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Phelps 56 East Ridge 46
"Hoops Lover" Wrote:Coach May wasn't "run off" from Belfry!!! That may be the most ridiculous statement that I have ever seen on ANY of these forums that are full of ridiculous statements. He got a promotion and moved into the central office...which is in Pikeville...he got married and built a house on the other side of was going to be a logistical nightmare to continue to coach at Belfry. He was a very important part of three regional championships. He learned under one of the best coaches in 15th region history...Raymond Justice....he also took over at SV for part of a season after Rowe left for personal reasons...Elkhorn City consolidated....better get your facts straight guys!! Here is another news flash...ER isn't very talented...
Heres one for you-if ER isnt that talented they sure laid a whoopin on Belfry!By the way, it was a well coached game against them too.
They sure did beat Belfry..thank you for restating the obvious...they have played well at times this evidenced by their wins over Belfry and Paintsville. Are they talented enough to win CONSISTENTLY against that type of competition...IMO ..the answer is no.
Refs were awful in this one.Dont get me wrong though thats not why ER got beat.In my eyes there was only one ref on the floor.But theres no way Wes Gillam should be aloud to ref.Hes just BAD! Im talking for both teams.Theres alot of dirty plalyer for the hornets also.Whoever plays them next better be ready!:boo: :boo:
congrats phelps..thought this would have turned out different!! I have commented on DPM coaching, which you can read in previous post..I have been to 90% of the ER games this season..and I have watched DPM..and I mean between all the T's he received, the jumping and screaming, I'm sure theres not a ref in the 15th who can stand him..LOL...I don't know..his coaching hasn't impressed me, i don't understand his method...don't get me wrong... I couldn't do any better myself and I'm sure he knows his stuff...I just don't think he communicates with his players at all, along with other stuff I have noticed.....
also, we have alot of young TALENTED players on this team...and what was the word yall used CONSISTENTLY, well IMO that aspect falls back on the coach partly, aren't they supposed to be able to adjust the line up to match the opposing team so that they can get a win and be "consistent"..ex-1st game against SV..DPM played Rowe 55 against Riddle under the rim..did a great job and we game against SV he played Coleman most of the game, Rowe no more than a min a I think and we lost...I'm sure there was a good reason I guess, but it just didn't make any sense to me....
this is just my opinion
and "thats the beauty of posting", :thanks: for letting me RANT---sorry it's a little long, hope I didn't offend anyone...
Good luck this Friday warriors, keep your heads up and lets play some ball
"spectator" Wrote:#1 He helped coach Justice at Belfry during 90 91 92 (3 region titles)
#2 He left Belfry and eventually became head coach at Elkhorn City
#3 I didn't know he coached at Valley. If he did that is a new one on me.
#4 When the two schools merged Hurley got the job at ER and Coach May helped him
at ER another region title

But I wasn't asking for his degree, I was wanting to see how people like you could do if you were a coach.
1, 2, and sometimes 3 years doesn't give a new coach a chance to build a program
around his system. I just think people should support their coach and let the administration decide if the program is going in the right direction.

Well yes he took over for Rodney Rowe when he was going to call it quits the first time then Coach May put Shelby Valley in such a state that Rowe came back when May ran off to Elkhorn City after Coach McCoy left for Pikeville and what did he do over there lets see he ran Elkhorn into the ground. Sure I will give to coach May he knows the game but he can't coach it it is plain and simple when East Ridge won the region that was Hurley he was the master mind behind East Ridge's early success. But in all fairness Coach May makes a great assistant but not a good head coach.
Go ahead and curse me for saying this but May isn't a coach and he isn't much of a person at times. He does play favorites, I can't stand his method, he is a hothead who gets T'ed every game at all the wrong times, he can't be a head coach because he can't run the show. I would give anything to have Hurley back and if you want DPM, TAKE HIM.
"piratefaithful" Wrote:Hey if you all dont want Coach May at East Ridge send him back over to Belfry, we would love to have him back as an assistant coach, Coach May is a great individual I dont see how you all are complaining blaming your loses on him, I mean he has beat Belfry once an Paintsville once...
Heck we'd keep him as an assitant coach!! He just sucks as a head coach!!! As far as a 'great individual' I can honestly say that I've seen him make that very questionable. I'm not saying he is a bad person who is mean to small children....but I've seen him do AND say things to make my skin crawl!!
BUT if it came down to it.....we'd gladly send him back to Belfry, I have an idea, lets trade our head coach for your middle school principal. :beg:
Seems like a good 'bout it Warrior Fans....what do ya think??
I personally know players that currently play for DPM and they say that he cant coach his way out of a bag. They are constantly talking about how rediculuous their practices are, because they run sprints for about an hour and a half, and run plays for maybe 10 minutes...they always talk about what a world of difference there is between May and Hurley. I am not jus talking about 1 or 2 players that are jealous because they dont play...I am referring to 2 or 3 starters and at least 3 or 4 others. They all say that none of the players get along with May and how much more they liked Hurley.

I am not giving my opinion on May, because I dont know much about him...I am just telling you all what I have heard from his players.
"ridgewarrior" Wrote:Heck we'd keep him as an assitant coach!! He just sucks as a head coach!!! As far as a 'great individual' I can honestly say that I've seen him make that very questionable. I'm not saying he is a bad person who is mean to small children....but I've seen him do AND say things to make my skin crawl!!
BUT if it came down to it.....we'd gladly send him back to Belfry, I have an idea, lets trade our head coach for your middle school principal. :beg:
Seems like a good 'bout it Warrior Fans....what do ya think??

Smile Hey! pirates yall name the time and place..and a coach swap it is...and all trades are I think anyone else other than DPM would make a better impact on our players...
Congrats Phelps.
Nothing is Denny Pauls Fault... hes a good coach.. he cant play for the boys on the floor.. the warriors are to blame as a team for losing this one..

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