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Rick Warren not so open minded.
jetpilot Wrote:"The Audacity of Hope"

If you really read it, I stand corrected. All of us have wrong opinions, but if we knew what they were, we wouldn't hold them. As for me, I read Real Change (Newt Gingrich). How many houses does John McCain own: I don't know, which puts me in the same boat as...John McCain. Yes, Yes, McCain understands working class and poor people.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:If you really think Im ashamed to admit that I dont like Obama, then you're more confused than I first thought. I like most of Obama's stances on everything besides energy, which is one of my main concerns. McCains stance on energy isnt any better, which is why I dont know if im going to vote in what will be my first chance to vote in a presidential election. It has nothing to do with party lines, Im just not hearing what I want to on one of my top concerns.

The notion that tying bush to McCain is the only attack obama has against him is crazy. The reason this attack is used so much is becuase Bush is arguable the worst president in the History of the US, and Mccain has voted with him over 90% of the time. So electing him would essential mean we are re-electing 90% of the worst president ever!

McCain has been a constant flip-flopper on all issues, and his knowledge on affairs dealing with terrorism is laughable.

Since this is your first presidential election vote, take note that ALL candidates are flip-floppers. Big Grin

I have a real problem with people that say "I'm just not going to vote". People died for our right to have elections and free speech, the least we can do is honor those who've died by voting on rainy days. I hope you hear what you want from the candidate you choose, just remember there's no such thing as the perfect candidate.

Another heads up, McCain is now the party leader, not Bush. McCain stayed in line for the most part in what his leadership agreed with and spoke out when he didn't. McCain didn't vote "present" during legislative meetings because he was afraid to take a stand and **** off a potential voter, unlike Obama. At least McCain can make a stand and admit when he's wrong (like with Hagee and "sins" of his first marriage).
jammin' jamey Wrote:McCain distanced himself from Hagee without using a "second press conference". McCain admitted that he had never set foot in the Cornerstone church as well. The left wing media used that to try and spin the Wright story.

Does it not bother anyone else that Obama spent 20 years or something in Wright's church? Doesn't it bother you to hear what Wright has preached on and know that's greatly influenced Obama, who was married in the church and had his kids dedicated there? It should bother you even more that it took Wright press club debacle for Obama to finally cut his ties with the man.

I'll talk about Jeremiah Wright up until November and after if Obama is elected.

Besides, why are liberals wanting to drop the Wright story anyway? Sweep it under the rug before more people learn just who is BHO?

Why has the Democratic party lost nearly every Presidential election (in the South) since Lyndon Johnson? When Robert F. Kennedy sent troops in to enforce the Supreme Court ruling...that's when. Doesn't take a genius to figure out what the deal is there. Talk about Jeremiah long as you take a long look at John McCain's long list of verbal change as the political winds blow.
jetpilot Wrote:LOL, you do your own research on ultra-liberal blogs, watch all the ultra-liberal newscasts, and arrive at the ultra-liberal position every single time. Smile

lol, so my education at ALC is ultra-liberal, because thats where most of my stances come from. Ive gathered my views mostly from what Ive learned in the classroom. I also keep telling everyone on here that I DO NOT WATCH NEWSCASTS, I hate the media in America, they all lie and slander every issue.

The research I do online comes from a variety of sites, but I am a member of the sierra club, whose founder was friends with, and help inspire Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) to greatly expand the national park system.

Now the Republican party has stopped conserving, and played right into the hands of big business. Presidents Harding and Coolidge who where known for their corruption and channeling of money to big business don't hold a candle to the republican party today, especially "dubya".
thecavemaster Wrote:If you really read it, I stand corrected. All of us have wrong opinions, but if we knew what they were, we wouldn't hold them. As for me, I read Real Change (Newt Gingrich). How many houses does John McCain own: I don't know, which puts me in the same boat as...John McCain. Yes, Yes, McCain understands working class and poor people.

How many states are there is the US? If you don't know, it puts you in the same class as...Barack Obama...
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:lol, so my education at ALC is ultra-liberal, because thats where most of my stances come from. Ive gathered my views mostly from what Ive learned in the classroom. I also keep telling everyone on here that I DO NOT WATCH NEWSCASTS, I hate the media in America, they all lie and slander every issue.

The research I do online comes from a variety of sites, but I am a member of the sierra club, whose founder was friends with, and help inspire Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) to greatly expand the national park system.

Now the Republican party has stopped conserving, and played right into the hands of big business. Presidents Harding and Coolidge who where known for their corruption and channeling of money to big business don't hold a candle to the republican party today, especially "dubya".

Another brainwashed liberal talking point. If you think the Democrats aren't bought and paid for by big business as well, you're way out of touch...
jetpilot Wrote:How many states are there is the US? If you don't know, it puts you in the same class as...Barack Obama...

Do you think Obama misspoke, or actually doesn't know how many states are in the USA?
thecavemaster Wrote:If you really read it, I stand corrected. All of us have wrong opinions, but if we knew what they were, we wouldn't hold them. As for me, I read Real Change (Newt Gingrich). How many houses does John McCain own: I don't know, which puts me in the same boat as...John McCain. Yes, Yes, McCain understands working class and poor people.

BTW, what could you possibly find not to like about "Real Change"????????
HOGWOLLOP Wrote:Do you think Obama misspoke, or actually doesn't know how many states are in the USA?

Yes.Big Grin
thecavemaster Wrote:Big ol' jet airplane is as full of hot air as the namesake site he flags.

You know someone is beat when they start making posts like this. Game over, goodbye...:Thumbs:
jammin' jamey Wrote:Since this is your first presidential election vote, take note that ALL candidates are flip-floppers. Big Grin

I have a real problem with people that say "I'm just not going to vote". People died for our right to have elections and free speech, the least we can do is honor those who've died by voting on rainy days. I hope you hear what you want from the candidate you choose, just remember there's no such thing as the perfect candidate.

Another heads up, McCain is now the party leader, not Bush. McCain stayed in line for the most part in what his leadership agreed with and spoke out when he didn't. McCain didn't vote "present" during legislative meetings because he was afraid to take a stand and **** off a potential voter, unlike Obama. At least McCain can make a stand and admit when he's wrong (like with Hagee and "sins" of his first marriage).

Soldiers, like my grandfather, died to give me the rights written in the constitution. I dont think voting for someone who isn't going to help my country would be doing them any favors. If I have to choose between two people I may not like, who would I be helping by voting?

McCain has now taken back his statements on Hagee, and calls them close friends, after he had said they where agents of intolerance. Is that admitting when youre wrong? or is that pandering to the religious right? Obama also said he didnt agree with the statements of wright, so how is he any different than McCain.

McCain has been telling many lies on his "Straight talk Express" campaign. The biggest one for me is when he said he hadnt missed a single vote on energy, and that has always been for renewable energy, when in fact he is 0-8 on voting for crucial renewable energy bills.

He is also using the Georgia conflict for political gain by saying he is friends with the georgian president, and has been for 25 years, but he cant pronounce his name. lol, great friends they are.

after the Supreme Court ruled that habeas corpus protections apply to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Jouhn McCain denounced it as “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.” At a townhall in New Jersey, McCain railed against the “unaccountable judges” who made the decision. Then on the 14th of this month McCain changed his stance when he said this

ISAACSON: But you called that the worst decision in history?

MCCAIN: No I didn’t. No, no– Sometimes I’m given to a little hyperbole.

This link has video.
jetpilot Wrote:Another brainwashed liberal talking point. If you think the Democrats aren't bought and paid for by big business as well, you're way out of touch...

Show me where I said they arent? I just said republicans are worse.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Show me where I said they arent? I just said republicans are worse.

And I just said that is false. But keep letting the ultra-liberal sites you frequent brainwash you into thinking that.

Do you think Obama misspoke, or actually doesn't know how many states are in the USA?

“We continue to be concerned about Iranian taking Al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back,’’ Mr. McCain said at the news conference. Asked about that statement, Mr. McCain said: “Well, it’s common knowledge and has been reported in the media that Al Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran. That’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

It was not until he got a whispered correction from Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, who was traveling with Mr. McCain on the trip, which is a Congressional delegation, that Mr. McCain corrected himself.

“I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not Al Qaeda,” he said.

Do you think McCain misspoke, or just doesn't have a clue to what is going on.
jetpilot Wrote:And I just said that is false. But keep letting the ultra-liberal sites you frequent brainwash you into thinking that.

I sure will, and I will also let my education lead me straight into med-school and my 150,000+ a year paycheck. And I'll be loving every minute of it.
jetpilot Wrote:And I just said that is false. But keep letting the ultra-liberal sites you frequent brainwash you into thinking that.

You keep flagging sites that aren't exactly non-biased. Are you brainwashed?
thecavemaster Wrote:You keep flagging sites that aren't exactly non-biased. Are you brainwashed?

Nope, only information coming from the "right" is correct and unbiased, every one else hates America, and is out to destroy democracy.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:I sure will, and I will also let my education lead me straight into med-school and my 150,000+ a year paycheck. And I'll be loving every minute of it.

$150k isn't any money son. Not to mention it's bad form to boast. But, it's more hilarious now how your naive opinions are. Obama's tax system will take a much bigger bite out of your paycheck than McCain's. And the Democrats want nationalized health care, which will limit what doctors make.

Move out of mommy and daddy's house and get a job and you will be a Republican in no time.

School's out, gotta go!
Why is everyone bashing Obama for being with wright, but no one is talking about Hagee and Robertson comment that Katrina occurred because they where gays in the city, but the gay part of the city had little damage? Or John Hagee anti catholic comments? Now Mcain is not only endorsed by Hagee, but he is defending his positions, and saying he was taken out of context! Why is it that McCain can be friends with lunatics, but Obama is held accountable for the sins of his pastor? To me it's just silly, ignorant mud slinging.
jetpilot Wrote:$150k isn't any money son. Not to mention it's bad form to boast. But, it's more hilarious now how your naive opinions are. Obama's tax system will take a much bigger bite out of your paycheck than McCain's. And the Democrats want nationalized health care, which will limit what doctors make.

Move out of mommy and daddy's house and get a job and you will be a Republican in no time.

School's out, gotta go!

$150,000 dollars a year is not much money? Isn't that a little naive?
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Soldiers, like my grandfather, died to give me the rights written in the constitution. I dont think voting for someone who isn't going to help my country would be doing them any favors. If I have to choose between two people I may not like, who would I be helping by voting?

McCain has now taken back his statements on Hagee, and calls them close friends, after he had said they where agents of intolerance. Is that admitting when youre wrong? or is that pandering to the religious right? Obama also said he didnt agree with the statements of wright, so how is he any different than McCain.

McCain has been telling many lies on his "Straight talk Express" campaign. The biggest one for me is when he said he hadnt missed a single vote on energy, and that has always been for renewable energy, when in fact he is 0-8 on voting for crucial renewable energy bills.

He is also using the Georgia conflict for political gain by saying he is friends with the georgian president, and has been for 25 years, but he cant pronounce his name. lol, great friends they are.

after the Supreme Court ruled that habeas corpus protections apply to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Jouhn McCain denounced it as “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.” At a townhall in New Jersey, McCain railed against the “unaccountable judges” who made the decision. Then on the 14th of this month McCain changed his stance when he said this

ISAACSON: But you called that the worst decision in history?

MCCAIN: No I didn’t. No, no– Sometimes I’m given to a little hyperbole.

This link has video.

I like the fact that you have nothing to say about Obama voting "present" during his terms in the legislature, but you have plenty to say about McCain and bring out other "talking points" that you know and have heard from other sources.

Simply answer this question without going on a party-line-rant: What does it say to you that Obama couldn't vote "yes or no" on issues and instead voted "present". You talk about McCain missing votes...Obama was THERE while the vote took place and couldn't take a stance? Doesn't that bother you? At least when McCain switches, he stands by it instead of not taking a stand at all - unlike BHO.
jetpilot Wrote:$150k isn't any money son. Not to mention it's bad form to boast. But, it's more hilarious now how your naive opinions are. Obama's tax system will take a much bigger bite out of your paycheck than McCain's. And the Democrats want nationalized health care, which will limit what doctors make.

Move out of mommy and daddy's house and get a job and you will be a Republican in no time.

School's out, gotta go!

It's also bad form to lie, which you do a lot of.

If I make 300,000 or 25,000 I really wouldn't care, as long as I can help people. Obama's system will mostly affect people making 250,000+, but I wouldn't care to pay my share of taxes if I do make that much money, which I doubt I will, that type of money is usually given to specialist.

And to let you know I do have a job, Ive worked all through college, and I worked my junior and senior years in high school. And my political views havent wavered one bit, I come from a family of 5 that makes less than $35,000, and trust me, no republican gives a crap about me or my family. But to be honest, no politician does.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I like the fact that you have nothing to say about Obama voting "present" during his terms in the legislature, but you have plenty to say about McCain and bring out other "talking points" that you know and have heard from other sources.

Simply answer this question without going on a party-line-rant: What does it say to you that Obama couldn't vote "yes or no" on issues and instead voted "present". You talk about McCain missing votes...Obama was THERE while the vote took place and couldn't take a stance? Doesn't that bother you? At least when McCain switches, he stands by it instead of not taking a stand at all - unlike BHO.

Yes it does bother me, which I why I may not vote. But you attacked me for that.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Why is everyone bashing Obama for being with wright, but no one is talking about Hagee and Robertson comment that Katrina occurred because they where gays in the city, but the gay part of the city had little damage? Or John Hagee anti catholic comments? Now Mcain is not only endorsed by Hagee, but he is defending his positions, and saying he was taken out of context! Why is it that McCain can be friends with lunatics, but Obama is held accountable for the sins of his pastor? To me it's just silly, ignorant mud slinging.

You're using the huffingtonpost as a site for a source and claim to be open-minded. Hilarious. Smile

What does Pat Robertson have to do with this? Has McCain allowed Pat Robertson to council his marriage lately? Has McCain asked Robertson to give his opinions about the campaign or issues? What does McCain (or even Rick Warren for that matter) have to do with Pat Robertson? WOW. You are out there brother. Good luck.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:It's also bad form to lie, which you do a lot of.

If I make 300,000 or 25,000 I really wouldn't care, as long as I can help people. Obama's system will mostly affect people making 250,000+, but I wouldn't care to pay my share of taxes if I do make that much money, which I doubt I will, that type of money is usually given to specialist.

And to let you know I do have a job, Ive worked all through college, and I worked my junior and senior years in high school. And my political views havent wavered one bit, I come from a family of 5 that makes less than $35,000, and trust me, no republican gives a crap about me or my family. But to be honest, no politician does.

Your other post you said you would be making $150K and loving it, now you flip-flopped and said if you make $25k you don't care...but you finally made sense in your last sentence. No politician cares, they make promises to get or keep power.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Yes it does bother me, which I why I may not vote. But you attacked me for that.

I didn't attack you. I just wanted to see if you could answer a question.

Just knowing that Obama can't make an opinion or decision on legislation is enough for me to know that he's not up to the job of being the leader of the free world.
jammin' jamey Wrote:You're using the huffingtonpost as a site for a source and claim to be open-minded. Hilarious. Smile

What does Pat Robertson have to do with this? Has McCain allowed Pat Robertson to council his marriage lately? Has McCain asked Robertson to give his opinions about the campaign or issues? What does McCain (or even Rick Warren for that matter) have to do with Pat Robertson? WOW. You are out there brother. Good luck.

Here are some more sites, with pretty much the same info.

Pat Robertson has something to do with because he made the statement with Hagee.

Jerry Falwell another right wing nut, blamed 9/11 on Americans, and then McCain sought his endorsement, and even spoke at Falwells Liberty university in support of the Iraq War. Didn't a certain preacher also blame 9/11 on Americans, but got much more scrutiny? Could it be because he was black?
jetpilot Wrote:Your other post you said you would be making $150K and loving it, now you flip-flopped and said if you make $25k you don't care...but you finally made sense in your last sentence. No politician cares, they make promises to get or keep power.

I never flip flopped, I would love making 150,000 plus, but if I don't, then oh well, I lived without money before, I can do it again.
jammin' jamey Wrote:I didn't attack you. I just wanted to see if you could answer a question.

Just knowing that Obama can't make an opinion or decision on legislation is enough for me to know that he's not up to the job of being the leader of the free world.

And lying about the decisions you make, and not knowing what is going on with your most important issue is enough to be leader of the free world?
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Here are some more sites, with pretty much the same info.

Pat Robertson has something to do with because he made the statement with Hagee.

Jerry Falwell another right wing nut, blamed 9/11 on Americans, and then McCain sought his endorsement, and even spoke at Falwells Liberty university in support of the Iraq War. Didn't a certain preacher also blame 9/11 on Americans, but got much more scrutiny? Could it be because he was black?

Creating a daisy-chain from Robertson to McCain through Hagee is a stretch.

BTW, Jerry Falwell has passed away. I don't think he has a vote this time. Smile

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