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TNA Bound For Glory Card
Dixie Carter is shown in the crowd watching as Hogan limps his way into the ring. Sting's music hits, as Tenay and Taz complain about the fact that the referee is Bischoff's son. Sting makes his way down to the ring, wearing a Hulkamania t-shirt, and gets a big pop.
Both men look like they're going to be wrestling in tights and t-shirts. This is really a sad spectacle. The bell rings and both men begin circling. Hogan jabs at Sting but Sting avoids the punches. Hogan holds his hand up, then calls to the back. Ric Flair's music hit, and the Nature Boy makes his way down the ramp toward the ring
Dixie Carter doesn't look too happy as Flair walks down to the ring, and shakes hands with Hogan on the way to Hogan's corner. Both men begin circling again. We get a lock up and Sting locks in a side head lock. Sting clamps down, bringing Hogan down to one knee, but Hogan is quick to get back up, and send Sting into the ropes. Hogan hits a shoulder block that sends Sting down to the mat. Hogan poses for the fans, even throwing in a crotch chop. Sting takes off his shirt and throws it at Flair. Hogan connects with several rights before stomping Sting and locking in a rear chin lock.
Sting breaks the hold, but goes back down to a big clothesline. Sting rolls to the outside while Hogan jaws with the ref. Sting heads back into the ring and eats a couple of right hands before raking Sting's back, then his eyes. Hogan hits another right hand before tossing Sting to the outside. Flair wraps his jacket around Sting's neck to choke him. Flair hits Sting with chops and punches before hitting a low blow. Hogan goes out after Sting and hits another low blow on the Icon. Hogan slams Sting into the guard rail head first before hitting him with chops and biting Sting's forehead.
Flair hands Hogan something, which Hogan uses to hit Sting in the forehead. Flair sends Sting into the guard rail, and Hogan follows, pounding Sting repeatedly with the foreign object. Hogan sends Sting back into the ring and hits Sting with another right hand before strutting around the ring. Flair hands Hogan something else, but Sting blocks the punch and hits Hogan with some right hands of his own. Sting goes to the outside and chases Flair around the ring before getting back into the ring. Sting continues hitting Hogan with rights and Hogan goes to his back for the second time in this match.
Sting goes to the outside to chase Flair again, and this time he catches him. Sting grabs the weapon from Flair and uses it on Hogan, hitting him in the forehead twice and busting him open. Sting rips at Hogan's forehead, taking him into the corner with kicks and punches. Sting hits the Stinger splash, punches Flair off the apron, then hits a Stinger splash to the back of Hogan. Hogan falls to the mat and Sting grabs his legs. Sting is able to turn Hogan into one of the worst scorpion death locks I've ever seen. Hogan taps, but the ref won't call for the bell. Hogan continues to tap, and the ref is forced to call the bout in favor of Sting.

Flair attacks Sting following the match, and Bischoff comes out with Scott Steiner, Bully Ray, and Gunner in tow, all carrying chairs. Immortal take the beat down to Sting, laying in with chairs and Abyss is shown looking on in the back. Bischoff goes to hit Sting but his son grabs the chair. Bully Ray grabs him and Bischoff instead hits his own son with the chair. Flair beats on Sting in the corner, and Hogan has barely moved since the actual match, keeping himself propped up in the corner
Sting is asking for Hogan's help, but he's pulled away by the members of Immortal. Hogan begins hulking up. He takes out Flair, then Steiner, then Ray, then Gunner, all in succession. Hogan and Sting team up and take down everyone. Sting splashes Flair in the corner and Hogan tosses Gunner from the ring. Hogan and Sting have cleared the ring of everyone except Bischoff, who's cowering in the corner. Sting and Hogan lock eyes and stare each other down. Hogan points to Bischoff.
Hogan tells Sting he's got it, and he hits Bischoff with a big windmill punch to a lot of love from the crowd.
Hogan tosses Bischoff from the ring, and he and Sting stand tall in the center of the ring. Hogan says he's back. Sting mounts the turnbuckle and the crowd chants for Hogan. Hogan offers his hand to Sting, and the Icon takes it. Hogan and Sting raise each other's arms before leaving the ring and heading to the back.
TNA Championship Match
- Kurt Angle © vs. Bobby Roode
We get a really well done video package that highlights Roode's journey to this title match, as well as Angle's history as the World Champ of TNA.
The bell rings and the crowd seems pretty solidly behind Roode. We get a lock up and Roode locks in a side head lock. Angle sends Roode off the ropes and Roode comes right back with a shoulderblock. Roode blocks a hip toss and tries for the cross face, but Angle gets to the ropes to force a break. Angle rolls to the outside, and pulls Roode out after him. Roode hits Angle with right hands, beating him around the ringside area. Angle rolls back into the ring, and kicks the ropes into Roode's groin as he makes his way back into the ring.
Angle sends Roode into the corner and buries his shoulder in Roode's midsection before suplexing him hard for a two count. Angle locks in a waistlock trying to wear Roode down, but Roode is able to fight out of it. Angle hits Roode with a knee to the gut before going right back into the waistlock.
Roode fights out of the hold and goes for a clothesline but Angle ducks it and connects with a quick German suplex, then another and a third which is good for a two count for Angle. Angle goes to the top, but Roode is up on his feet and he goes up the turnbuckle, hitting a super German suplex to send Angle flying across the ring.
Both men are able to get up to beat the count and they trade right hands. Engle hits Roode with European uppercuts, but Roode won't die. Roode hits a running forearm, then a couple of clotheslines before being sent into the corner and coming right back out with another clothesline. Roode goes to the middle rope and hits a sort-of blockbuster that's good for another two count. Roode hits Angle with a nasty chop, but Angle responds with an explosive belly-to-belly suplex that's good for another near fall.
Angle is able to connect with a nasty DDT for another near fall, but Roode is able to come back with a spinebuster for a near fall of his own. Roode goes to the apron and climbs the turnbuckle, but Angle jumps up the ropes and launches Roode with a superplex of his own.
Roode is able to lock in the cross face out of nowhere. Angle looks to be in pain, but he's able to grab hold of Roode's ankle and transition into the ankle lock. Roode rolls through and locks in another cross face.
Angle is able to turn the submission into a near fall, but Roode kicks out. Both men get up but Roode takes Angle right back down to the mat in another cross face. Angle rolls over and shoulders Roode somehow, countering the cross face with an Angle slam. Angle locks on another ankle lock, and Roode struggles, and is able to kick Angle away. Roode plants Angle with a spinebuster before hitting the fisheman's suplex, hanging on to pin Angle for two.
Angle is able to lock in the ankle lock again, but Roode rolls through into a pin for a near fall. Angle goes for the Angle slam, but Roode reverses it. Roode goes to the top, but Angle pulls the ref in front of him. Roode comes to the mat, and pushes the ref aside, but he gets a kick to the groin and an Angle slam for his troubles. Angle goes for the pin, but he's still only able to get a two count. Angle stalks Roode and locks his hands around Roode's waist. Angle hits one German suplex, then another, but when he tries for the third, Roode rolls around and is able to lock in the cross face out of nowhere
Angle is able to get his hand under the rope to force Roode to break the hold. Roode is sent into the corner hard and Angle connects with a big spear, but it's still not enough to keep Roode down for a three count. Angle goes out to the apron and climbs the turnbuckles. Angle gets to the top and goes for a flying clothesline, but Roode catches him on the way down and puts him in the cross face again. Angle fights out and tries for the Angle slam but can't get it. Roode tries for the fisherman's suplex but can't get it. Angle connects with the Angle slam and holds on to the ropes. It doesn't look like he got a three, especially as Roode got his hand under the ropes, but the ref calls for the bell and this one is over.
Terrible finish. I expected a better finish.
Wow, I Cannot believe this, I honestly thought TNA had a chance but they just don't get it! First off, the Hogan / Sting match (I dare call it a match) was horrendous. It was just miserable to sit through and just incredibly told a horrible story. Not only was it horrendous, it left 15 minutes for the World Heavyweight championship.

What should have been one of the best matches in the last few years came off rushed and and never told a story. In what has been one of the best jobs in professional wrestling over the past 15 years, TNA had done an incredible job in building Roode up for the championship! And what do they do, the turn this into a 12 minute sprint in which they screw Roode with a Rope job. This was so rediculous that no one will care! TNA truly believes that they can milk this for another PPV, but this just killed, I mean KILLED, everything that they built up for Roode. Just stupid!
^Absolutely ruined it.
Most rediculous booking I have ever seen. And that includes what WWE has done with Punk
sounds like it was a boring PPV
The early portion of the PPV was actually pretty solid.

But those last 2 matches really, really put the grade down.

I don't even wanna talk about the Hogan/Sting fiasco.

Angle & Roode had a good match, but the ending was just lame.
Strikeout King Wrote:sounds like it was a boring PPV

It actually was good until it got the the Hogan/Sting match, then it went downhill. Roode and Angle worked well together, but they were not given the time to tell a story, thus it was rushed and the ending just sucked!
^ it's a shame to build up someone like Roode for him not to win the title.
^ Amen to that

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