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Rasmussen has McConnell up 8%
Smokey Hayes Wrote:I am honored that after only a few posts that you think that I am the reincarnation of Hoot Gibson. Confusednicker:

Does this mean that you plan to go back into hiding? I certainly hope not. I would miss the comic relief that you bring to the table.
Was I wrong? And, remind us how many times you have quit BGR, including asking for a voluntary suspension? I'm counting 3 total. You can bet your ass on one thing, after today, if you the stalker, are here, I'm gone. You don't even have enough honor to do what you said you'd never do, come back under another name.
TheRealVille Wrote:Was I wrong? And, remind us how many times you have quit BGR, including asking for a voluntary suspension? I'm counting 3 total. You can bet your ass on one thing, after today, if you the stalker, are here, I'm gone. You don't even have enough honor to do what you said you'd never do, come back under another name.
You will be sorely missed, RV. I was looking forward to you being here Tuesday night. FYI, I just signed up for a new account so that I could PM RIUTG and ask him to reinstate me as Hoot Gibson. It did not take a genius to figure out Smokey Hayes was me, but congratulations on pointing out the obvious to everybody else who already knew it was me.

Seriously, a political forum with no liberals is not much fun and you are about the only Obama supporter that is not ashamed to admit it here. I really wish that you would stick around.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You will be sorely missed, RV. I was looking forward to you being here Tuesday night. FYI, I just signed up for a new account so that I could PM RIUTG and ask him to reinstate me as Hoot Gibson. It did not take a genius to figure out Smokey Hayes was me, but congratulations on pointing out the obvious to everybody else who already knew it was me.

Seriously, a political forum with no liberals is not much fun and you are about the only Obama supporter that is not ashamed to admit it here. I really wish that you would stick around.

I guess I'm just not the bane of his existence that you present Hoot. He does serve a purpose even if he does have a tendency to talk hateful, I agree. I'm glad you're back. It will make things a bit merrier come Tuesday. :biggrin:
I like the head on liberal vs. conservative discussions we have on here. Obviously, TRV is out numbered, but that's the situation in this state, so it isn't only on this site.
I can understand TRV's anger when his only back up is 64 Confusednicker:

Either way, lets all keep it political. Both TRV and Hoot can co inhabitant the site and be productive. Just don't let it get personal.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I like the head on liberal vs. conservative discussions we have on here. Obviously, TRV is out numbered, but that's the situation in this state, so it isn't only on this site.
I can understand TRV's anger when his only back up is 64 Confusednicker:

Either way, lets all keep it political. Both TRV and Hoot can co inhabitant the site and be productive. Just don't let it get personal.

I like to think of it as the liberals vs. the Americans.:biggrin:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I like the head on liberal vs. conservative discussions we have on here. Obviously, TRV is out numbered, but that's the situation in this state, so it isn't only on this site.
I can understand TRV's anger when his only back up is 64 Confusednicker:

Either way, lets all keep it political. Both TRV and Hoot can co inhabitant the site and be productive. Just don't let it get personal.
Some people take politics personally and cannot understand why everybody does not agree with them.

When it comes to politics, I can be (am) very argumentative, but I never expect to change a deeply held opinion of the person with whom I am debating. If you expect to do that, then you are just setting yourself up for failure. It is the people who read a thread but do not stake out a position whose opinions are most likely to shift. There is no need to be defensive if you are just a spectator.

As they say, you have to know your audience when you write or speak, and most hard core liberals are never going to move to the right side of the political spectrum. But there is still hope for the moderates and for the politically disengaged. :biggrin:
A new NBC/Marist poll has McConnell up by 9%. Maybe left wingnut actress Ashley Judd should have run instead. If the recent trend continues, Grimes may lose by double digits. Think of all of the millions of dollars of campaign funds Democrats have wasted in Kentucky.

This makes me glad that I am not a dues paying union member. I would hate to think that any of my dues had been thrown away in the futile Grimes campaign.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:A new NBC/Marist poll has McConnell up by 9%. Maybe left wingnut actress Ashley Judd should have run instead. If the recent trend continues, Grimes may lose by double digits. Think of all of the millions of dollars of campaign funds Democrats have wasted in Kentucky.

This makes me glad that I am not a dues paying union member. I would hate to think that any of my dues had been thrown away in the futile Grimes campaign.

I always harbored great resentment regarding my union's bent to empty the treasury in order to finance candidates. Stupid doesn't quite describe the mixing collective bargaining with political finance. Last I checked my union's pension fund claimed to be in 'crisis' status. Now think of that. Not that unions financed the entire 100 mil but, they certainly did their share. Added to that are several other critically important union issues. Health insurance premiums are soaring ever upwards into the financial stratosphere plus normal union overhead that includes apprenticeship finance etc.

Instead of using union dues to take care of their own house, they flush an incredible amount or them playing politics. Heck I don't gamble but I'd rather see them take that money and bet it at the race track. At least we'd have some outside hope of a return on some of it!
TheRealThing Wrote:I always harbored great resentment regarding my union's bent to empty the treasury in order to finance candidates. Stupid doesn't quite describe the mixing collective bargaining with political finance. Last I checked my union's pension fund claimed to be in 'crisis' status. Now think of that. Not that unions financed the entire 100 mil but, they certainly did their share. Added to that are several other critically important union issues. Health insurance premiums are soaring ever upwards into the financial stratosphere plus normal union overhead that includes apprenticeship finance etc.

Instead of using union dues to take care of their own house, they flush an incredible amount or them playing politics. Heck I don't gamble but I'd rather see them take that money and bet it at the race track. At least we'd have some outside hope of a return on some of it!
The thing that I do not understand about unions is why the rank and file keep electing thugs like Richard Trumka. Big labor union leaders pour money into the pockets of crooked politicians like Obama, and what do union members get in return?

Illegal immigration has cost American workers, both union and union-free, billions of dollars in lost wages. I think union thug leaders like Trumka see illigal aliens as potential union members, but a glut of cheap labor is suppressing wage rates for all workers in this country. Why do union members keep putting these thieves into office?

Democrats find creative ways to take money from everybody who works in this country. Union dues are just a revenue source for the Democratic Party. They are there for the taking.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The thing that I do not understand about unions is why the rank and file keep electing thugs like Richard Trumka. Big labor union leaders pour money into the pockets of crooked politicians like Obama, and what do union members get in return?

Illegal immigration has cost American workers, both union and union-free, billions of dollars in lost wages. I think union thug leaders like Trumka see illigal aliens as potential union members, but a glut of cheap labor is suppressing wage rates for all workers in this country. Why do union members keep putting these thieves into office?

Democrats find creative ways to take money from everybody who works in this country. Union dues are just a revenue source for the Democratic Party. They are there for the taking.

Most union elections are more formality than process. The candidates are put forward, but most of the time it is clear who has the most backing prior to the vote. Most of the membership are trying to fly below the radar and play it safe on casting their votes by voting for the favorite. When one is a slave to a phone call from his business agent for his financial fortunes, it is important not to make enemies. Especially powerful enemies.

As far as politics go, union membership believe a very simplistic concept that has been indoctrinated into the mindset of labor for some time now. And the parameters of said politics can be adequately contained within a single thought, or premise. The Democrats are for the working man and the Republicans are for the rich. Therefore, the power players such as Trumka are going to hob knob among powerful Dems courting the unions and their money.
TheRealThing Wrote:Most union elections are more formality than process. The candidates are put forward, but most of the time it is clear who has the most backing prior to the vote. Most of the membership are trying to fly below the radar and play it safe on casting their votes by voting for the favorite. When one is a slave to a phone call from his business agent for his financial fortunes, it is important not to make enemies. Especially powerful enemies.

As far as politics go, union membership believe a very simplistic concept that has been indoctrinated into the mindset of labor for some time now. And the parameters of said politics can be adequately contained within a single thought, or premise. The Democrats are for the working man and the Republicans are for the rich. Therefore, the power players such as Trumka are going to hob knob among powerful Dems courting the unions and their money.
I know that there is a long tradition of crooked union bosses with political ties to Democrats, but it is still hard to understand why the membership tolerates it year after year. I am sure that the average "working man" does not support open borders and the cheap labor that is flooding into this country. Neither the RINOS nor liberal Democrats are doing anything for the working man. If I can see it, then they should be able to see it as well,
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I know that there is a long tradition of crooked union bosses with political ties to Democrats, but it is still hard to understand why the membership tolerates it year after year. I am sure that the average "working man" does not support open borders and the cheap labor that is flooding into this country. Neither the RINOS nor liberal Democrats are doing anything for the working man. If I can see it, then they should be able to see it as well,

Hey I'm with ya and I knew you were aware of that. But, from my involvement, that is about as complex as the thinking gets. Most think that legislation is the way to control such matters as cheap labor. To them it is a matter of stiff opposition to perceived threats such as state "Right to Work" laws or, requiring state contracts to be let only to union companies.

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