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Belfry 52 Lawrence Co 12
I actually really respect Lawrence Co. But come on there actions were questionable at best. I mean they come out in the 2nd half with one mission and that was to try to bait Belfry into confrontations and that's the truth.
Congrats to Belfry. LC had a very good season. But Belfry is a big mountain to climb.
Belfry_99 Wrote:Are you saying that you accept the actions of your players tonight? Officially 6 personal foul penalties for 90 yards. Come on...lose with some class!

I did not see the actions that idiot is referring to and you can bet that the lc fans where not cheering that, but I will watch video of the game and can tell you one thing for sure if my son was involved he will be delt with.
You keep saying loose with some class, how about trying to win with a little class, belfry is not exactly putting alter boys on the field either.
I know most of these boys on this team and I am not saying it didn't happen, but I find it hard to believe that if it did happen that it was not a response to something said to them. Not saying it would be right either way.
Once again congrats on a great year and keep it going.
Crossbones Wrote:Lawrence County has a great football team and played their hearts out both times against Belfry. Props to yall. Just get controll of some of the hot heads and you all will be fine. Great offence that is tough to cover, work on the D and stopping the run. I hate to see the kids act like that and it happens, but you all have my repect anyway. Teach them character as you teach them the game and the game will improve. Good luck to yall next season.

Crossbones...I respect you and most of your posts on here but like I mentioned earlier....why is it that no Belfry fan will see anything their own players do? it is fine for just about every tackle made the Belfry players was leading with their helmets....and it is fine that #15 can stand out there on the field on every play and face our sideline and dance and make an ass of himself and it is also fine to have your players standing over our players after just about every tackle straddling them for those few extra seconds to rub it in. All that crap is perfectly fine as long as you are wearing a Belfry uniform. Now then....if your not in that Belfry uniform and you do any of that kinda stuff it is dirty and classless. When you get beat as badly as LC did tonight it does cause the players some anger but when you have players rubbing it in their faces and being ignorant to them on top of that and the refs let it go....yeah tempers will run even hotter. I respect coach Haywood and I respect the Belfry program but it pisses me off to listen to all this crap about how LC players need to act better and how they need to conduct themselves but everything Belfry players were doing none of you all have the slightest problem with.
0ff The Chain Wrote:so you have never seen such disrespect?? well let me break this off for you and to the other dude that was calling one of our players a punk. Before you start pointing your fingers at what our players do how about your players? In particular #15 that was dancing around and showing his ass on the field pretty much the whole game? I doubt anyone flipped off your coaches anyways but before you start flapping your bs understand fully that your players are no better than anyone else's.

I was the one that called him as being punkish with his attitude. 4 personal fouls on him alone. And yes he did flip off the coaches and players, in my book that makes him a punk. As far as #15 dancing around as you put it, there is a big difference in trying to starts fights then cellebrating. If you don't see the difference then you are no better than him. And tonight our players were fullybbetter in every aspect of the game, even with their composer. Didn't this same kid get tossed several game last year for his same antics.if you support it then your no better. In the first game I watched him push one of our coaches on the sideline. So don't tell me what I saw. If one of Belfrys players done a trick like that he would be riding pine. The kid is an awesome athlete and nothing can be said over that, standing over players is part of every football game I have ever seen all the way to the pros. But pushing and cussing and intentionally trying to fight is another whole thing. Again, I wish LC nothing but the best and if one of Belfrys player was acting as he did ton8gut I would say it even if it was my brother and say he was acting pinkish.
Belfry_99 Wrote:Apparently they are 40 points better :lame:

That was a good one if I say so myself.
dawg fan Wrote:What an idiot! !

Your getting beat by 40 points with a running clock, and the fans are chirping and cheering with every personal foul. Call me a idiot if you want, but it's the facts. Like I said a product of your surroundings. Absolutely no class, but everyone in the region already knows that.
Belfry_99 Wrote:Apparently they are 40 points better :lame:

I agree you are lame pal.
0ff The Chain Wrote:I agree you are lame pal.

I appreciate it! You all must take after your head coach... he is just as bad! TongueirateSho
Crossbones Wrote:I was the one that called him as being punkish with his attitude. 4 personal fouls on him alone. And yes he did flip off the coaches and players, in my book that makes him a punk. As far as #15 dancing around as you put it, there is a big difference in trying to starts fights then cellebrating. If you don't see the difference then you are no better than him. And tonight our players were fullybbetter in every aspect of the game, even with their composer. Didn't this same kid get tossed several game last year for his same antics.if you support it then your no better. In the first game I watched him push one of our coaches on the sideline. So don't tell me what I saw. If one of Belfrys players done a trick like that he would be riding pine.
oh so #15 lined up at corner and pretty much stood there dancing and taunting our sideline from the 2nd quarter til the end was just him celebrating a play? oh well that is perfectly fine then....being that he plays for belfry and all. if a player did what you say he did then yes I agree something needs to be done about it. I have no idea about that from across the field but do you not think standing there on the other teams sideline and dancing the whole game isn't trying to get crap started? Im not saying LC did nothing wrong saying your players were no better when it came to personal foul and taunting but the refs seem to be scared shitless to flag belfry for anything. as far as standing over players thats on the ground....its not part of the game to stand there for an extended amount of time trying to tea bag them and it not be considered taunting.
Crossbones Wrote:I was the one that called him as being punkish with his attitude. 4 personal fouls on him alone. And yes he did flip off the coaches and players, in my book that makes him a punk. As far as #15 dancing around as you put it, there is a big difference in trying to starts fights then cellebrating. If you don't see the difference then you are no better than him. And tonight our players were fullybbetter in every aspect of the game, even with their composer. Didn't this same kid get tossed several game last year for his same antics.if you support it then your no better. In the first game I watched him push one of our coaches on the sideline. So don't tell me what I saw. If one of Belfrys players done a trick like that he would be riding pine. The kid is an awesome athlete and nothing can be said over that, standing over players is part of every football game I have ever seen all the way to the pros. But pushing and cussing and intentionally trying to fight is another whole thing. Again, I wish LC nothing but the best and if one of Belfrys player was acting as he did ton8gut I would say it even if it was my brother and say he was acting pinkish.

I am getting confused is this suppose to be one player or several players.
I was definitely not disappointed with the hot dogs at CAM. Their weiners are cooked to perfection and the coke was nice and sizzling. The servers were also very quick and super nice unlike LC. Their products seemed fresh and of good quality. Overal I give it a A-. A negative is that they kinda shorted me on the sauce (which was splendid) and the nacho cheese. But over all a great concession stand!
0ff The Chain Wrote:oh so #15 lined up at corner and pretty much stood there dancing and taunting our sideline from the 2nd quarter til the end was just him celebrating a play? oh well that is perfectly fine then....being that he plays for belfry and all. if a player did what you say he did then yes I agree something needs to be done about it. I have no idea about that from across the field but do you not think standing there on the other teams sideline and dancing the whole game isn't trying to get crap started? Im not saying LC did nothing wrong saying your players were no better when it came to personal foul and taunting but the refs seem to be scared shitless to flag belfry for anything.

I can't help the fact that #15 actually was defending your receivers... I am so sorry we played defense. Please excuse us for playing football we are sorry!
Belfry_99 Wrote:I appreciate it! You all must take after your head coach... he is just as bad! TongueirateSho

you certainly don't take after yours. sadly.
0ff The Chain Wrote:We would probably just be marginally better than Russell.


Ouch. Needless to say, neither team had the season they hoped for. No shame in losing to Belfry, though. They're just simply too good right now.
RaiderManiac87 Wrote:I was definitely not disappointed with the hot dogs at CAM. Their weiners are cooked to perfection and the coke was nice and sizzling. The servers were also very quick and super nice unlike LC. Their products seemed fresh and of good quality. Overal I give it a A-. A negative is that they kinda shorted me on the sauce (which was splendid) and the nacho cheese. But over all a great concession stand! is it with you and food anyways?
Did anyone see Belfry's runs through sign that read "tradion". Hilarious. Spell check or nah.
Belfry received,several personal foul flags themselves and I personally wittnessed the coaches tearing into them. As far as Varney (#15) dancing on your apps sideline. If that gets into a teams head, then something is wrong with the coaches. The kid was excited and had two big interceptions. I would have been excited also. The officials didn't see it as taugnting. But the fighting and fingers they did see as a problem. And not one official was from the area. Do I agree with him doing it, no, I absolutely do not, but, the fighting is a completly different animal.
0ff The Chain is it with you and food anyways?

Calm down man.. Basketball is on its way for you all!
samson81 Wrote::moon:

Ouch. Needless to say, neither team had the season they hoped for. No shame in losing to Belfry, though. They're just simply too good right now.

sorry man...just had to. Yeah Belfry cannot be stopped right now. Way too overpowering in the trenches on both sides of the ball and fundamentally sound in all aspects.
Crossbones Wrote:Belfry received,several personal foul flags themselves and I personally wittnessed the coaches tearing into them. As far as Varney (#15) dancing on your apps sideline. If that gets into a teams head, then something is wrong with the coaches. The kid was excited and had two big interceptions. I would have been excited also. The officials didn't see it as taugnting. But the fighting and fingers they did see as a problem. And not one official was from the area. Do I agree with him doing it, no, I absolutely do not, but, the fighting is a completly different animal.

thank you for making my point that anything a player does is perfectly ok as long as a Belfry player was doing it.:Thumbs:
dawg fan Wrote:I am getting confused is this suppose to be one player or several players.

One player, the Dalton kid, the same one ejected last year.
I won't blame the officiating for the loss....Belfry clearly dominated the game in every possible way. Much better team and as much as I disagree with some of the things that went down in the game I wish you all the best of luck and that you bring the state championship back home.
0ff The Chain Wrote:thank you for making my point that anything a player does is perfectly ok as long as a Belfry player was doing it.:Thumbs:

I fail to see where I made your point that if a Belfry kid done something wrong it was ok.:HitWall: the Dalton kid tried to start fights on 4 different occasions. Their is a big difference doing that and celebrating. I don't know how much planned that can be. And those are two completely different things in football.again, I'm done argueing with you over it and I can't change your mind and you can't change mine. I'm more than happy to end this on a friendly note. I truly believe you all have a great team and the turnovers killed you in the game Belfry capitalized on the turnovers this game as to where LC didn't capitalized on Belfry last game. It would have been a comepletely different game had LC hadn't had so many turnovers a crucial times. Good luck to you all.
0ff the chain is it with you and food anyways?

as I sit here snacking on this huge plate of crow, I want to congratulate the pirates on their win. This game was a complete flip from 1st game. lc had to many turnovers and personal fouls. and belfry took advantage. lc had the players to compete but not the coaching staff. the turnovers were a direct reflection of coaching staff game plan and personal fouls are a inherent acceptance by coaching staff of unsportsmanlike conduct that should be nipped in the bud as freshmen. belfry football under coach haywood is what every player and coach in this country should strive to emulate not only in football but any sport and for that matter, life in general.this is a good year for eastern ky football as 1a, 3a, and 4a are in the hunt. go pirates, tigers and golden eagles.
As I sit here waxing nostalgic, my 1st experience with Belfry football was in 1986. I worked in Belfry for 18 months for a multi-national company and we were a corporate sponsor of many community endeavors. As a single 20 something, I was impressed by the community support of this team. As I got married and had kids, and got involved in sports in my local community, I never forgot the experience at Vipperman. It is was caused me to be involved in youth sports. I just want everyone to know that Coach Haywood has a long reach.
I would just like to think dawg fan for getting our boys all pumped up for this game thanks buddy how meny pics did our DBs have.
See you next year.
Belfry was very dominate tonight!! LC had to rely and the big play and once Belfry adjusted it was all over. I sat on the LC side, with no rooting interest just hoping to see a good game, and I couldn't believe the things I was hearing from the LC crowd. People yelling for their kids to hurt opposing teams kids. I'm all about laying some wood and being physical but that was not what some LC fans were asking for. Then the cried everytime Belfry played pass defense... It was crazy!! BUT Belfry also had a fan in the end zone closest to the school yelling at the LC players. I thought that was totally inappropriate.

As far as #15 dancing on the field the LC fans were making a mountain out of a mole hill. It was just a young man out there having a good time between plays.
Lawerence came to Bell about 7-8 years ago and lost. Destroyed locker room and had 2 thrown out and they gave everyone in the stadium the finger.. $ 6500 in damage!!

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