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It's About Time
Bob Seger Wrote:Hey Tomcat 7200000000000000, you might avoid embarrassing yourself further if you made your way back to the football threads and spent your efforts trying to conger NotsoBADCAT back up from the dead...You obviously don't have a single clue about anything regarding this entire subject matter.
actually the fact that the Republican party so adamantly opposes any new gun legislation regardless of events like sandy hook,Virginia tech,Aurora Colorado,and fern creek. But then does anything and everything to decrease voter participation at the polls because those are the elections they win proves to me they are bought by the NRA. Welcome to the GOP where we encourage your right to strap on your AK before entering WalMart but discourage your right to participate in democracy.
TheRealThing Wrote:This is just about as ridiculous a statement as I have read on here and I've seen some doozies. Evidently you've never voted or bought a gun. Republican leadership offered to make social security cards a photo ID that people would use for identification purposes at the polls (free of charge). I assume you have one of those? At any rate, I've shown my driver's license before I voted. As well as having to fill out a voter registration before I was allowed to vote when I turned 18. People who aren't even US citizens are voting with out benefit of having been preregistered or even in possession of any form of ID. Why do you suppose Democratic leadership has opened the floodgates for illegal immigration

The background checks are pretty extensive to buy firearms. Buyers have to fill out forms that include a lot of personal information and show an ID. That information is then cross checked at the state level against their data base. If you don't check out you wait to buy a gun or possibly get denied the privilege.

So, to say it's easier to buy a gun than to vote is laughable. But, not as laughable as saying there is some financial benefit for the right to enforce voter ID laws. Confusednicker:
A novice might might pick up your subtle misleading here. Were you required to show your driver's license, when voting? Was that vote cast in KY? At any rate, why make people show an id, as in person vote fraud is almost non existent, as the total voting population goes. You guys can side step it all you want, but you know there is only one reason to require photo ids, to keep certain classes(blacks, hispanics, elderly, and young people)that might have a better chance of having a photo id, from voting. Republicans might be able to bullshit some, but most people know the real reason for id laws. Those you wish to show photo id vote for democrats, and this is just another way to steal election you know republicans can't win. The same goes with redistricting.

You guys can side step it all you want, but you know there is only one reason to require photo ids, to keep certain classes(blacks, hispanics, elderly, and young people)that might have a better chance of not having a photo id, from voting.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:actually the fact that the Republican party so adamantly opposes any new gun legislation regardless of events like sandy hook,Virginia tech,Aurora Colorado,and fern creek. But then does anything and everything to decrease voter participation at the polls because those are the elections they win proves to me they are bought by the NRA. Welcome to the GOP where we encourage your right to strap on your AK before entering WalMart but discourage your right to participate in democracy.

Seriously here 7200000000000, I have always kidded around with you about stuff in the football threads ,because honestly , unlike most Ashland fans, I thought you acted like you had a little bit of sense.....Boy was I (and probably Harry Rex now that your real colors are showing) totally wrong , you are in reality a full fledged bona fide 100% unadulterated fruit loop....And seriously, I'm being serious.
TheRealVille Wrote:A novice might might pick up your subtle misleading here. Were you required to show your driver's license, when voting? Was that vote cast in KY? At any rate, why make people show an id, as in person vote fraud is almost non existent, as the total voting population goes. You guys can side step it all you want, but you know there is only one reason to require photo ids, to keep certain classes(blacks, hispanics, elderly, and young people)that might have a better chance of having a photo id, from voting. Republicans might be able to bullshit some, but most people know the real reason for id laws. Those you wish to show photo id vote for democrats, and this is just another way to steal election you know republicans can't win. The same goes with redistricting.

I was asked and so was my wife. I might add that I didn't find their having asked, to be the least bit of an inconvenience either. So let me ask again. Do blacks, Hispanics, elderly and young have a social security card or not? I guarantee you they've got a driver's license. Going by the typical anti-logic of the liberal, how does the state require a driver's license in order to drive? Isn't that discriminatory on exactly the same argument as voter ID's? That's not the most ridiculous argument you've ever made but, it's up there. The only people adverse to showing a valid ID are trying to vote illegally.

As far as you're statement that Republicans can't win elections. Little Alison will go down. And as for the voter ID's, they will happen and likely sooner than later now that the best the Dems can hope for in their wildest dreams for the mid-terms is a 50-50 split.
TheRealThing Wrote:I was asked and so was my wife. I might add that I didn't find their having asked, to be the least bit of an inconvenience either. So let me ask again. Do blacks, Hispanics, elderly and young have a social security card or not? I guarantee you they've got a driver's license. Going by the typical anti-logic of the liberal, how does the state require a driver's license in order to drive? Isn't that discriminatory on exactly the same argument as voter ID's? That's not the most ridiculous argument you've ever made but, it's up there.

As far as you're statement that Republicans can't win elections. Little Alison will go down. And as for the voter ID's, they will happen and likely sooner than later now that the best the Dems can hope for in their wildest dreams for the mid-terms is a 50-50 split.
If they asked for a driver's license, or a photo id, in KY., they broke the law. Ky doesn't require photo id, even showing a credit card will do. Tons of people don't have a copy of their SS card. A lot in major cities use transit, and do not have a driver's license. Requiring any of the formentioned, if the voter doesn't have one, is hindering their vote.
Bob Seger Wrote:Seriously here 7200000000000, I have always kidded around with you about stuff in the football threads ,because honestly , unlike most Ashland fans, I thought you acted like you had a little bit of sense.....Boy was I (and probably Harry Rex now that your real colors are showing) totally wrong , you are in reality a full fledged bona fide 100% unadulterated fruit loop....And seriously, I'm being serious.
wow hit a nerve? Lol come on bob name calling is beneath you my friend.
just pointing out were supposed to carry he social security card that on the back says do not carry in wallet or purse. Excellent Logic!!!
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Republicans have plenty in there own party they should be paying alot more income tax than those democrats on welfare they just put there money in offshore bank accounts or make billions of dollars while paying taxes on a lower percentage of there income than a middle class family.

Are you referring to billionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomburg, Al Gore, the Kennedy's and George Soros, or are you referring to the average millionaires like Pelosi, Reid and Obama?
FTR, even in states that require a photo id, if the voter doesn't have one, they can show a utility bill and sign an affidavit. And, in some states, just signing an affidavit will do.
TheRealVille Wrote:If they asked for a driver's license, or a photo id, in KY., they broke the law. Ky doesn't require photo id, even showing a credit card will do. Tons of people don't have a copy of their SS card. A lot in major cities use transit, and do not have a driver's license. Requiring any of the formentioned, if the voter doesn't have one, is hindering their vote.

The folks that work the polls where I vote are mostly Democrat, but not so rabidly politically correct that they're not smart enough to know everybody except zombies has a darn driver's license. At any rate, if there are any mass transit zones in Kentucky I haven't heard of them yet.

If somebody wanting to vote cannot prove in some form who they are, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote. And hopefully, one day soon that's how it will be, again. I mean, how do these guys cash their welfare checks? They've got to have some form of ID.
Seriously, how hard is it to get a photo identification?
TheRealThing Wrote:The folks that work the polls where I vote are mostly Democrat, but not so rabidly politically correct that they're not smart enough to know everybody except zombies has a darn driver's license. At any rate, if there are any mass transit zones in Kentucky I haven't heard of them yet.

If somebody wanting to vote cannot prove in some form who they are, then they shouldn't be allowed to vote. And hopefully, one day soon that's how it will be, again. I mean, how do these guys cash their welfare checks? They've got to have some form of ID.
They still can't require you to show a driver's license, or even a photo id.
WideRight05 Wrote:Seriously, how hard is it to get a photo identification?

Pretty hard if youre here illegally
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Pretty hard if youre here illegally

:Thumbs: Game, set, match.
TheRealVille Wrote:They still can't require you to show a driver's license, or even a photo id.

Semantics. I was asked for ID. I don't know what they do in La-La Land, but here in America it is commonplace to be asked for ID. Typically, the go to form of ID is a driver's license. If I'd not had a driver's license, I'm sure they would have gone down their check list of acceptable alternative forms of ID until I either complied or was denied the privilege to vote.

It's hard to come up with something plausible when one is up to no good. Hence all the commotion over the voter ID law. Illegal Aliens ought not get to vote in America.
Old School Wrote:Are you referring to billionaires like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Michael Bloomburg, Al Gore, the Kennedy's and George Soros, or are you referring to the average millionaires like Pelosi, Reid and Obama?
refering more to the Koch brothers and the big bankers of wall street. Being rich is not a crime tax evasion is.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:refering more to the Koch brothers and the big bankers of wall street. Being rich is not a crime tax evasion is.

You can't be serious. Are you that naive or just unaware?
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:refering more to the Koch brothers and the big bankers of wall street. Being rich is not a crime tax evasion is.

That sounds like something Harry Reid would say. You remember when he slandered Mitt Romney during the last presidential campaign in saying he hadn't paid any income taxes in ten years? This administration doesn't shy away from going after their detractors or their political foes. Dinesh D'Souza comes to mind. And, I don't know if Harry Reid is even capable of completing a full sentence without mentioning the Koch brothers. Safe to say in light of the recent revelations of using the IRS as a weapon against those damnable Republicans, if Dems had a shred of evidence to hang on the Koch brothers, they'd be in court so fast it would make their heads swim.
TheRealThing Wrote:That sounds like something Harry Reid would say. You remember when he slandered Mitt Romney during the last presidential campaign in saying he hadn't paid any income taxes in ten years? This administration doesn't shy away from going after their detractors or their political foes. Dinesh D'Souza comes to mind. And, I don't know if Harry Reid is even capable of completing a full sentence without mentioning the Koch brothers. Safe to say in light of the recent revelations of using the IRS as a weapon against those damnable Republicans, if Dems had a shred of evidence to hang on the Koch brothers, they'd be in court so fast it would make their heads swim.
in 2008 a subsidiary of Koch industries in France was found to have paid bribes to win contract in Saudi Arabia. The compliance officer for Koch industries who discovered the crimes was let go after her report
TheRealThing Wrote:Semantics. I was asked for ID. I don't know what they do in La-La Land, but here in America it is commonplace to be asked for ID. Typically, the go to form of ID is a driver's license. If I'd not had a driver's license, I'm sure they would have gone down their check list of acceptable alternative forms of ID until I either complied or was denied the privilege to vote.

It's hard to come up with something plausible when one is up to no good. Hence all the commotion over the voter ID law. Illegal Aliens ought not get to vote in America.
Wrong. When they asked for an id, any id was fine. A credit card, or any other form of id, even a DL is fine. They don't start with the DL and go down the line. And yes, even without id you can still vote, but you would have to sign an affidavit. Your vote would be provisional. Learn the rules before you expound on them. But, at any rate, in person vote fraud is almost non existent, and is only being used as a tool by republicans to hinder certain classes of people from voting, which usually vote for democrats. As the old saying goes," you'll go to hell for lying, just as fast as stealing", and if you keep trying to say voter photo id laws are for any other reason than stated, you better be getting on your knees, because you know it's the reason.
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:in 2008 a subsidiary of Koch industries in France was found to have paid bribes to win contract in Saudi Arabia. The compliance officer for Koch industries who discovered the crimes was let go after her report

Do you remember back during the Presidential debates when Obama was bashing Mitt Romney for business exploits where he had money invested out of country? He went on and on about it leading up to the debate. Mitt made a monkey out of him when he pointed out before the entire nation that Obama himself has substantial out of country investments in his own retirement portfolio. LOL, that was one of the only times I have seen Obama unable to speak as he was taken aback so badly.

There are always two sides to every story. Headlines in the article I saw about your allege in "The Week", dated Oct 4, 2011 went as follows; "The Koch brothers 'bombshell': Bribes, crimes, and illegal trade with Iran?"
Bloomberg digs up dirt on liberals' favorite boogeymen — the Tea Party-bankrolling billionaires Charles and David Koch .....This is the article you used is it not? At any rate, it would be difficult to establish a credible argument to say the authors were not biased when the calling the Koch's "Tea Party-Bankrolling billionaires."

The deal in Saudi Arabia was the work of one rogue manager according to the Koch's. You shouldn't have a lot of trouble assigning some measure of plausibility to that if you're on board with the rationale about Benghazi and the IRS scandal where it has been alleged over and over ad-nauseum that two rogue agents started and perpetrated the whole Tea Party targeting rampage.

This is part of the Koch's response; KORVA COLEMAN: For months Senate Majority leader Harry Reid has made a sport of bashing billionaires David and Charles Koch for donating millions to tax exempt groups pushing to win back Republican control of the Senate. But it turns out, the biggest spending outside group in this election cycle isn’t the Koch brothers, it’s a super PAC with ties to Senator Reid. NPR’s Peter Overby reports.

Big business is not bad for America. They provide millions of jobs and after all, somebody has to work around here. Contrary to the Dem party line, everybody can't do artwork.
TheRealVille Wrote:Wrong. When they asked for an id, any id was fine. A credit card, or any other form of id, even a DL is fine. They don't start with the DL and go down the line. And yes, even without id you can still vote, but you would have to sign an affidavit. Your vote would be provisional. Learn the rules before you expound on them. But, at any rate, in person vote fraud is almost non existent, and is only being used as a tool by republicans to hinder certain classes of people from voting, which usually vote for democrats. As the old saying goes," you'll go to hell for lying, just as fast as stealing", and if you keep trying to say voter photo id laws are for any other reason than stated, you better be getting on your knees, because you know it's the reason.

No it's not wrong. And the last person on this earth qualified to make the most cursory observation about my eternal sted would certainly be you. :biglmao:
TheRealThing Wrote:No it's not wrong. And the last person on this earth qualified to make the most cursory observation about my eternal sted would certainly be you. :biglmao:
Drivers license, or photo id are not required for voting in KY, so yes, you are wrong. I have posted the acceptable forms of id for voting in KY. And yes, you know the republican reasoning behind photo id laws, if you state otherwise you know you are being dishonest. So yes, liars go to "hell" the same as any other sin. Make your preparations, and get right with your god, because you know you are dishonest in this.
TheRealVille Wrote:Drivers license, or photo id are not required for voting in KY, so yes, you are wrong. I have posted the acceptable forms of id for voting in KY. And yes, you know the republican reasoning behind photo id laws, if you state otherwise you know you are being dishonest. So yes, liars go to "hell" the same as any other sin. Make your preparations, and get right with your god, because you know you are dishonest in this.

Well hate to tell you but my God has total authority to judge all who reject Him whether they chose to acknowledge Him in this life or not. And, after all, choosing to accept or reject Him is the single most important decision all men will make while upon this earth. I said, and I know how hard it is for you to concentrate sometimes, that my wife and I have been asked to show our driver's license on numerous occasions at the poll. ID is REQUIRED in Kentucky and the number one form of ID asked for at the polls is a driver's license.

The truth is as I have stated. POLITICIZATION of the voter ID issue is your area of obsession. Enjoy yourself with it cause voter ID's will happen.
I have to show my ID every time I vote.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I have to show my ID every time I vote.
You do not have to show a photo id in Kentucky.
TheRealThing Wrote:Well hate to tell you but my God has total authority to judge all who reject Him whether they chose to acknowledge Him in this life or not. And, after all, choosing to accept or reject Him is the single most important decision all men will make while upon this earth. I said, and I know how hard it is for you to concentrate sometimes, that my wife and I have been asked to show our driver's license on numerous occasions at the poll. ID is REQUIRED in Kentucky and the number one form of ID asked for at the polls is a driver's license.

The truth is as I have stated. POLITICIZATION of the voter ID issue is your area of obsession. Enjoy yourself with it cause voter ID's will happen.
Id might be required in KY, but photo id's, or DL is not required.
As incredible as it is in America that we are allowed and encouraged to vote, I firmly believe that if $10-$12 to purchase a photo ID was all that stood in my way to do it, I would get it done. I understand to some people that $12 is a LOT of money, sometimes 2-3 hours worth of work. However, for the privilege that comes with voting, you make it happen.

This is the exact opposite of the poll taxes back in the day. Those were intended to keep the people that HAD THE RIGHT TO VOTE from voting. It seems as if requiring legal photo ID is intended to keep people that DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE from voting.
TheRealVille Wrote:You do not have to show a photo id in Kentucky.

Then they wont let me vote and I cant let that happen.
I still don't understand what is so difficult about showing ID.

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