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John Paul Amis Email sent to Hazard Superintendent
HDE Wrote:Why is it stupid? How would playing that game hurt either team?
How often do you get FOUR days to get ready for someone during the regular season if you have two or three games a week? Two days would be enough, especially if both teams have the same amount of time.

I've coached with Coach Holland and big part of his coaching style is scouting.. I know they know each other and I know all Coach Holland wants to work on right now is Leslie County... Why take a whole week away and work on Perry Central right now.

And plus why show Perry or Buckhorn your game 2 weeks before District ... Thats stupid... Even if Hazard and Perry were allowed to play that wouldn't EVER play 2 weeks before the district tournament.
Nothing to gain from playing Perry 2 weeks before District... Nothing at all...
I think too many people in this thread are looking at this from a coaches or fans perspective and not from an administrative point of view. Working in a school system it is very rare to see a school turn down a chance to make money. This would be a nice payday for both school systems and in the end it is why I think they will play.

PCC is the only one of the 3 with a chance to do anything at region so all the "don't want to play because of district" arguments are null. Hazard and Buckhorn both know they aren't going to Rupp. Hazard will likely make it to region and may win a game based on the draw but that is as good as they will do.

Play the game, let the kids have fun, let the fans have fun, make a few dollars. I just don't see a negative to playing these games.
You get ONE day to work on teams sometimes during regional or state tournament play. If he's working on Leslie now, does that mean he's not working on games against Johnson Central, Wolfe and Letcher? If you get nothing from playing Perry, what do you get from playing Wolfe or Jenkins?
Harlan County plays Perry on Saturday. I'm guessing coach Jones believes that game will help his team get ready for Harlan or Middlesboro in the district tournament.
HDE Wrote:You get ONE day to work on teams sometimes during regional or state tournament play. If he's working on Leslie now, does that mean he's not working on games against Johnson Central, Wolfe and Letcher? If you get nothing from playing Perry, what do you get from playing Wolfe or Jenkins?
Harlan County plays Perry on Saturday. I'm guessing coach Jones believes that game will help his team get ready for Harlan or Middlesboro in the district tournament.

Why play Perry Central. Which is a much better team then Hazard and let Perry get a feel for your game and learn your calls 2 weeks before you might be playing them for a district championship.... As a coach it doesn't make any sense...

In my 4 years of playing for Hazard, we would never play them 2 weeks before district.... and we played them like 3 or 4 teams a year.. but never this late...
Anybody that knows John Paul Amis knows he has never done anything in life that didnd't benefit John Paul or Perry Central. Heard from an inside source that Jaysean Paiges' parents need money, so John Paul just wants to have a fundraiser. Please, Hazard, don't fall for this nonsense. I hope all three schools, Buckhorn, Hazard and PCC will get back to playing each other..just not this year..
Altro Cat Wrote:I think too many people in this thread are looking at this from a coaches or fans perspective and not from an administrative point of view. Working in a school system it is very rare to see a school turn down a chance to make money. This would be a nice payday for both school systems and in the end it is why I think they will play.

PCC is the only one of the 3 with a chance to do anything at region so all the "don't want to play because of district" arguments are null. Hazard and Buckhorn both know they aren't going to Rupp. Hazard will likely make it to region and may win a game based on the draw but that is as good as they will do.

Play the game, let the kids have fun, let the fans have fun, make a few dollars. I just don't see a negative to playing these games.

I bet Noble and Holland don't think that and nobody else does either!!! One injury before the tournament could make Buckhorn or Hazard the favorite!
KentuckyFan35 Wrote:I bet Noble and Holland don't think that and nobody else does either!!! One injury before the tournament could make Buckhorn or Hazard the favorite!

Maybe if that ONE injury could magically keep multiple players on Perry County and Knott County out of the tourney....
Regardless whether they play this year or not, Hazard and Perry Central need to play one another. There's been a cooling down period and Paige will be gone next year. It means money for both schools, and it's good for the community. All rivalries have ups and downs, fights, arguments, and disagreements. But they have to work through it.
People can hate on John Paul for this all they want...
and to whomever decided to say that Jaysean's parents needed a fundraiser...

Bottom line:
The invitation has been extended and JPA copied the two biggest local media outlets on the email.
The ball is now in Hazard's court and there will be no he said/she said stuff to go with this one.
If Hazard officials decide to play the game, we'll get to see good basketball.
If they decide to play next year, we'll have to wait it out.
However, I have a feeling we won't play next year either.

Hazard needs to play Perry
Perry needs to play Buckhorn
and so on

They need to play once at each teams' venue no matter what.
That means Perry needs to take a bus up to Buckhorn and shut up about how small it is.
Then get rid of this idiotic 54th District Draw we do every year and actually earn your spot so we don't have to send one good team and one scrandy to the 14th Region Tournament.
It's not GIMME a break. It's GIMME a dollar.
hatcher said on sport 101 last night that the reason for them not seeding this district was the people from buckhorn and leslie co. were against it that he and coach holland had already agreed to seed but the other schools didnt want to.
Play the damn game.
^ that happens every year..

But this game isn't going to happen this year..

I'll be the first person to say Hazard and Perry do need to play every year BUT not this late into the season.... And not on John Paul's terms..

Get together and work something out for next year.
This game won't happen next year either.
zaga_fan Wrote:Maybe if that ONE injury could magically keep multiple players on Perry County and Knott County out of the tourney....

No just one, wouldn't take multiple.
How did this get to the media? Hazard should play if they want to play!! We aint affraid to play any team any time!! It would be to Hazards advantage also to play this game, they wouldnt see all perry would throw at them in the district but they would have an even better feel of what they have to come up with to beat pcc. What would the advantage be of JP being able to say we extended to Haz but they wouldnt play? All they could say was that Haz was scared!! Who cares! When your in the sweet sixteen you have ONE day to game plan after the first day!! Saying Haz couldnt be ready in 4 days or whatever is bull. Playing top competition only makes you better.
If PCC had the normal team, JPA wouldnt have tried to play HHS, but since he has the all star team he now wants to play !! So nice of him !! !LOL
The_Rock Wrote:Publicity stunt or not, they all need to play each other. The schools could use the money at least I would think they would. I know I enjoy the rivalry games and I would love to see Hazard beat Perry Central as usual. Buckhorn doenst stand a chance against neither one of them when the tournaments start.

Bad troll is still bad. :igiveup:

KyGurl Wrote:If PCC had the normal team, JPA wouldnt have tried to play HHS, but since he has the all star team he now wants to play !! So nice of him !! !LOL

One player made us an all-star team? We have one transfer on the team, Hazard has three I can think of right off the top of my head.

Anyways, concerning the rivalry, I say leave it dead and buried. HHS will come calling in a few years when PCC is down, bank on it. I don't know about the publicity stunt and all of that, but I say don't play the game. EKFF is right on his point about no need to play this close to district, especially with the chances that Hazard will more than likely meet the winner of the PCC/Horn game in the district title game.

Also, i'm going to borrow a point made by RIUTG in a football thread from a while back, and that is, what does PCC have to gain from this? Sure the gate will be good, but we're not necessarily strapped for cash, they usually make good gate money regardless of the opponent. Also, if Perry was to win the game, people would say "Wow that's not impressive a 5A school beat a 1A school, that should be expected." but if Hazard wins "Wow a 1A school knocked off the evil empire haha pcc". So what i'm trying to say is, what does PCC have to gain off of this?

As far as PCC/Buckhorn is concerned, I say let them play. They are another county school and their is no hatred for each other like there is for PCC/HHS, totally different situation IMO.
Hazard also has 6 games in the next 14 days..
KyGurl Wrote:If PCC had the normal team, JPA wouldnt have tried to play HHS, but since he has the all star team he now wants to play !! So nice of him !! !LOL

C'mon girl...
Perry has always been in favor of playing Hazard.
Now they just want to rub it in Hazard's face in public.
I would worry anout someone being injured. I know it can happen in any game, but if it happened during a re-scheduled game, a coach would have to think, damn, wish I hadn't took that game. Just want everyone from all teams to be healthy for district and region! Other than that, PLAY BALL!
ekff Wrote:Why play Perry Central. Which is a much better team then Hazard and let Perry get a feel for your game and learn your calls 2 weeks before you might be playing them for a district championship.... As a coach it doesn't make any sense...

In my 4 years of playing for Hazard, we would never play them 2 weeks before district.... and we played them like 3 or 4 teams a year.. but never this late...

Not a good excuse!!! Al is a grown man that can coach the game of bball!!! Im not trying to bust balls here but they should play, period!!! This could be a great chance to renew this GREAT rivalry and all the fans and kids want it to happen. I went to a county school and some of my best friends are from HHS. When we play against one another we competed hard and hung out after the game was over. Its the higher ups that made this stop, now lets let them play!!! That means in all sports, not just bball!!!!
ballstar Wrote:Not a good excuse!!! Al is a grown man that can coach the game of bball!!! Im not trying to bust balls here but they should play, period!!! This could be a great chance to renew this GREAT rivalry and all the fans and kids want it to happen. I went to a county school and some of my best friends are from HHS. When we play against one another we competed hard and hung out after the game was over. Its the higher ups that made this stop, now lets let them play!!! That means in all sports, not just bball!!!!

No hazard shouldn't play perry this year. Hazard has 6 games in the next 14 days... Hazard ain't looking for a game. Hazard was looking for a game last week and got on with Shelby Valley.. Again Hazard ain't looking for a game
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Why would Perry agree to play Hazard and not Buckhorn or has there been a game scheduled before the postseason that I do not know about.

Since they have the same CONTROLLING superintendant why doesnt he MAKE coach Noble vote to seed the district???? Everyone wants to paint a bad picture of JPA here, LOOK AT THE FACTS!!!! We want this to happen and they dont, end of discussion!!! If noble isnt gonna seed then the coach at pcc can make the decision to play them if he wants to or not. JPA doesnt make that desicion for them. Contrary to popular belief, JPA lets the coaches decide who they want to play!!!!!
ekff Wrote:^ that happens every year..

But this game isn't going to happen this year..

I'll be the first person to say Hazard and Perry do need to play every year BUT not this late into the season.... And not on John Paul's terms..

Get together and work something out for next year.

Were are not playing because of HHS terms so I would say it should be on PCC's terms this time. Not trolling at all here, just being real!!!
I'd love to see Hazard and PCC play...why don't they play anyway??
ballstar Wrote:Were are not playing because of HHS terms so I would say it should be on PCC's terms this time. Not trolling at all here, just being real!!!

Im not saying that I don't want the rival games back but it would just be stupid for hazard to play perry next week that is the point. Hazard has 6 games in 14 days and hazard isn't looking for a game for next week. But I want the game back as much as anyone I have even told a hazard
School Board Member to their face that it's dumb to not play.
They won't play this year or next year.
Not until Hazard has reloaded.

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