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How prepared are you?
Another "theory" in the long line of theories about the doom and gloom down fall of America. Y2K anyone?
MustangSally Wrote:Another "theory" in the long line of theories about the doom and gloom down fall of America. Y2K anyone?
Big difference. History is full of examples where governments have borrowed and spent themselves into the trash heap. Y2K only came along once and we will never see another one. If banking companies, utilities, etc., had not scrambled to fix their old COBOL programming code, some of the dire Y2K forecasts would have come true. The late 90s was a good time for COBOL programmers. They were very busy and very well paid.

In the case of forecasts of impending economic doom for this country, there is no evidence that anybody in power is taking serious steps to prevent an ultimate disaster. Our per capita debt is much higher than that of Greece (and most other civilized countries), and Greeks have seen their national credit card cut off, steep cuts made to their social welfare programs, and their standard of living take a steep nosedive. In response, many Greeks have taken to the streets to protest and strike violently in a futile attempt to regain the government "freebies" to which they had become addicted.

The United States has a bigger limit on its credit card than Greece, but there is no reason to think that what is happening there will not happen here sooner or later. When it happens here, there will be nobody around with an economy healthy enough to bail us out. Instead, the crash of our economy will drag the global economy down with it.
You got me all wrong Vundy. Iran is a threat because of who they sponsor. Groups like Hamas and Hezbollah are the threats. They are directly funded and supplied by the Iranian government. They have active cells in America today waiting to pull off an attack.

So obviously having a country that openly supports terrorism and terrorist groups can not be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. If you can't understand that Im not sure there is any point in carrying on this conversation.

We never should have went into Iraq, and Afghanistan should have been over years ago. Of course Obama said just last week how we need to continue to nation build in Afghanistan. Absolute joke. There is no helping those people. They see us as the enemy because we are not Muslim. That is how Islam works, its goal is to convert everyone to Islam or kill them if they don't. This BS about how only a small portion of them are terrorists... blah blah blah.... that is WRONG.

I am not all for the strike because I worry about Israel. I couldn't care less what happens to Israel. I support pulling all funding from Israel and let them support themselves. Whatever happens, happens.

Im an isolationist, and feel that any perceived threat should be dealt with with 3 x the force thought necessary to squash it out, and let everyone else deal with themselves.

We won't need boots on the ground to eliminate the military bases, terrorist strongholds, and every govt building in Iran.

You drop enough bombs in one spot, you will reach that nuclear facility. Plus if all the entrances are blasted all to hell and closed off, what good is it to them.

What is Iran's response gonna be? Are they going to engage us in naval or air battle? That will last about 5 minutes, and everything on the ground will be blasted to pieces in a matter of days.

There are only 4 armies that matter.
Birtain because their technology is on par with ours.
Russia, because they have an insane air defense and 100,000 tanks
China, because they have 500million possible soldiers.

So I guess Vundy, my question is what is your proposed action? Do nothing? Wait until we are hit, maybe we never will be, or maybe 1 million Americans will die in a split second one day a couple years from now.

Why is Iran building missile bases in Venezuela? Is that not a threat? It only takes that one day when they make a breakthrough with their missile program and shit gets for real.
Beetle01 Wrote:You got me all wrong Vundy. Iran is a threat because of who they sponsor. Groups like Hamas and Hezbollah are the threats. They are directly funded and supplied by the Iranian government. They have active cells in America today waiting to pull off an attack.

So obviously having a country that openly supports terrorism and terrorist groups can not be allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon. If you can't understand that Im not sure there is any point in carrying on this conversation.

We never should have went into Iraq, and Afghanistan should have been over years ago. Of course Obama said just last week how we need to continue to nation build in Afghanistan. Absolute joke. There is no helping those people. They see us as the enemy because we are not Muslim. That is how Islam works, its goal is to convert everyone to Islam or kill them if they don't. This BS about how only a small portion of them are terrorists... blah blah blah.... that is WRONG.

I am not all for the strike because I worry about Israel. I couldn't care less what happens to Israel. I support pulling all funding from Israel and let them support themselves. Whatever happens, happens. I'm telling you, the liberal press corps and liberal politicians are in it together.

Im an isolationist, and feel that any perceived threat should be dealt with with 3 x the force thought necessary to squash it out, and let everyone else deal with themselves.

We won't need boots on the ground to eliminate the military bases, terrorist strongholds, and every govt building in Iran.

You drop enough bombs in one spot, you will reach that nuclear facility. Plus if all the entrances are blasted all to hell and closed off, what good is it to them.

What is Iran's response gonna be? Are they going to engage us in naval or air battle? That will last about 5 minutes, and everything on the ground will be blasted to pieces in a matter of days.

There are only 4 armies that matter.
Birtain because their technology is on par with ours.
Russia, because they have an insane air defense and 100,000 tanks
China, because they have 500million possible soldiers.

So I guess Vundy, my question is what is your proposed action? Do nothing? Wait until we are hit, maybe we never will be, or maybe 1 million Americans will die in a split second one day a couple years from now.

Why is Iran building missile bases in Venezuela? Is that not a threat? It only takes that one day when they make a breakthrough with their missile program and shit gets for real.

I would have said asked this question somewhat differently. Why, in fact, has not even one main stream media outlet, other than FOX, made the first peep about this matter? Further, New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, says the Obama administration is well aware of the duplicity with which Chavez is dealing with the USA. According to him, Chavez has promised the delivery of 20,000 gallons of gasoline a day to Iran, among other things, in exchange for their continued support and oversight with regard to Chavez's goal of possessing nuclear weapons. So, we're (the United States) building oil refineries in Venezuela in the form of foreign aid promised by Obama, along with everybody's hard earned tax dollars 'pumped' into the Chavez treasury in cash payments, so Chavez can then turn around and send 20,000 gallons of gasoline a day to Iran, and Iran then helps Venezuela develope a nuclear arsenal. American taxpayers are funding the nuclear asperations of Iran and Venezuela! We're actually picking up at least part of the tab to get Iran and possibly Venezuela nuclear. Medium range nukes parked in Venezuela represents a deadly threat to America.

Anybody other than me think this is poor foreign policy? Folks on the left are so indoctrinated by the dictates of social justice they willingly, are being led to the slaughter by a biased media corps, playing the part of the pied piper.
Where's Nostradamus when you need him?

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