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One reason
ronald reagan Wrote:If I were a liberal, this is how I'd argue my point.

Fact: Unemployment rates have dropped from over 10% down to 6.3%.
Fact: Job growth has occurred for 54 out of 55 straight months.
Fact: Over 10 million new jobs created since recovery began. With approximately 300,000 last month alone.
Fact: Deficits have shrunk from about 1.8 trillion, to about 600 billion. (1/3rd of the all time high.)
Fact: Stock Markets have more than doubled (Nasdaq, S&P, Dow).
Fact: 2 wars have either ended or drawing to a close.
Fact: Bin Laden is dead.
Fact: TARP created a net increase in revenue.
Fact: Healthcare has been greatly expanded for the poor and middle class.

Now... I'm going to go blow my brains out for even thinking of those reasons. haha.

I know how to argue all those points, for and against. So don't even try. Anyone who knows me, will know that I'm a radical conservative and make no excuses for Obama. That said, I will offer a REAL example of Obama's success, no jokes:

Raising capital gains taxes has probably been his biggest accomplishment. The conventional wisdom was that raising them would be detriminal to the markets, especially during a time of recovery. The rates have increased approximately 50% under Obama. From 15% to 23.8%. (20% plus the new 3.8% medicare recovery surcharge). Luckily, I was proven wrong and the markets have more than doubled under Obama, with huge gains since the rate was raised. This has created the boom in revenue (along with accelerated job increases, and income tax increases on the rich, along with new taxes from obamacare). Although I didn't support the capital gain tax increase, then or now... I must concede and say that as a fiscal conservative whose interest is in decreasing the debt... it was probably the right decision. The only reason I'm against it, is because it wasn't part of a spending cut deal.

I understand that you put forth a tongue in cheek liberal argument in your answer. So, to refute the individual points would be futile. However, I would venture one tiny exception none the less. And that would be the origin of the data used to establish the individual points as "facts." LOL. And a likely part of any argument in support of increasing capital gains taxes would be the astonishing rate the fed is printing money, or rather quantitatively easing the United State's financial woes. Sooner or later we will pay the piper. It all flies in the face of wisdom your own financial wizard used so effectively to spark the economic boom of the late 20th century, the venerable Art Laffer.
WideRight05 Wrote:You may think he's on your side haha...

But he is a Republican.

I Appreciate a good Republican not that many. The ones I know claim they are independent anymore.:rockon:
This thread was started almost two weeks ago. It will keep coming back to the top over and over again until I see one valid reason that somebody should support Obama.

So yes, this thread is going to be up for a while.
Because celebrities like him.
Well, some still do. I don't see as many on the political bandwagon anymore.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Because celebrities like him.
Well, some still do. I don't see as many on the political bandwagon anymore.

That, you are exactly correct on WideGut. It is all about being "cool" rather than being "competent." A lot of our youth look up to celebrities and will vote based on their political statements.

A lot of liberals vote like that but will not admit it.

So I would like to hear it, liberals, one good intelligent reason to vote for Obama - I will not drop this until I do.
^^ At least we've got your life long hobby worked out! :biggrin:
TheRealThing Wrote:^^ At least we've got your life long hobby worked out! :biggrin:

Maybe I should have gone the Obama supporter route. At least I would be getting paid for my daily hobbies! :biggrin: Confusednicker:
With the fact that the man has not gotten Impeached, he must be doing something right.............right? lolConfusednicker:
Do-double-gg Wrote:With the fact that the man has not gotten Impeached, he must be doing something right.............right? lolConfusednicker:

Yeah, you'd think he has done something. I can't name it though and neither can WideRight. Hence the thread is calling for any body who would like to step up and name even one achievement. :biggrin:
Even with TRV having left the forums, there are still a few Obama supporters who are around. I am sure this thread would have ended a lot sooner if winning two elections was an accomplishment that could be used in favor of Obama.
:thanks: guys keep on promoting the Democrat party. We love it. :lmao:
^If you say so, LOL. But I noticed you didn't bother to list even one Obama success, foreign or domestic.

Speaking of which, everybody remembers the famous "red line" our fearless leader spoke of with regard to Syria, right? Here's what he said just in case you might be fuzzy on the matter; "We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized," the president said. "That would change my calculus. That would change my equation." So, Assad jumped right over that "red line" and used chemical weapons.

When Assad crossed the line that Obama had been 'very clear' with him about, Obama said the following;

Well, all that went down and the direct result of our inaction after the 'very clear' threat, is going on right now in Iraq. ISIS are the very guys who were lurking about in Syria looking to start a war. Our lily livered crawfishing emboldened them to do whatever they want with impunity. At least as far as any American reprisals may be concerned.

So, if you think pointing things like this and the hundreds of other examples that fills our nightly news helps you guys, just let me say that I for one am glad to help you out! :Thumbs:

BTW, it is truly hilarious to listen to him try to wriggle out from under the weight of his own remarks, (he may never learn about the miracle of video tape, LOL), by citing a chemical weapons ban first enacted way back in 1968. He has a tendency to run over any other law he doesn't like, even ones like the Citizens United decision that was just passed down in 2010. By the SCOTUS, no less!
:popcorn: I'm still waiting for that one reason - I refuse to believe that our resident liberals don't frequent the forum still.
WideRight05 Wrote::popcorn: I'm still waiting for that one reason - I refuse to believe that our resident liberals don't frequent the forum still.

Hollywood geru are sticking with Obama.....Just like Reagon....I see a trend here. minus foxs news.
64SUR Wrote:Hollywood geru are sticking with Obama.....Just like Reagon....I see a trend here. minus foxs news.

:hilarious: That isn't all, the Hollywood gurus are sticking with. They tend to be fiercely loyal to their drug rehab centers too!
64SUR Wrote:Hollywood geru are sticking with Obama.....Just like Reagon....I see a trend here. minus foxs news.

this has 2 be the most stupidest post i have ever seen on here
WideMiddle03 Wrote:this has 2 be the most stupidest post i have ever seen on here

I see you have skip over all of TheRealThing post. Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Because celebrities like him.
Well, some still do. I don't see as many on the political bandwagon anymore.

But those with big money STILL like him, ie Oprah!! Who, IMO, is the most racist person in America.

Oh, and I have finally thought of something Obama has done; polarize this great nation. You can see that example even on this forum.
Granny Bear Wrote:But those with big money STILL like him, ie Oprah!! Who, IMO, is the most racist person in America.

Oh, and I have finally thought of something Obama has done; polarize this great nation. You can see that example even on this forum.

Well, according to Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", it's far easier to whip up indignation and rebellion, than to inspire the principles of self governance ala the vision of our founding fathers. From Alinsky's list;

* RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.” Power is derived from 2 main sources – money and people. “Have-Nots” must build power from flesh and blood. (These are two things of which there is a plentiful supply. Government and corporations always have a difficult time appealing to people, and usually do so almost exclusively with economic arguments.)"

Hence the 1% propaganda campaign which supposedly launched the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrations. And the justification for having rammed ObamaCare down America's throat. And the 47% smear campaign against the Mitt Romney candidacy. And the income inequality argument. And the justification for the current solicitation inspired mass illegal immigration, funded by the taxpayer BTW.
Isn't everything funded by the taxpayer that Obama is doing?
Granny Bear Wrote:Isn't everything funded by the taxpayer that Obama is doing?

Certainly. That's one reason why the present state of affairs smacks of poetic justice. He is using our own money to coopt the United States into the liberal fold. And to "transform the face of America." Therefore, because as Benjamin Franklin said; "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." And, "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.", we Americans are skirting disaster because in IMHO, we are guilty of both.

However, he gets his impetus, his broad charter if you will, to effect the changes in the way things are done here in America, by fanning the flames of indignation among the poor and the low information voters. They are made to feel as if goods, and services, are their constitutional rights. And that Republicans, those rich, white, gluttons, want to deny them said goodies. In fact, Nancy Pelosi and other rabid liberals have said as much when they quote the following line from the Declaration of Independence; "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" I mean, does free stuff not make one happy? So, what we have is half of state and federal government (Dems) launching an all out war of words against the other half (Republicans.) Again, given the present state of affairs in the US Congress, is there any wonder about the wisdom of this famous statement? "A house divided against itself cannot stand." The money comes into play as is suggested in Alinsky's rule #1, when said voters are promised entitlement goodies (the bribe) if they keep the Dems in office. Quid Pro Quo.
Poor people in my area of the state votes Republican. TheRealThing what's up with that.....Confusederiously:
64SUR Wrote:Poor people in my area of the state votes Republican. TheRealThing what's up with that.....Confusederiously:

Well 64, it's like I've said on here many times. Democrats have managed to put together a coalition to win the districts of high population areas. Still, to understand how overwhelmingly conservatives dominate this land, have a look at this county by county map of how the last election vote went;


As you can plainly see, not many folks in Kentucky voted for Barack. In fact, the red shaded areas on the map very clearly demonstrate how completely this nation is dominated by the Republican vote. But, that isn't the plan as long as the Dems can continue to win the high population centers. By concentrating their firepower in these highly populated areas, or the blue spots on the map, where millions of folks are wedged into big cities, they manage to win enough electoral votes to win the presidency. Kentucky isn't exactly a swing state and has gone Republican 7 out of the last 10 elections. Yeah, Kentucky voters are smarter than most and doing their part, as Kentucky usually goes for the Republican candidate but, we're just one little 8 electoral vote state.

Barack only won by 5 million votes, 65 to 60 million was the popular tally. Considering there are over 70 million in just one voting block alone, the baby boomers, who tend to lean conservatively in their views, it is easy to see how tenuous Democrat's hold on power really is.
That's a pretty red America...TheRealThing do believe only Republican should be President of the United States.....:please: don't say yes
64SUR Wrote:That's a pretty red America...TheRealThing do believe only Republican should be President of the United States.....:please: don't say yes

LOL, right now I'd feel like anybody not from Kenya would be an upgrade. :biggrin:
WideRight05 Wrote::popcorn: I'm still waiting for that one reason - I refuse to believe that our resident liberals don't frequent the forum still.

They (liberals) don't have even one success to tout. And if they did, it would be like finding a watch that was still ticking after the bomb was dropped in Nagasaki. Everything was aglow with lethal radiation but, if one were to apply a little liberal spin, the ticking watch would represent a huge success! The only difference I can see for the present national crisis for we Americans, is that we've yet to find that ticking watch representing an Obama success.

Liberals, not having developed much past their elementary school years, none the less stay in tight orbit around all things academic. Since facing reality is problematic to their prof driven visions of man's march toward perfection, they therefore find self delusion the ultimate utopia. There, in La-La Land, anything is possible, and blaming others (school yard style) never grows old.

Thus we see how the liberal manages his dogged persistence in the face of a very clear historical record and mountains of evidence that refute his position beyond debate. So, it is time for all good liberals to bury their heads in the sand until the storm passes caused by their errant and simplistic ideology. And, as further consequence, it is time to send them packing in the mid-terms this November.
Back to the top.
I'll bite.

9.9 million jobs
Over 200k jobs a month for the last 6 months. A feat not accomplished since 1997
Housing prices back up
6.1 unemployment
Around 53 some odd months of job gains in the private sector
Ending 2 wars, one of which was started on lies
Saddam and Bin Laden are dead
The auto industry is alive.
In Kentucky, through the ACA, hundreds of thousands now have insurance, that didn't before.
Brought us back from the brink of a deppression, to a growing economy (The Bush-led Great Recession was costing the economy nearly 800,000 jobs per month by the time President Obama took office. But by the end of his first year, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act created and sustained 2.1 million jobs and stimulated the economy by 3.5%.
Cut the deficit in half
Hello there RV, long time no argue, LOL.

Saddam is dead alright. And as I recall, emerging from the spider hole he said the following; "I am Saddam Hussein President of Iraq, and I am willing to negotiate." To which the soldier apprehending him said, "President Bush sends his regards."

The rationale of the liberal states that the mad dog extremists the like of ISIS or perhaps Hamas, will not bother us if we don't bother them. Follow the footsteps of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi since 2009, when he was released from Camp Bucca in Iraq to become today's ruthless mass murderering head of ISIS.

Somehow, I doubt this guy would hesitate to take out as many of us as he possibly could. At any rate, way back in 2001, the guys that flew those passenger jets through the towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, must have not gotten the memo. Just turning our back and scramming out of Iraq, hasn't quite panned out quite like the Little Leaguers of the current state department had envisioned. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is killing Christians like flies, and our jets are back on station over the skies of Iraq. Not to mention that releasing Baghdadi might not have been the smartest thing we could have done.

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