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The 3 Magic Words
Bob Seger Wrote:It all boils down to do we want treated equally? Naw, special!!

I think Native Americans just wanted to be able to continue to be nomadic on lands they'd always trod. I think slaves just wanted to not have their children and spouses sold out from under them. I think the southern black just wanted to vote. Now, I understand where you're coming from, Bob, even if in certain particulars I might not agree. But, and I ask this sincerely: has the white-skinned person truly been pushed to the margins in American culture? Has the Christian truly been denied the right to the free exercise of religion? I say that is a lot of nonsense, but has proven just an absolutely wonderful way to galvanize voters, just as Dems engage in a lot of nonsense to galvanize other voters. Race and privilege are wedge issues, and the Masters use them to manipulate us like puppets.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I think Native Americans just wanted to be able to continue to be nomadic on lands they'd always trod. I think slaves just wanted to not have their children and spouses sold out from under them. I think the southern black just wanted to vote. Now, I understand where you're coming from, Bob, even if in certain particulars I might not agree. But, and I ask this sincerely: has the white-skinned person truly been pushed to the margins in American culture? Has the Christian truly been denied the right to the free exercise of religion? I say that is a lot of nonsense, but has proven just an absolutely wonderful way to galvanize voters, just as Dems engage in a lot of nonsense to galvanize other voters. Race and privilege are wedge issues, and the Masters use them to manipulate us like puppets.

Welcome to the 2017 world of the leftset agenda of Obama disciples. Time, just give us more time and we'll divide and conquer.
Bob Seger Wrote:Welcome to the 2017 world of the leftset agenda of Obama disciples. Time, just give us more time and we'll divide and conquer.

The RNC and DNC want to get to 270, Bob. They both want control of Houses and Senates and Governor's mansions. They both drive wedge issues; they both employ "us vs. them" strategies. It's the science of politics; the demographics of electoral strategy. 2017? This kind of "dice 'em up and count 'em" stuff is as old as elections.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:The RNC and DNC want to get to 270, Bob. They both want control of Houses and Senates and Governor's mansions. They both drive wedge issues; they both employ "us vs. them" strategies. It's the science of politics; the demographics of electoral strategy. 2017? This kind of "dice 'em up and count 'em" stuff is as old as elections.

Poppycock!!....This is not playing politics. There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy Christianity...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy personal freedoms...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy decency...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy the right of free speech, while hiding under the guise of defending free speech. All promoted by a media who hold a stronghold on the monopoly on "free speech".

But I must say, the United States is not alone in this all out attack...Look at Europe. Look at Austrailia...
Bob Seger Wrote:Poppycock!!....This is not playing politics. There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy Christianity...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy personal freedoms...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy decency...There is an all out assault by liberals to destroy the right of free speech, while hiding under the guise of defending free speech. All promoted by a media who hold a stronghold on the monopoly on "free speech".

But I must say, the United States is not alone in this all out attack...Look at Europe. Look at Austrailia...

^^Exactly right. In fact clarification is long overdue if you ask me, about the so-called 'protestors' that Sombrero is forever praising, as exhibiting patriotic behavior worthy of pats on the back by the Founders.

This hysteria we're seeing, along with the civil unrest, rage and resistance, has not the first thing to do with self governance or traditional civics. This is about social justice, identify politics, and moral rebellion. The transformation if you will, of America as she once was, as characterized in song by Katharine Lee Bates, to what she has now become is the stuff of demise and decline.

The hate and contempt on the faces of this nation's top legislators as they stand up on national TV to openly call for insurrection against this duly elected President and his Administration, is subversive at best and treasonous at the worst IMHO. How far we have fallen.


O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassion’d stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine!

O Beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
⬆ i could type out all the lyrics of Dylan's "With God on Our Side," or cite Twain's "War Prayer," but, what with "illumined" divines near, what's the point?

Over and over again, I have and will continue to support ANY group's right to PEACEFUL protest. TRT, Bob, you guys are culture warriors. I understand that.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ i could type out all the lyrics of Dylan's "With God on Our Side," or cite Twain's "War Prayer," but, what with "illumined" divines near, what's the point?

Over and over again, I have and will continue to support ANY group's right to PEACEFUL protest. TRT, Bob, you guys are culture warriors. I understand that.

The point, for those who are blinded by liberalism, may be found in the fist line of the 3rd stanza of the song---
"O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,"

Try working that sentiment into the chaos of those interested only in what they want government to hand them.

I sincerely doubt that.
TheRealThing Wrote:The point, for those who are blinded by liberalism, may be found in the fist line of the 3rd stanza of the song---
"O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,"

Try working that sentiment into the chaos of those interested only in what they want government to hand them.

I sincerely doubt that.

I would suggest that young black men and women beaten and fire hosed and dog bit, drug out of diners, egged, cursed, hung, shot, and white folks who walked in that movement were protesting, in King's words, to collect on a "promisory note" written by this country's Founders that had come back marked, from the moment this nation began, "insufficient funds." You know, TRT, when ol' Mr. Greenwood belts out "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free," I, too, am thankful for the many essential liberties enjoyed, though folk in other nations have them also. However, I do not see that love of country requires me to believe that those born in the United States were and are somehow immune to all the muck and mire that human flesh is heir to. Ours is a speckled history, just like every nation of men. Now, our Constitution, taken at highest common denominator, where "all" means "ALL," is quite majestic. But, alas, "all" never means "ALL" without courageous protest, fearless activism, and constant vigilence. Surely, Scripture and history reveal enough of "are ye not yet carnal" to keep us humble.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I would suggest that young black men and women beaten and fire hosed and dog bit, drug out of diners, egged, cursed, hung, shot, and white folks who walked in that movement were protesting, in King's words, to collect on a "promisory note" written by this country's Founders that had come back marked, from the moment this nation began, "insufficient funds." You know, TRT, when ol' Mr. Greenwood belts out "I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free," I, too, am thankful for the many essential liberties enjoyed, though folk in other nations have them also. However, I do not see that love of country requires me to believe that those born in the United States were and are somehow immune to all the muck and mire that human flesh is heir to. Ours is a speckled history, just like every nation of men. Now, our Constitution, taken at highest common denominator, where "all" means "ALL," is quite majestic. But, alas, "all" never means "ALL" without courageous protest, fearless activism, and constant vigilence. Surely, Scripture and history reveal enough of "are ye not yet carnal" to keep us humble.

Whew, that one went so high over your head even an EMP burst would have been of none effect. The riots and ruin we see on every hand have absolutely nothing to do with love of country or self sacrifice. Rather they have to do with demands for more handouts and petty grievance based largely on DNC platform planking that runs contrary to the concept of the common good.

Political parties will never undo the ravages of sin, which means that all of your barking up the wrong tree, which you laughably ascribe to "fearless activism" rings hollow in everybody's ears except your own.
TheRealThing Wrote:Whew, that one went so high over your head even an EMP burst would have been of none effect. The riots and ruin we see on every hand have absolutely nothing to do with love of country or self sacrifice. Rather they have to do with demands for more handouts and petty grievance based largely on DNC platform planking that runs contrary to the concept of the common good.

Political parties will never undo the ravages of sin, which means that all of your barking up the wrong tree, which you laughably ascribe to "fearless activism" rings hollow in everybody's ears except your own.

Except this little ditty: a black man, his wife and kids, can, on the way to Panama City from Louisville, stay the night at a Holiday Inn in Birmingham. Civil rights laws were passed by politicians, who, at least more than a few of them, had their consciences rattled by Bull Connor and his brutality. Now, peaceful protest can expose injustice, show its ugliness, and when was the claim it could do the work of Christ and the Spirit?

So, the parents of an unarmed black youth shot and killed by police: what handout is it they want? Beyond complex social arguments, they have lost a child. They feel a sense of injustice. They hold a candlelight vigil and a peaceful protest walk to city hall. What about that is unamerican?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Except this little ditty: a black man, his wife and kids, can, on the way to Panama City from Louisville, stay the night at a Holiday Inn in Birmingham. Civil rights laws were passed by politicians, who, at least more than a few of them, had their consciences rattled by Bull Connor and his brutality. Now, peaceful protest can expose injustice, show its ugliness, and when was the claim it could do the work of Christ and the Spirit?

So, the parents of an unarmed black youth shot and killed by police: what handout is it they want? Beyond complex social arguments, they have lost a child. They feel a sense of injustice. They hold a candlelight vigil and a peaceful protest walk to city hall. What about that is unamerican?

Um, let's see. I'll take "Trying to use the racial biases of the past to justify the overthrow of government for 50 Alex"
TheRealThing Wrote:Um, let's see. I'll take "Trying to use the racial biases of the past to justify the overthrow of government for 50 Alex"

Aren't you mixing protesters who truly experience a sense of injustice with those who simply want to throw rocks, burn cop cars, and loot a Radio Shack?
It's time to stop the nonsense.

Don't "pray for Manchester"
Don't use a Facebook filter of a British flag.

Islam is the problem.
Only the eradication of Islam will solve the problem.

There's no such thing as a moderate Muslim. If they're moderate, then they're not muslim.

Europe as a whole will no longer be safe in our lifetime. It's imperative that we ERADICATE it here at home and never import it.
"Only the eradication of Islam will solve the problem."

What is it, a religion of just < 2 billion people?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆
"Only the eradication of Islam will solve the problem."

What is it, a religion of just < 2 billion people?

Truth hurts.
Until that religion is eradicated, there will never be peace
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Truth hurts.
Until that religion is eradicated, there will never be peace

You can play in this sandbox with any who'll join you. Not me.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You can play in this sandbox with any who'll join you. Not me.

I will not go near your liberal quicksand
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆⬆
"Only the eradication of Islam will solve the problem."

What is it, a religion of just < 2 billion people?

But the liberal "experts" will try to soften it and tell you that only 1% of them are bad eggs. So that just means that there is roughly only a miniscule 20 million savage murderous animals spread around the world intent on killing everyone that does not believe as they do..

See how stupid 1% sounds when you put it into perspective?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Aren't you mixing protesters who truly experience a sense of injustice with those who simply want to throw rocks, burn cop cars, and loot a Radio Shack?

In this day and time they are pretty much all one and the same. I hope that when the next snowflake convention is held it's your car, house, and business that is looted and burned to the ground...Let's see how submissive you are then.

TheRealThing Wrote:Um, let's see. I'll take "Trying to use the racial biases of the past to justify the overthrow of government for 50 Alex"

Geraldo operates under the theory that 500 wrongs make 1 ancient injustice right.
Bob Seger Wrote:In this day and time they are pretty much all one and the same. I hope that when the next snowflake convention is held it's your car, house, and business that is looted and burned to the ground...Let's see how submissive you are then.


Ah, another chime in from a guy who should be suspended.

Funny, I don't recall the Notre Dame protesters burning anything or looting anything. Yet, they are "all the same." But, when was that ever a bar to any watch you keep?
Bob Seger Wrote:Geraldo operates under the theory that 500 wrongs make 1 ancient injustice right.

First, given human history, "ancient" reveals your own biases, if not ignorance.

Second, Jim Crow laws went the way of all flesh in this country, oh, around fifty years ago. That's not "ancient." Put on your dunce cap, Bob.

Third, the Notre Dame protesters, neither looters nor violent, exercised a basic, fundamental American right, again suggesting you eat apples and call 'em oranges. Put on your dunce cap, Bob.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:First, given human history, "ancient" reveals your own biases, if not ignorance.

Second, Jim Crow laws went the way of all flesh in this country, oh, around fifty years ago. That's not "ancient." Put on your dunce cap, Bob.

Third, the Notre Dame protesters, neither looters nor violent, exercised a basic, fundamental American right, again suggesting you eat apples and call 'em oranges. Put on your dunce cap, Bob.

I see, and the fact that human history PROVES beyond question that it was YOUR party, the Democrats, who were all-in for the Jim Crow laws and doggedly resisted the political movement spear headed by Republicans to retire Jim Crow laws means what to you?
TheRealThing Wrote:I see, and the fact that human history PROVES beyond question that it was YOUR party, the Democrats, who were all-in for the Jim Crow laws and doggedly resisted the political movement spear headed by Republicans to retire Jim Crow laws means what to you?

I think I've said, many times, that a common enemy unites. You revise history, but not completely. You should really read the posts NOT YOURS more carefully.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:I think I've said, many times, that a common enemy unites. You revise history, but not completely. You should really read the posts NOT YOURS more carefully.

Vague ambiguities are your absolute best. You can't substantiate one word of your post. Not only have you never said a common enemy unites, you can't cite a single case of my having revised history.

Bob and I understand that you and your ilk have no right, and certainly no purview, to ascribe responsibility for the perceived injustices of the past to anyone living in this day. Perceived injustices BTW, of which you have no direct involvement or experience whatever, but have nonetheless developed an interloper's ax to grind vicariously, from what you believe to be the experiences of others. You've done the exact same thing with the assumptions you've made, and then had the lack of character to air on this forum, regarding the last administration's eaves dropping on DJT. Likewise standing in testament are your not so subtle alleges on the fabrication which is the so-called Trump/Russia ties.
⬆ John F. Kennedy, somewhat reluctantly, gave voice to the issues of the civil rights movement. Lyndon Johnson championed legislation. I have said in other posts that the discrimination in the south (and north) was not a Republican or Democrat issue, as prejudice is a human problem. However, the prejudices of the majority are more menacing, for obvious reasons. As to President Trump and ties to Russia, there is a special counsel. I will accept his findings. I would repeat that President Trump said that Obama ordered his Trump Tower office communications surveiled, which intelligence officials have said was patently false. Nowhere have I said that Republicans have any kind of market cornering on prejudice, though some statements and policies, in my view, do not realistically address the realities of race still existant in our culture. You know, TRT, bowling is easy when you can set the pins right where you need them to be. But that's not really bowling.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:First, given human history, "ancient" reveals your own biases, if not ignorance.

Second, Jim Crow laws went the way of all flesh in this country, oh, around fifty years ago. That's not "ancient." Put on your dunce cap, Bob.

Third, the Notre Dame protesters, neither looters nor violent, exercised a basic, fundamental American right, again suggesting you eat apples and call 'em oranges. Put on your dunce cap, Bob.

Wow, the new daily phrase of the day that you'll wear out..What's the secret phrase for tomorrow that will become meaninglessly redundant.

Cant wait to read next week's daily meaningless redundant lineup.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Ah, another chime in from a guy who should be suspended.

Funny, I don't recall the Notre Dame protesters burning anything or looting anything. Yet, they are "all the same." But, when was that ever a bar to any watch you keep?

They did in Berkely, over nothing more than just an invited guest speaker, didn't they?
Bob Seger Wrote:They did in Berkely, over nothing more than just an invited guest speaker, didn't they?

Not all of them. Consistently, my position has been "peaceful protest." Once a person starts looting, burning, throwing rocks at police or other citizens, they cease protesting and start rioting.

I am talking only about peaceful protest, which, as I understand it, the Notre Dame one was. I don't think all the shouting down of someone speaking honors free speech much, but I would not be for criminalizing it, though simply removing from the auditorium is acceptable, in my view.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:⬆ John F. Kennedy, somewhat reluctantly, gave voice to the issues of the civil rights movement. Lyndon Johnson championed legislation. I have said in other posts that the discrimination in the south (and north) was not a Republican or Democrat issue, as prejudice is a human problem. However, the prejudices of the majority are more menacing, for obvious reasons. As to President Trump and ties to Russia, there is a special counsel. I will accept his findings. I would repeat that President Trump said that Obama ordered his Trump Tower office communications surveiled, which intelligence officials have said was patently false. Nowhere have I said that Republicans have any kind of market cornering on prejudice, though some statements and policies, in my view, do not realistically address the realities of race still existant in our culture. You know, TRT, bowling is easy when you can set the pins right where you need them to be. But that's not really bowling.

Well LOL, you are known to repeat distortions as long as they come from the mouth of a Democrat. Obama, changed the law where it comes to his administration having distributed raw data and the unmasked persons for whom the data was attributable, to those now infamous 17 federal intelligence agencies.

Nobody now denies that what the Obama Administration did surveillance-wise against the Trump campaign and subsequent Presidential transition team, was unprecedented in the history of this nation. So now to use an analogy of mine of which you have shown particular acceptance, the entire combined forces of the former administration are all dancing on the head of a pin, insisting that the former president 'did not order' the surveillance. And yet, such surveillance was conducted by way of what had become common practice, and all he had to do, (and if the reporting on the matter is at all accurate did) was to avail himself of said info and then disseminate same.

And let's face it, Flynn is gone and the leaks go on.

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