. I'm pleading with you that you prepare for the coming economic collapse.

If you're still not sure whether or not it's coming, please look at the proof that I've provided in post #26.

Well that does it, IM preparing.
nky Wrote:Doom and Gloom- you know Mr. Beck is paid to endorse all those things he talks about on his show right?
This country can handle more debt next week is not a magic day but political hype and media frenzy
Calm down it's not a religious thing, it's not doom and gloom, It's not the end of the world as we know it.
To be honest your posting sound like a fanatical zealot who harms those around them in the name of salvation before the catastrophe hits. History is full of these types. Be Safe:thanks:

If you want to discuss on whether or not an economic collapse is coming, I'll be glad to discuss that with you. Again, please look back at post #26, which is where I make the claim of why we're about to experience an economic collapse. If you find any mistakes in my claim, please post it here.

And again, Glenn Beck has nothing to do with this message. I've done my own research and I still think we're about to experience an economic collapse. And if we are about to, please prepare for it.

And lastly, if I'm making a mistake in any of my posts, please point it out, and please be honest about it. I don't want to make a mistake with something like this, and I'll greatly appreciate any help from anyone.
I'm going to go ahead and post the videos that I've received from If you watched those last two videos, you've probably noticed that the person in the videos supports the environment quite a bit. But please don't let that effect your political views. I only want these videos to help educate and prepare you.

In these following videos, he mentions "leaching". From what I understand, I think leaching is when you continuously wash the thing that you're about to eat. Leaching is a process that gets rid of the bitter taste of what you're about to eat. I've chosen these following videos because they're the plants that seem to often be found all around the country. If you are interested, I encourage you to do your own research from the Kentucky Native Plant Society website. Here are the videos:

I'll try to post more if I happen to find any more. Soon, I would like to post about plants that can be used for medicine, but I have to do some research about those.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I'm going to go ahead and post the videos that I've received from If you watched those last two videos, you've probably noticed that the person in the videos supports the environment quite a bit. But please don't let that effect your political views. I only want these videos to help educate and prepare you.

In these following videos, he mentions "leaching". From what I understand, I think leaching is when you continuously wash the thing that you're about to eat. Leaching is a process that gets rid of the bitter taste of what you're about to eat. I've chosen these following videos because they're the plants that seem to often be found all around the country. If you are interested, I encourage you to do your own research from the Kentucky Native Plant Society website. Here are the videos:

I'll try to post more if I happen to find any more. Soon, I would like to post about plants that can be used for medicine, but I have to do some research about those.
Has anybody ever told you that you were a "fruitloop"? You need to meet my mother in law, she is one too. She thinks the ice cloud coming out of airplanes is a "chem trail" that is poisoning people used by the government.
TheRealVille Wrote:Has anybody ever told you that you were a "fruitloop"? You need to meet my mother in law, she is one too. She thinks the ice cloud coming out of airplanes is a "chem trail" that is poisoning people used by the government.

As I said to nky, I'll be glad to discuss this. I made the claim on post #26 of this thread that an economic collapse is coming. Please point out any mistakes that I made in my claim.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:If you want to discuss on whether or not an economic collapse is coming, I'll be glad to discuss that with you. Again, please look back at post #26, which is where I make the claim of why we're about to experience an economic collapse. If you find any mistakes in my claim, please post it here.

And again, Glenn Beck has nothing to do with this message. I've done my own research and I still think we're about to experience an economic collapse. And if we are about to, please prepare for it.

And lastly, if I'm making a mistake in any of my posts, please point it out, and please be honest about it. I don't want to make a mistake with something like this, and I'll greatly appreciate any help from anyone.
you're going over the top with this survivalist crap. That's Doom and Gloom and a bit zealot like. Every few years the end of the world, society collapse non scence crops up Y2K anyone? This is another wild goose chase. Unfortunately there will be some who will take it to an extreme and harm themselves or loved ones because they are "true" believes in this type of hype.
By the way this level of debt is not unprecedented. It has happened before at higher levels (not dollar but percentage of GDP) before in our history. Yet society didn't come to a crashing halt and we transformed ourselves and moved forward. The same will happen with the current debt crisis. Will some be harmed by it? Of course they will, benefits will be cut, and hopefully what we consider what the government "owes" us will change.

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