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Is Perry Central Good enough to beat Hazard?
I watched Hazard play Pike Central earlier in the season and I will say they were missing something, idk what it is maybe its Teague who imo was a staple in their defense. Hazard is def. the better team. Travis could hurt the bulldogs, but I see Hazard winning by at least 2 tds.
Definitley PCC can beat Hazard. However, they will have to bring their top game and play mistake free.
it might be a rivalry game now, back when i play at hazard our biggest rivalry game was again pikeville. we could care less about pcc.... we play to win the district ever year unlike pcc, they happy just to make the playoffs.... hazard is not happy unless they win district or more....
How old is hazards football . now ask this how old is perry central? They are gettin better need a coach that will stay more than 2 are 3 years
cj2561 Wrote:it might be a rivalry game now, back when i play at hazard our biggest rivalry game was again pikeville. we could care less about pcc.... we play to win the district ever year unlike pcc, they happy just to make the playoffs.... hazard is not happy unless they win district or more....

it still is that way...

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