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South Carolina Elects Disgraced Adulterer To Congress
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:As I said, TheRealVille, God does not micromanage. I don't understand why God lets tragedy occur and does nothing about it. There are a lot of things about God that I don't understand. there seems often to be no rhyme or reason to anything. Most seems to be a roll of the dice. However, I do feel sure that God is neither a fan of Obama nor of his agenda. Free will unfortunately includes the freedom to be self-destructive.
That doesn't really answer the question as to God's statement, Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities.
For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.
It is very clear that He is saying he established Obama's position in office.
It is hilarious watching Clinton supporters criticizing people who voted for an adulterer. Nobody has accused Sanford of rape and other sex crimes. Multiple women made those allegations against Clinton and then he lied under oath to a federal judge. Yet, liberals still defend Clinton's behavior and still hypocritically ridicule Republicans for voting for candidates guilty of far less offensive behavior.
Isn't it the left who always claim these issues to be private between the man and his wife? Seems like the wife didn't like it and went for the divorce. I don't see the issue here
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It is hilarious watching Clinton supporters criticizing people who voted for an adulterer. Nobody has accused Sanford of rape and other sex crimes. Multiple women made those allegations against Clinton and then he lied under oath to a federal judge. Yet, liberals still defend Clinton's behavior and still hypocritically ridicule Republicans for voting for candidates guilty of far less offensive behavior.
Or..........they are bringing to light that republicans have the same hypocrisy that they accuse liberals of having. Really, I could care less who he sleeps with. From what I understand, he asked his wife if it was ok to have an affair. That's between him and her. But, he used taxpayer money to fund the affair. I know both sides do it, but it's still wrong. For conservatives to criticize Bill Clinton, and not Sanford is no different that the hypocrisy that they accuse liberals of.
TheRealVille Wrote:Or..........they are bringing to light that republicans have the same hypocrisy that they accuse liberals of having. Really, I could care less who he sleeps with. From what I understand, he asked his wife if it was ok to have an affair. That's between him and her. But, he used taxpayer money to fund the affair. I know both sides do it, but it's still wrong. For conservatives to criticize Bill Clinton, and not Sanford is no different that the hypocrisy that they accuse liberals of.
Read this very slowly and very carefully, RV. Bill Clinton lied under oath in a deposition before a federal judge. If Terry Sanford had done the same thing, then your post might make some sense. He didn't and it doesn't.
perjury only counts for average Americans and Republicans. Not liberal Presidents:Cheerlead:notbad:
Sanford admitted his err and did so on national TV as he resigned. Not condoning what he did, just saying. Clinton on the other hand, never did admit what he did. DNA evidence and all kinds of testimony notwithstanding. A federal judge slapped a big fine on a sitting president for lying under oath about it and later, Clinton was disbarred for crying out loud. :HitWall:

Now, we are faced with the spector of more of the same (already had a fair sized dose in Her Benghazi testimony up on the Hill), from presidential hopeful Hillary.

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