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Bunning criticized for stand on jobless benefits
BillyB Wrote:The bill involves more than an unemployment benefits extension.

I'd bet that this has less to do with a concern about spending and more to do with causing McConnell trouble before Bunning leaves. Bunning didn't mount a lone-hold-out-opposition-to-spending attack when Bush was spending like a drunken sailor and when Bunning still had hopes of getting Republican support in his quest for another term.
two words term limits
lwc Wrote:That says it all for me.
Knowing who Bunning's critics are, I would need to see video and judge for myself whether he was upset about missing the start of the UK game.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Knowing who Bunning's critics are, I would need to see video and judge for myself whether he was upset about missing the start of the UK game.

It's out there. (In fact it was on the Daily Show last night). I don't think he was that upset about missing the game. It came off more as a lame attempt at a joke. It was made even more pathetic when you consider that he was complaining about missing a basketball game because he had to stay in session to block a measure that on he wanted to block and one which he had supported just a few months ago. All while he blocked people from earning a living of receiving promised benefits.
BillyB Wrote:It's out there. (In fact it was on the Daily Show last night). I don't think he was that upset about missing the game. It came off more as a lame attempt at a joke. It was made even more pathetic when you consider that he was complaining about missing a basketball game because he had to stay in session to block a measure that on he wanted to block and one which he had supported just a few months ago. All while he blocked people from earning a living of receiving promised benefits.

I dont know what you saw, but in the statement that I saw him make, he plainly says that he was all for extending the benefits and agreeing to all of the other provisions under the bill. He is just insistant (and uncompromising) in that there have to be funds to pay for it, as the Pay Go act requires.
Bunning has grown increasingly angry and bitter at just about everybody. In this, he sits at the summit of the "afflict the afflicted" obstructionists. His play to seem a "last guy drawing a line in the sand" hero won't play well if this lasts much longer.
thecavemaster Wrote:Bunning has grown increasingly angry and bitter at just about everybody. In this, he sits at the summit of the "afflict the afflicted" obstructionists. His play to seem a "last guy drawing a line in the sand" hero won't play well if this lasts much longer.
I still dont know if you fully realize how much this whole program is abused. I guess you have to be close to the inner workings of it to understand.

While there may be truth to some of what your saying about Bunnings personality, and while everybody may be angry, the facts are that he is still adhering to the Pay Go law the democrats just passed, what, only 2 weeks ago. Why make these laws if your not going to abide by them? I can see benefit recipients not being happy, but how could anyone in Congress be angry? Bunning sort of sounds to me like he is bitter and frustrated at the inner workings of congress, just as the average American citizen is. Perhaps he is just fed up and there may be some justification to his charactor change..
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I dont know what you saw, but in the statement that I saw him make, he plainly says that he was all for extending the benefits and agreeing to all of the other provisions under the bill. He is just insistant (and uncompromising) in that there have to be funds to pay for it, as the Pay Go act requires.

Since when? Surely PayGo isn't the the first time that he realized you should have money before you spend it?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I still dont know if you fully realize how much this whole program is abused. I guess you have to be close to the inner workings of it to understand.

While there may be truth to some of what your saying about Bunnings personality, and while everybody may be angry, the facts are that he is still adhering to the Pay Go law the democrats just passed, what, only 2 weeks ago. Why make these laws if your not going to abide by them? I can see benefit recipients not being happy, but how could anyone in Congress be angry? Bunning sort of sounds to me like he is bitter and frustrated at the inner workings of congress, just as the average American citizen is. Perhaps he is just fed up and there may be some justification to his charactor change..

As Harry Caudill so brilliantly wrote about in Night Comes to the Cumberland's and Lester's Progress, eastern Kentucky is a place where the government programs are often badly abused, where cycles of generational poverty meld with patterns of working the system, leaving people void of initiative and often full of the idea that somebody owes them something. Who doesn't want that cycle broken? However, Bunning is being an obstructionist here because, had he gotten the endorsement of his party (hear McConnell) for another term, he wouldn't be taking this position.
So you want that cycle to end. WHEN???
BillyB Wrote:It's out there. (In fact it was on the Daily Show last night). I don't think he was that upset about missing the game. It came off more as a lame attempt at a joke. It was made even more pathetic when you consider that he was complaining about missing a basketball game because he had to stay in session to block a measure that on he wanted to block and one which he had supported just a few months ago. All while he blocked people from earning a living of receiving promised benefits.
Pay-Go was not the law of the land a few months ago. If Democrats had no intention of following a law that they passed and Obama signed, then they should not have passed it in the first place. That is Bunning's point and it is an excellent one.
notamoocher Wrote:So you want that cycle to end. WHEN???

I would like to see some attachment of earning high school diploma with being able to receive government welfare benefits. This would have to be phased in slowly, of course. In other words, "OK... go ahead and drop out of school, but you won't be eligible" kind of thing... and other "carrot and stick" measures. Are we willing to let a generation of children really suffer the full brunt of poverty as we punish the parents who work the system? Tough questions.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Pay-Go was not the law of the land a few months ago. If Democrats had no intention of following a law that they passed and Obama signed, then they should not have passed it in the first place. That is Bunning's point and it is an excellent one.

And as you notice, CM has voted a "no responce" to this.
thecavemaster Wrote:I would like to see some attachment of earning high school diploma with being able to receive government welfare benefits. This would have to be phased in slowly, of course. In other words, "OK... go ahead and drop out of school, but you won't be eligible" kind of thing... and other "carrot and stick" measures. Are we willing to let a generation of children really suffer the full brunt of poverty as we punish the parents who work the system? Tough questions.

How do you phase those things? Either you do it or you dont do it. Street talk says either **** or get off the pot. It's wishy washy notions such as these that continues to deny any chance of any real reform efforts in this country to succeed.

How about drug testing these people receiving government checks? Federal law mandates that I and my employees have to be drug tested so we can do our jobs to support these leaches. It's an expensive procedure for businesses to go through, but given the intoxicated states of the average Joe walking the streets, I'm OK with that. How about them being drug tested to recieve the benefits.

Radically, dramatically, and immediately reform the way we do things in this country or wake up in the morning to the sound of the Chinese National Anthem. There's the real tough question, aint it CM? NOT!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:How do you phase those things? Either you do it or you dont do it. Street talk says either **** or get off the pot. It's wishy washy notions such as these that continues to deny any chance of any real reform efforts in this country to succeed.

How about drug testing these people receiving government checks? Federal law mandates that I and my employees have to be drug tested so we can do our jobs to support these leaches. It's an expensive procedure for businesses to go through, but given the intoxicated states of the avera ge Joe walking the streets, I'm OK with that. How about them being drug tested to recieve the benefits.

Radically, dramatically, and immediately reform the way we do things in this country or wake up in the morning to the sound of the Chinese National Anthem. There's the real tough question, aint it CM? NOT!!!

You refer to human beings as leeches? "But if you say, 'Thou fool'".... I think drug testing for parents receiving benefits is not a bad idea. Radical change often has radical UNINTENDED consequences. Seriously, Kimball, I don't think the Chinese National Anthem thing is a legitimate concern at this point. Do you? Really? Or are you, per usual, appealing to some sense of nationalism and fear?
thecavemaster Wrote:You refer to human beings as leeches? "But if you say, 'Thou fool'".... I think drug testing for parents receiving benefits is not a bad idea. Radical change often has radical UNINTENDED consequences. Seriously, Kimball, I don't think the Chinese National Anthem thing is a legitimate concern at this point. Do you? Really? Or are you, per usual, appealing to some sense of nationalism and fear?
I'm not a politically correct person CM. To those who are lazy and intentionally prey on the works of others. YES, YES and YES!!!! You are exactly right.

So those parents take a drug test and fail. What do you propose next? Phase something in?

Yeah, and those unintended consequences might include people acually getting off their lazy hind ends and give working a try. We've never tried that approach. As everything else has seemed to fail, maybe we should give that one a try for once.

I'm appealing to you that dont take the financial and economical stranglehold that China has on this country seriously. Militarily they would never have to fire a shot. Even Chinese institutions(aka the Chinese government) have toned down their loaning tendencies to this country, primarily because we dont know how to manage ourselves.
The only thing with the drug testing is that most drugs are out of your system in 48 hours. I COMPLETELY support drug testing welfare recipients, however, I would want the people doing the tests to come from Lexington, Louisville, somewhere where people arent familiar with this area or the people, and those testers are escorted in and out of the houses by police. I dont trust the area testing, as Ive seen people cheat the tests, and Ive seen people giving the tests being sweet talked into "well, Ill come back next week since you cant go today", that sort of thing. If I am going to pay for your way of life, I want somebody to walk into the bathroom with you, and watch it go in the **** cup. Yeah it might be uncomfortable, but its way to easy to cheat the tests..and make these random, and do it twice a month. I dont care if they whine and cry that "its harrassment". Let them. Make it as hard on them as possible. Im even up for a monthly random house search by police (make it a law for people on welfare), a social worker randomly coming in to see if the living conditions are up to par, and make those on welfare keep receipts of what they buy, bills they pay, etc..
Mr.Kimball Wrote:I'm not a politically correct person CM. To those who are lazy and intentionally prey on the works of others. YES, YES and YES!!!! You are exactly right.

So those parents take a drug test and fail. What do you propose next? Phase something in?

Yeah, and those unintended consequences might include people acually getting off their lazy hind ends and give working a try. We've never tried that approach. As everything else has seemed to fail, maybe we should give that one a try for once.

I'm appealing to you that dont take the financial and economical stranglehold that China has on this country seriously. Militarily they would never have to fire a shot. Even Chinese institutions(aka the Chinese government) have toned down their loaning tendencies to this country, primarily because we dont know how to manage ourselves.

Political correctness has nothing to do with the "leeches" issue. China and the United States have a sort of mutually assured destruction relationship in several geopolitical areas.
thecavemaster Wrote:Political correctness has nothing to do with the "leeches" issue. China and the United States have a sort of mutually assured destruction relationship in several geopolitical areas.

OK, then just take it as I called it like it is then.:eyeroll:

As far as the bolded part ............."?????"
Mr.Kimball Wrote:OK, then just take it as I called it like it is then.:eyeroll:

As far as the bolded part ............."?????"

China and the United States are in a relationship where the destruction of the one (in several geopolitical areas) would lead to the severe weakening, if not downfall, if not destruction, of the other... two heavyweights with tremendous power in both hands, warily circling each other, both knowing that a mistake means "lights out."
thecavemaster Wrote:You refer to human beings as leeches? "But if you say, 'Thou fool'".... I think drug testing for parents receiving benefits is not a bad idea. Radical change often has radical UNINTENDED consequences. Seriously, Kimball, I don't think the Chinese National Anthem thing is a legitimate concern at this point. Do you? Really? Or are you, per usual, appealing to some sense of nationalism and fear?

Kind of like that Healthcare bill that Democrats are trying to cram down our throats?
ImagineThat! Wrote:Kind of like that Healthcare bill that Democrats are trying to cram down our throats?

Are you suggesting that only Democrats care if people go broke because they get sick, or die prematurely simply because they can't afford decent healthcare? I'm talking about the working poor, the squeezed middle. Is that what you are saying?
thecavemaster Wrote:Are you suggesting that only Democrats care if people go broke because they get sick, or die prematurely simply because they can't afford decent healthcare? I'm talking about the working poor, the squeezed middle. Is that what you are saying?
Only Democrats support this horrible healthcare bill many of them support it only because of Obama's bribes. Judgeship anybody? Good legislation would at least enjoy widespread, unpaid support among the sponsoring party.
thecavemaster Wrote:Are you suggesting that only Democrats care if people go broke because they get sick, or die prematurely simply because they can't afford decent healthcare? I'm talking about the working poor, the squeezed middle. Is that what you are saying?

Are you suggesting that this administration should force everyone into a program that 65% of the population does not want or one that as a country we can not afford. That we are to provide insurance to people that are are to lazy to work, or worse the ones that are more worried about getting high. Is that what you are suggesting?

What will happen whenever the cost of this program is more than the funding revenues? Will our cost increase? Will the benifits be scaled back? Will true healthcare be set aside to save money?
Old School Wrote:Are you suggesting that this administration should force everyone into a program that 65% of the population does not want or one that as a country we can not afford. That we are to provide insurance to people that are are to lazy to work, or worse the ones that are more worried about getting high. Is that what you are suggesting?

What will happen whenever the cost of this program is more than the funding revenues? Will our cost increase? Will the benifits be scaled back? Will true healthcare be set aside to save money?

The majority of the American public, when asked specifically, does favor eliminating the "oops, we've dropped your coverage," the reality that people go broke becauce they get sick, the reality of people dying prematurely because they can't afford decent healthcare. However, if you run a commercial that has a great big book, and say, "That's the government's plan to run your healthcare, do you favor it?"... They, in majority, say, "No." Bascially, the Republicans are saying, "We don't care about Americans without health insurance nearly as much as using this issue to possibly regain control of the Congress." Blah. Blah. Blah.
thecavemaster Wrote:The majority of the American public, when asked specifically, does favor eliminating the "oops, we've dropped your coverage," the reality that people go broke becauce they get sick, the reality of people dying prematurely because they can't afford decent healthcare. However, if you run a commercial that has a great big book, and say, "That's the government's plan to run your healthcare, do you favor it?"... They, in majority, say, "No." Bascially, the Republicans are saying, "We don't care about Americans without health insurance nearly as much as using this issue to possibly regain control of the Congress." Blah. Blah. Blah.
The overwhelming majority of Americans, when asked specifically if they support Obama's proposed health care reform bill, say no. That is the bottom line. Americans favor passing health care reform but they also favor scrapping the Obamacare approach to reform.
thecavemaster Wrote:The majority of the American public, when asked specifically, does favor eliminating the "oops, we've dropped your coverage," the reality that people go broke becauce they get sick, the reality of people dying prematurely because they can't afford decent healthcare. However, if you run a commercial that has a great big book, and say, "That's the government's plan to run your healthcare, do you favor it?"... They, in majority, say, "No." Bascially, the Republicans are saying, "We don't care about Americans without health insurance nearly as much as using this issue to possibly regain control of the Congress." Blah. Blah. Blah.

What about people in other countries where governments control healthcare these people sometimes wait for six month to years for treatment. These Governments often refuse to use certain types of life saving treatments because of the patient's condition primarily due to the cost. Many die before they receive their treatments, while some are able to use their savings and travel to the U.S. to receive life saving care. Is that the type of healthcare you want for the U.S.A.

If the republicans take over congress in 2010 or 2012 it is because the democrats in DC are screwing things so badley that they are all but handing it over to them.

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