Poll: Is America ready for a black, or woman president?
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Do you believe America is ready for a black president, or a woman president.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:And by the way, George W. Bush is nowhere close to being the worst president ever. That honor will always belong to Lyndon Baines Johnson. Rank Bush anywhere you want, but reserve #1 for LBJ.

Of Course your not going to like him becuase he started welfare and i know how much Conservatives hate Welfare...lolSmile
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Thanks For The People Who Are Actually On My Side Instead Of Attacking Me Like People Usally Do!.
I am surprised that you feel people are usually against you. As others have said, most people in EKY (the majority of those who currently post on this board) are taught to hate Republicans. And if you look, there are many strong Democrats on here that battle it out with Republicans on a daily basis.

This is why I love politics. If you are ever bored, you can always find something to argue about. Smile But never change anyone's mind.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Of Course your not going to like him becuase he started welfare and i know how much Conservatives hate Welfare...lolSmile
Do all conservatives hate welfare? I for one (who considers myself a conservative) support welfare just not the way that it is currently ran. I think there needs to be MUCH stricter governance to keep those off of it that abuse it or use money to buy drugs and other nonessentials (tobacco, alcohol, basically anything other than food, clothing, and shelter)
I copy and paste everything I research. JUST LIKE YOU and your anti-coal arguments. And since it all flew over your head, I should have known it would have been too hard to understand what I was talking about beforehand, so read slowly: I KNOW IT WAS FROM A NON-LIBERAL SITE. I put it on here so Rammstein could see that "accomplishments" could be distorted from various different sites on the web. Anything I copy and paste FOR DEBATE will be straight forward facts, and FYI, my research for whatever spills much further than wilkipedia. Everything you post on here is rhetoric. And you blast me because the point I made was true? I dont say MUCH when you post something from saynotocoal.com and claim its all valid, when its your pot smoking hippie idiot buddies making stuff up. Just like I dont (or didnt rather) expect you to believe I tried to use that boycot liberal site as a reference piece. Jeez man, I know we dont agree with well, anything, and we probably wouldnt like each other if we met in person, but even I wouldnt throw this in your face. But then again, I would have understood what you were trying to do in the first place. Especially after I friggin explained it to you already. And then you call Nixon a bad president. Unbelievable. I could have let everything else slide, but you had to throw that **** in there.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:If I used a site for reference and then said everything on that site where facts, I would probably being using it as a valid reference! Not once in that post did you say it was from a far right, anti-democratic site. Non-Liberal and Pro right bs are two different things.

In your previous post I could gather that you where trying to defend President Nixon over Lyndon B. Johnson (Both where bad presidents), and then you used a site with FACTS about President Bush, to make a point that all presidents have done some good things, no matter how horrible an overall job they done.

I seen how you debate tidehoss, you copy and paste from wikipedia or some far right wing site, thats not debating, thats just rhetoric.
Good post. A lot of people on welfare HAVE to live on welfare just to make ends meet for their families. With the increasing cost of living, rising fuel costs, etc. it makes it very difficult for a family of three or four to barely get by or make it on 9 or 10 dollar/hour jobs, not to mention those that work for close to the minimum wage. Ridding society of welfare is not the answer, however I agree with you that there should be somekind of way that the government sees how that money is being spent.
Beef Wrote:Do all conservatives hate welfare? I for one (who considers myself a conservative) support welfare just not the way that it is currently ran. I think there needs to be MUCH stricter governance to keep those off of it that abuse it or use money to buy drugs and other nonessentials (tobacco, alcohol, basically anything other than food, clothing, and shelter)
It has nothing to do with welfare. He kept us in a country we had no business being in fighting a war that eventually cost 58,000+ men their lives. Not to mention his cutting law enforcement funds. Starting welfare was one actually one of the good things he done. It was started for all the right reasons, and over time, its been severly abused.
RammsteinFan92 Wrote:Of Course your not going to like him becuase he started welfare and i know how much Conservatives hate Welfare...lolSmile
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I copy and paste everything I research. JUST LIKE YOU and your anti-coal arguments. And since it all flew over your head, I should have known it would have been too hard to understand what I was talking about beforehand, so read slowly: I KNOW IT WAS FROM A NON-LIBERAL SITE. I put it on here so Rammstein could see that "accomplishments" could be distorted from various different sites on the web. Anything I copy and paste FOR DEBATE will be straight forward facts, and FYI, my research for whatever spills much further than wilkipedia. Everything you post on here is rhetoric. And you blast me because the point I made was true? I dont say MUCH when you post something from saynotocoal.com and claim its all valid, when its your pot smoking hippie idiot buddies making stuff up. Just like I dont (or didnt rather) expect you to believe I tried to use that boycot liberal site as a reference piece. Jeez man, I know we dont agree with well, anything, and we probably wouldnt like each other if we met in person, but even I wouldnt throw this in your face. But then again, I would have understood what you were trying to do in the first place. Especially after I friggin explained it to you already. And then you call Nixon a bad president. Unbelievable. I could have let everything else slide, but you had to throw that **** in there.

Well god forbid I call Nixon a bad president. Shame on me.

And now you go back to calling the site non-liberal, I thought it was biased, and useless. Why go back to calling it non-liberal? There are a lot of non-liberal sites that have good info, but that site would not be defined as "non-liberal", I think right wing propaganda would be more approaite.

I dont copy and paste everything, most of the stuff I type is just from my knowledge, I may pull some indirect quotes from sites, but I rarely copy and paste. It's easy to tell when you do though, your sentence structure is horrible, so when I see a nice, neat, correctly written paragraph, I know it's copied.

It's kinda cute when you get mad and start calling people names. My hippie pot smoking buddies, lol, classic. The stuff I post comes from scientist, but you probably wouldn't know anything about that since you have no knowledge in the subject. Im very confident that what I believe in is the truth, and I have the science and knowledge to back up what I say, but we arent talking about mining here.

In your last post you blast LBJ for fighting a pointless war, directly after defending Bush???? That just dont make sense, if you don't like pointless wars, you should blast both guys. Wait, I forgot, this war is for Oil, so I guess it's not pointless to the heartless neo-cons who sent us into Iraq. And I didnt say that war was for oil, the conservative Hero Fred Barnes gets that honor.

You also say that Bush isnt the worst president ever, and I know that conservatives hold on to the hope that History will view Bush favorably, well that isnt going to happen. Ive stated this before, but 61% of historians in a recent poll viewed Bush as the worst president ever, 96% put him in the bottom 10. Just 4 years ago, a poll done by the same group showed that only 11% viewed bush as the worst ever. I guess you should be happy that his numbers are climbing in a poll.


Another recent poll had Dubya as the worst president, followed by ...... you guessed it Richard Nixon. So you have been defending the two worst presidents in history, nice.


So we are coming off of the worst presidency in history, and the issue people bring up is "are we ready for a black man, or a woman to run this country". All I have to say is that we have already seen the worst, so things have to get better. Which is why America is ready for change, and McCain is not it.
My sentence structure is horrible? WTF is this? Seventh grade? And your 21 years old, you calling that "knowledge" is garbage. What, you never researched anything, you already knew it? May not believe this, but I'd put my knowledge about any subject other than MTR up against you, and wouldnt hesitate to debate about anything. Strike using the internet. And yeah, I called your buddies a bunch of pot smoking hippies. They are. Youve been to those MTR meetings..anyways, back to the subject. People like you would never understand that this war ISNT about oil, so trying to explain it to someone as yourself is in itself, pointless. You continually point out that "historians" say that Bush is the worst president of all time. Why dont YOU make your own assumption on why he's so bad. Not what everybody else tells you. This war is all for oil? Does the people of Iraq not deserve the same freedoms we in America have? In my opinion, if people like you got everything you wanted, this country would flat out shut down in no time flat. OK, pull us out of Iraq, and let us forget about 9/11, because we'll be living it everyday. Know what I LIKE about Bush? When one of the trade towers got bombed in '93 and killed 6 people, I believe, what was done about it? Under your democrats' hero, Bill Clinton? How many times did we have the oppurtunity to kill Bin Laden under Clinton? A military sharpshooter had him in the crosshairs 7 or 8 times, if Im not mistaken (Ill have to look it up in wilkipedia), and thats a lot of times 9/11 would have been prevented. But wait, I'll bet you think Bush was the cause of 9/11. Just like he started WWI, WWII, and the holocaust, right? You may not like Bush, but if he tells you he's gonna do something, you can set your clock by it. How many terrorist attacks (and I'll say this as simple as I can make it for you: The terrorists, not Bush, attacked America because they dont like us) have we had since? I, like a lot of Americans believed we should have went over there. Do I agree with everything we've done or handled the war? Absolutely not. Have I sat here and applauded Bush for everything? Absolutely not. Do I like Bush? Absolutely not. But I dont regret my votes for him. I'd take him over your hero Al Gore, and I'd definitely take him over John Kerry any day of the week. And comparing Vietnam to Iraq is even by your standards, flat out ridiculous. At least we had a reason to be in Iraq. Any reason at all you can come up with is better than the ones that had when we sent 58,000 men to the slaughter and told them not to shoot under Johnson. And, since your 21 and know everything, Im curious, why do you call Nixon a bad president. And dont listen to your democrat buddies who dont want to talk about anything other than Watergate. From your own words and research.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Well god forbid I call Nixon a bad president. Shame on me.

And now you go back to calling the site non-liberal, I thought it was biased, and useless. Why go back to calling it non-liberal? There are a lot of non-liberal sites that have good info, but that site would not be defined as "non-liberal", I think right wing propaganda would be more approaite.

I dont copy and paste everything, most of the stuff I type is just from my knowledge, I may pull some indirect quotes from sites, but I rarely copy and paste. It's easy to tell when you do though, your sentence structure is horrible, so when I see a nice, neat, correctly written paragraph, I know it's copied.

It's kinda cute when you get mad and start calling people names. My hippie pot smoking buddies, lol, classic. The stuff I post comes from scientist, but you probably wouldn't know anything about that since you have no knowledge in the subject. Im very confident that what I believe in is the truth, and I have the science and knowledge to back up what I say, but we arent talking about mining here.

In your last post you blast LBJ for fighting a pointless war, directly after defending Bush???? That just dont make sense, if you don't like pointless wars, you should blast both guys. Wait, I forgot, this war is for Oil, so I guess it's not pointless to the heartless neo-cons who sent us into Iraq. And I didnt say that war was for oil, the conservative Hero Fred Barnes gets that honor.

You also say that Bush isnt the worst president ever, and I know that conservatives hold on to the hope that History will view Bush favorably, well that isnt going to happen. Ive stated this before, but 61% of historians in a recent poll viewed Bush as the worst president ever, 96% put him in the bottom 10. Just 4 years ago, a poll done by the same group showed that only 11% viewed bush as the worst ever. I guess you should be happy that his numbers are climbing in a poll.


Another recent poll had Dubya as the worst president, followed by ...... you guessed it Richard Nixon. So you have been defending the two worst presidents in history, nice.


So we are coming off of the worst presidency in history, and the issue people bring up is "are we ready for a black man, or a woman to run this country". All I have to say is that we have already seen the worst, so things have to get better. Which is why America is ready for change, and McCain is not it.
lol..I love how you use polls without using your own words or research in an argument. Thats nothing but a copout. Ive been defending them yes. But only thankfully because Gore and Kerry didnt have the oppurtunity to show us how awful this country COULD have been. I guess in a poll, if 58% of American people thought that the '82 Dolphins were the best team ever, then its etched in stone. **** with the '85 Bears or the '78 Steelers. Thats the value in polls. And you think youve seen the worst? Thats hilarious. You and your family sleep pretty good at night, dont you? It wouldnt matter who was president, you'd complain over every tough decision you didnt have to make.
I do believe that this one is off topic and has ran its course.

Therefore it is closed.

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