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The Real John McCain................
Beetle01 Wrote:Ive checked out Obama's site many times. At one point I was going to vote for Obama. Then the more I learned about his policies, the more I came to realize it is mostly just smoke and mirrors. He has all these wonderful plans, but no way to pay for them.

Show me proof where McCain has left out 90% of the facts?
McCain's flip flops have come over a long period of time. While Obama's happen on a daily basis according to his standing in the polls.
Comparing McCain to a terrorist in Arafat shows your complete ignorance on anything political. Rush and most conservatives don't like McCain because he is to moderate, I hate Rush and those loons like Hannity and Coulter. They are as much a poision to this country as Pelosi.

You will never sound like you know what your talking about. The fact that you are a Red Devil supporter is embarassing to me.

I was here long before you, the same could have been said about you but wasn't. I could care less what you are embarassed by LOL:lmao:
Beetle01 Wrote:That was out of line, I take that back.
You were out of line and off topic. Nice attempt at a cheap shot that was supoposed to make me mad.:lmao:
Beetle01 Wrote:Ive checked out Obama's site many times. At one point I was going to vote for Obama. Then the more I learned about his policies, the more I came to realize it is mostly just smoke and mirrors. He has all these wonderful plans, but no way to pay for them.

Show me proof where McCain has left out 90% of the facts?
McCain's flip flops have come over a long period of time. While Obama's happen on a daily basis according to his standing in the polls.
Comparing McCain to a terrorist in Arafat shows your complete ignorance on anything political. Rush and most conservatives don't like McCain because he is to moderate, I hate Rush and those loons like Hannity and Coulter. They are as much a poision to this country as Pelosi.

You will never sound like you know what your talking about. The fact that you are a Red Devil supporter is embarassing to me.

They both talked out of both sides of their mouths. I know much more about Arafat than you might think. And the whole middle east for that matter.

Double speak I think it is called.
Beetle01 Wrote:Bill Ayers, along with his wife Bernadine Dohrn, was an active member of the Weather Underground, a radical left-wing group that advocated violence against the United State. Both Ayers and Dohrn went "underground" in 1970 after others in the group accidentally detonated a bomb in a Greenwich Village (New York City) townhouse. The blast killed three of the group's members including Ayers' girlfriend at the time.

While Ayers and Dohrn were hiding from law enforcement, the Weather Underground participated in the bombings of the US Capital, the Pentagon and a State Department building. In 1981 Ayers and Dohrn turned themselves in to federal authorities, but all charges were dropped as a result of alleged "government legal misconduct." In his 2001 memoir, Ayers wrote, "I don't regret setting the bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

Ayers and Dohrn are known to have held at least one fundraiser for Barack Obama in their Chicago home.

This is not a simple black and white right or wrong issue. The US Gov't is just as culpable for the disscontent during that time in our history.

BTW Do you check with Sean Hannity before you present these arguments? Because they're right out of his playbook.
DevilsWin Wrote:

During the past 10 years, I have written a lot of articles about the POW/MIA issue. Aside from a few complaints about the apparent lack of legislative concern, primarily from the Senate side (Fred Upton's office has been very responsive and proactive), I have not as yet involved myself in any serious character assassinations.
This article will change that. For years, people have asked me who I thought was most responsible in Washington, D.C., for undermining genuine efforts at reconciling this issue. While I had definite ideas on the subject, it has taken me this long to compile enough circumstantial evidence to offer an educated opinion on the matter.
The person in Washington has done more to bury the POW/MIA issue than any other elected official is none other than U.S. Sen. John McCain from Arizona. Himself a former POW.
He is portrayed by the establishment press as a "war hero." Often, when I. receive responses from legislators on certain POW-related bills, they tell me in no uncertain terms that their views were heavily influenced by John McCain,
Who can argue with a former POW, after all?
It has been a definite uphill argument for me, I admit. People seem to have already forgotten that he was one of the infamous "Keating Five" and heavily involved in the Savings & Loan scandal years ago. In fact, he was alleged to have been on U.S. Sen. Bob Dole's "short list" of possible vice presidential candidates, and he has barn notably mentioned as a possible presidential candidate in the year 2000.
He did in fact spend six years in captivity during the Vietnam War. It's a tough argument to suggest that he would undermine the PO%V issue.
For years, I was confused by his actions with respect to this issue. He would oppose any POW/MIA related piece of legislation, including the recent Missing Personnel Act, and the bill I sponsored through Fred Upton, the POW/MIA Rescue Act, which would have granted political asylum to any southeast Asian national who brought a living American POW to freedom.
Why would anyone oppose such a bill ... particularly a former POW?
He disagreed with the findings of the 1990 Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which concluded that our government had indeed abandoned some of our men when the war ended. '
Then, in 1991, he was appointed to serve on the long-awaited Senate Select Committee, which was created to investigate the entire issue. Chairman John Kerry wanted to appoint him as co-chairman, but this was greeted by a national uproar from the American Legion, and virtually every national veteran's group in existence who were already suspicious of his previous actions.
U.S. Sen, Bob Smith from New Hampshire was chosen instead, a minor victory at the time by POW activists, .
This particular Senate Committee was single-handedly undermined (in my opinion) by the actions of John McCain. During the course of their several month-long investigation, they heard unbelievable testimony from hundreds of people. No less than four former Secretaries of Defense testified that men were left behind. National Security analysts testified that they tracked the movements of our men long after the war ended. Radio transcripts of American POWs being moved in Laos were recorded in the early 1980s:
There were satellite photos of pilot distress signals taken as recently as 1992, complete with pilot name and authenticator code numbers. Former Soviet Commanders testified that they debriefed our men in the Soviet Union, and even Boris Yeltsin admitted American POWs had been transferred there.
No less than four committee investigators provided the Senators of their estimates ranging from a low of 150 to as many as 600 men who they believed were still alive and in captivity. This doesn't even include the testimony they heard behind closed doors that supposedly endangered our national security.
The conclusions of this committee was that "no credible evidence was provided to support the possibility that Americans were still alive and in captivity," This, despite documents from Soviet Archives that showed that the Vietnamese were holding more than 1,200 American POWs, and released less than 600, John McCain signed his name on this incredibly flawed report.
I was not in Vietnam, and was certainly never a POW, so perhaps it could be argued that moss of this falls in the "there but for the grace of God go I" category, but I'm not the one who is being portrayed as a war hero, a potential presidential candidate, and a spokesman for veterans with respect to this issue.
John McCain is, and as such, his character can and should be examined.
What is the real story behind his days as a POW? The U.S. Veteran Dispatch had an article in June of 1996 entitled "POW Songbird McCain Wrongly Described As A Hero." It recounted numerous instances where John McCain violated the Military Coda of Conduct, which specifically orders American personnel to give the enemy no information other than name, rank, serial number, and date of birth. It requires that they accept no favors from the enemy, and to make no written or oral statement disloyal to the United States.
The fact is, in exchange for better medical treatment, McCain violated this code four days after being captured on Oct. 26, 1967. In a U.S. News and World Report interview dated May 14, 1973, two months after he was released, McCain admitted that he exchanged military information in exchange for spending six weeks in a hospital normally reserve for North Vietnamese Military officers.
U.S. government records show that less than two weeks after he was taken to the hospital, Hanoi's press began quoting specific military information, including the name of the aircraft carrier on which McCain had been based, information about the location of rescue ships and the order of which his attack was supposed to take place. The records demonstrate, according to the Dispatch article that McCain continued to collaborate with the Communists after he recovered from his injuries. He did a number of propaganda broadcasts that were aimed at destroying the moral of American servicemen fighting in the jungles of South Vietnam, On June 4, 1969, a U.S. Wire Service story reported one of McCain's broadcasts.
The service reported "Hanoi has aired a broadcast in which the pilot son of the U.S. Commander in the Pacific, Adm. John McCain purportedly admits to having bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam and praised medical treatment he has received since being taken prisoner."
McCain committed other breaches of the Code of Conduct by meeting with and giving interviews to foreign news reporters and anti American delegations.
McCain admits to talking with numerous high-ranking North Vietnamese leaders, including General Vo Nguyen Giap, their Minister of Defense.
He also did a cozy interview over coffee, oranges, and cake wish a Cuban psychiatrist, which took place in the Hanoi office of the Committee for Foreign Cultural Relations.
He failed to "evade answering questions to the utmost of his ability;" by actually conversing with his interviewer in Spanish.
Perhaps these are some of the reasons why John McCain hip been so instrumental in discounting any suggestion that live prisoners of war still languish in Southeast Asia. It certainly does explain to me why he traveled to Hanoi in May of 1993 with soon-to-be Ambassador to Vietnam Pete Peterson, and convinced the Communist leadership to agree that they would NEVER MAKE PUBLIC THEIR INTERROGATION FILES OF AMERICAN POWs.
It should have made him ineligible to sit in judgment of those men who still wait for freedom. I believe it clearly makes him morally unfit to ever lead this nation, to be the Commander of all our armed forces someday.
Paul E. Ritenberg of Granger. Ind., is a former Niles resident. Readers are invited to submit their opinions for publication.

Amen! I was told by someone who served along side McCain that all the "War Hero" rhetoric was way overblown and not warranted.
letthebighogroot Wrote:Amen! I was told by someone who served along side McCain that all the "War Hero" rhetoric was way overblown and not warranted.
I don't doubt that for 1 second.
John McCain will still lead this country much better than the ***** cry baby democrats ever would...And I could care less what any of you dems on here say, none of your bull**** comments about how good Obama is and how bad McCain is will matter to me.
vundy33 Wrote:John McCain will still lead this country much better than the ***** cry baby democrats ever would...And I could care less what any of you dems on here say, none of your bull**** comments about how good Obama is and how bad McCain is will matter to me.

Cry baby? What are we, seven years old? 95% of all Americans should get tax breaks and incentives (Nothing to cry about there). ALL Americans should have access to medical care (Nothing to cry about there). The numbers of Polar Bears are dwindling more than ever before (Plenty to cry about there). Corporations who ship American jobs overseas should face fines and tariffs (Plenty of work to do there). If you think McCain's solutions are better in the REAL issues, that's what elections are for.
I agree with the tax breaks, agree with all americans having ACCESS to medical care, not free medical care like Canada and the U.K., disagree with the polar bear issue, and also agree with outsourcing of US jobs. I can't call in to Capital One without pulling my hair out because the person i'm talking to can barely speak English. I am so tired from work right now that I can hardly type, I'll have to wait until tomorrow evening to debate with you. Good Night.
thecavemaster Wrote:Cry baby? What are we, seven years old? 95% of all Americans should get tax breaks and incentives (Nothing to cry about there). ALL Americans should have access to medical care (Nothing to cry about there). The numbers of Polar Bears are dwindling more than ever before (Plenty to cry about there). Corporations who ship American jobs overseas should face fines and tariffs (Plenty of work to do there). If you think McCain's solutions are better in the REAL issues, that's what elections are for.

The tax breaks just like Clinton promised, then a couple months after being in office told everyone that we couldn't afford it. Obama is going to increase spending, yet give tax breaks. Its kind of like the people who support Obama just blatantly ignore facts because the man can give good speeches. The man has taken millions upon millions of donations from terrorist countries and China. I guess he's the man we want leading this country.
Beetle01 Wrote:The tax breaks just like Clinton promised, then a couple months after being in office told everyone that we couldn't afford it. Obama is going to increase spending, yet give tax breaks. Its kind of like the people who support Obama just blatantly ignore facts because the man can give good speeches. The man has taken millions upon millions of donations from terrorist countries and China. I guess he's the man we want leading this country.
Just saying it doesn't make it true.
DevilsWin Wrote:Just saying it doesn't make it true.

Published: June 29, 2008

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Certainly the most interesting and potentially devastating phone call I have received during this election cycle came this week from one of the Obamas campaign internet geeks. These are the staffers who devised Obamas internet fund raising campaign which raised in the neighborhood of $200 million so far. That is more then twice the total funds raised by any candidate in history and this was all from the internet campaign.

What I learned from this insider was shocking but I guess we shouldn't be surprised that when it comes to fund raising there simply are no rules that can't be broken and no ethics that prevail.

Obama's internet campaign started out innocently enough with basic e-mail networking , lists saved from previous party campaigns and from supporters who visited any of the Obama campaign web sites.
Small contributions came in from these sources and the internet campaign staff were more than pleased by the results.

Then, about two months into the campaign the daily contribution intake multiplied. Where was it coming from? One of the web site security monitors began to notice the bulk of the contributions were clearly coming in from overseas internet service providers and at the rate and frequency of transmission it was clear these donations were programmed by a very sophisticated user.

While the security people were not able to track most of the sources due to firewalls and other blocking devices put on these contributions they were able to collate the number of contributions that were coming in seemingly from individuals but the funds were from only a few credit card accounts and bank electronic funds transfers. The internet service providers (ISP) they were able to trace were from Saudi Arabia , Iran , and other Middle Eastern countries. One of the banks used for fund transfers was also located in Saudi Arabia .

Another concentrated group of donations was traced to a Chinese ISP with a similar pattern of limited credit card charges.

It became clear that these donations were very likely coming from sources other than American voters. This was discussed at length within the campaign and the decision was made that none of these donations violated campaign financing laws.

It was also decided that it was not the responsibility of the campaign to audit these millions of contributions as to the actual source (specific credit card number or bank transfer account numbers) to insure that none of these internet contributors exceeded the legal maximum donation on a cumulative basis of many small donations. They also found the record keeping was not complete enough to do it anyway.

This is a shocking revelation.

We have been concerned about the legality of bundling contributions after the recent exposure of illegal bundlers but now it appears we may have an even greater problem.

I guess we should have been somewhat suspicious when the numbers started to come out. We were told (no proof offered) that the Obama internet contributions were from $10.00 to $25.00 or so.

If the $200,000,000 is right, and the average contribution was $15.00, that would mean over 13 million individuals made contributions? That would also be 13 million contributions would need to be processed. How did all that happen?

I believe the Obama campaign's internet fund raising needs a serious, in depth investigation and audit. It also appears the whole question of internet fund raising needs investigation by the legislature and perhaps new laws to insure it complies not only with the letter of these laws but the spirit as well
According to Federal Election Commission filings, Barack Obama has received illegal donations from Palestinians living in Gaza, a hotbed of Hamas terrorists.

Obama received more than $24,000 in campaign contributions over a period of two months last fall from three Palestinian brothers from the "Edwan" family in Rafah, Gaza, which is a Hamas stronghold along the border with Egypt. The story was uncovered by Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog. (see Federal Election Commission report)

Attorney and conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel notes foreign nationals are barred from making contributions in connection with any election -- federal, state, or local -- and an individual is allowed to give only $2,300 per election to a federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.

"The donations are basically through and through illegal -- that's number one. And number two is how the Obama campaign tried to conceal it," Schlussel chides. "They listed the campaign contributions as coming from Rafah, Georgia. They used the 'GA' from Gaza so it makes it look like it's legal; and then for the zip code it says '972,' which is actually the area code to dial over to Gaza," she contends.

The attorney comments that if the Obama campaign is willing to "accept thousands of dollars beyond the legal limit and they're also going to flout [Federal Election Commission] restrictions...that's very indicative of what kind of president [Obama] is going to be."

"They're not going to be worried about the details and they won't mind if they break the law to get to the final result that they want," adds Schlussel. She believes it is a "major news story when a presidential candidate receives money from 'a bastion of Islamic terrorism.' And Schlussel argues that the media is "bending over backwards to help Barack Obama and cover up any negative news about him."

Schlussel says Pamela Geller will likely file a Federal Election Commission complaint against the Obama campaign for violating restrictions and limits on campaign contributions.

Favors new drilling offshore US
Will appoint judges who interpret the law not make it

Served in the US Armed Forces

Amount of time served in the US Senate
173 DAYS
Will institute a socialized national health care plan
Supports abortion throughout the pregnancy
Would pull troops out of Iraq immediately
Supports gun ownership rights

Proposed programs will mean a huge tax increase
Voted against making English the official language
Voted to give Social Security benefits to illegals
0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.
28% on profit from ALL home sales. ([I]How does this affect you?[/I] If you sell your home and make a profit, you will pay 28% of your gain on taxes. If you are heading toward retirement and would like to down-size your home or move into a retirement community, 28% of the money you make from your home will go to taxes. This proposal will adversely affect the elderly who are counting on the income from their homes as part of their retirement income.)
15% (no change)
39.6% - [I](How will this affect you?[/I] If you have any money invested in stock market, IRA, mutual funds, college funds, life insurance, retirement accounts, or anything that pays or reinvests dividends, you will now be paying nearly 40% of the money earned on taxes if Obama becomes president. The experts predict that 'Higher tax rates on dividends and capital gains would crash the stock market, yet do absolutely nothing to cut the deficit.')
(no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500
Single making 50K - tax $12,500
Single making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 60K- tax $9,000
Married making 75K - tax $18,750
Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)
Single making 30K - tax $8,400
Single making 50K - tax $14,000
Single making 75K - tax $23,250
Married making 60K - tax $16,800
Married making 75K - tax $21,000
Married making 125K - tax $38,750
Under Obama, your taxes could almost double!

- 0% (No change, Bush repealed this tax)
Restore the inheritance tax
Many families have lost businesses, farms, ranches, and homes that have been in their families for generations because they could not afford the inheritance tax. Those willing their assets to loved ones will only lose them to these taxes.
New government taxes proposed on homes that are more than 2400 square feet. New gasoline taxes (as if gas weren't high enough already) New taxes on natural resources consumption (heating gas, water, electricity) New taxes on retirement accounts, and last but not least....New taxes to pay for socialized medicine so we can receive the same level of medical care as other third-world countries!!!

[B]You can verify the above at the following web sites[/B]:
Beetle01 Wrote:According to Federal Election Commission filings, Barack Obama has received illegal donations from Palestinians living in Gaza, a hotbed of Hamas terrorists.

Obama received more than $24,000 in campaign contributions over a period of two months last fall from three Palestinian brothers from the "Edwan" family in Rafah, Gaza, which is a Hamas stronghold along the border with Egypt. The story was uncovered by Pamela Geller of the Atlas Shrugs blog. (see Federal Election Commission report)

Attorney and conservative commentator Debbie Schlussel notes foreign nationals are barred from making contributions in connection with any election -- federal, state, or local -- and an individual is allowed to give only $2,300 per election to a federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.

"The donations are basically through and through illegal -- that's number one. And number two is how the Obama campaign tried to conceal it," Schlussel chides. "They listed the campaign contributions as coming from Rafah, Georgia. They used the 'GA' from Gaza so it makes it look like it's legal; and then for the zip code it says '972,' which is actually the area code to dial over to Gaza," she contends.

The attorney comments that if the Obama campaign is willing to "accept thousands of dollars beyond the legal limit and they're also going to flout [Federal Election Commission] restrictions...that's very indicative of what kind of president [Obama] is going to be."

"They're not going to be worried about the details and they won't mind if they break the law to get to the final result that they want," adds Schlussel. She believes it is a "major news story when a presidential candidate receives money from 'a bastion of Islamic terrorism.' And Schlussel argues that the media is "bending over backwards to help Barack Obama and cover up any negative news about him."

Schlussel says Pamela Geller will likely file a Federal Election Commission complaint against the Obama campaign for violating restrictions and limits on campaign contributions.

This would be the equivilent of saying that all campaign contributions that come from Oneida, Tennessee(a bastion of terrorists) came from the KKK.

BTW the KKK's "Grand Dragon" supposedly lives in Oneida.
Beetle01 Wrote:The tax breaks just like Clinton promised, then a couple months after being in office told everyone that we couldn't afford it. Obama is going to increase spending, yet give tax breaks. Its kind of like the people who support Obama just blatantly ignore facts because the man can give good speeches. The man has taken millions upon millions of donations from terrorist countries and China. I guess he's the man we want leading this country.

WOW! Next thing you know the North Veitnamese (sp?) will be building a memorial to him on Lake Hanoi......Maybe beside the one thats there in honor of Mccain.
Well let's all get on The FAKE Talk Express.
John McCain is The Manchurian Candidate!
DevilsWin Wrote:This would be the equivilent of saying that all campaign contributions that come from Oneida, Tennessee(a bastion of terrorists) came from the KKK.

BTW the KKK's "Grand Dragon" supposedly lives in Oneida.

True, but KKK members are atleast Americans.
Beetle01 Wrote:True, but KKK members are atleast Americans.
An American Terrorist is just as dangerous if not more than a foreign terrorist IMO.
When was the last time a KKK member carried out a terrorist attack?

LOL so u see it as okay for foreign terrorists to donate money to american candidates?

Doesn't matter this race is over now.
Mccain has a 10pt lead, and it will grow to close to 16 or 17 because of Obama's recent blunder. He shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag.

Of course we may not make it to election time, a black hole could consume the world before then.
Beetle01 Wrote:When was the last time a KKK member carried out a terrorist attack?

LOL so u see it as okay for foreign terrorists to donate money to american candidates?

Doesn't matter this race is over now.
Mccain has a 10pt lead, and it will grow to close to 16 or 17 because of Obama's recent blunder. He shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag.

Of course we may not make it to election time, a black hole could consume the world before then.

1) The Jenna 6 case last year.

2) Just because we accept the money doesn't mean we agree with them. It's not like the money has anthrax on it. LOL

3) He got twisted around in the interview because he was talking about Islam. People like you have been praying for a moment like this to pounce on it and misrepresent the meaning of what was said.Rolleyes
Those who kill people for "god" or for "racial purity" or for whatever reason are poison, be they from Iran or Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan or America. Question: though Obama is a Christian, not a person of Islamic faith, why would that disquality him from being President? Seventeen fanatics pulled off 9/11, in communication with other fanatics. The American electorate get the politicans they deserve: short sighted, "show me the money," self-intoxicated, tell 'em- what- they- want- to -hear-- for- career- advancement citizens.
Well if you find its okay for our politicians to accept money from foreign governments and terrorists, hopefully when your saviour doesn't win, you all can move out of the country with him. I'm sure china has a sweat shop you can work in.
Beetle01 Wrote:Well if you find its okay for our politicians to accept money from foreign governments and terrorists, hopefully when your saviour doesn't win, you all can move out of the country with him. I'm sure china has a sweat shop you can work in.

Keating 5. Barack Obama is no more my Savior than Charlton Heston was yours. Ah, there it is, "America: love it or leave it." Of course, you're buying the goods sweat shop made in China.
Beetle01 Wrote:Well if you find its okay for our politicians to accept money from foreign governments and terrorists, hopefully when your saviour doesn't win, you all can move out of the country with him. I'm sure china has a sweat shop you can work in.
LOL Obama is not My Savior.

Just some dude running for President. I fought for My Country, America.

What have you done besides run your trap?

That's the thing that gets me. Most of the people who voted for the war aren't supporting the war.

All they do is talk and talk is cheap! Sign your name to the dotted line and go fight if you belive it so much!

Oh, you don't believe in it "That Much" do you?
McCain is one of the Keating 5!

What do you have to say about that?

History has already made that judgement.
ballcrazy Wrote:Well let's all get on The FAKE Talk Express.

If this is in reply to Mccain's memorial in North Vietnam there is nothing fake about it. Search "John Mccain's memorial at Truc Bach Lake." I'll even make it easier, go to, it takes some clicking but it's easy to find. You can see a picture of it for yourself.
Beetle01 Wrote:When was the last time a KKK member carried out a terrorist attack?

LOL so u see it as okay for foreign terrorists to donate money to american candidates?

Are you seriously defending the KKK? :eek:

The KKK has carried out numerous acts of terrorism throughout the history of their organization. These criminal acts, whether it be lynching, burning, or rape, are no less disgusting than the things that foreign terrorists do.

IMO, any candidate who takes money from foreign terrorists or the KKK has some explaining to do...

I'm not defending the KKK, but they are not a threat anymore. If a candidate was taking funds from them, they would definetly have some answering to do. However, McCain is not taking funds form them , so I'm not sure why it was even brought up, I guess to get everyone off the subject that Obama is currently taking large donations from active foreign terrorists groups and countries.
Eventhough the KKK was a terrorist group, I don't consider them much of anything anymore, they are atleast Americans, and in that have a right to voice their opinion for who they think should be President, unless arrested and found guilty and thrown inprison of some crime.

The Jenna 6? Wasn't that where 6 black kids assualted a white kid after some racial tensions? I haven't really payed attention to it, but I was under the impression the KKK had nothing to do with it. So not sure why you brought that up. Another attempt to avoid discussion on Obama's misdeeds.

McCain was cleared inthe Keating investigation, along with John Glenn.

DevilsWin,I find it interesting why everytime someone brings up a actual fact that shows Obama is as dirty and crooked as most other politicians. You just spew out your ignorance in an attempt to get off subject.

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