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Have you ever broken a bone?
It happened when I was 8th grade and I'm a sophomore now, and that is including the year I got heldback. So I have been about 3 years without drinking one and don't plan on starting anytime soon lol.
I have broke 2 toes
2 fingers
my right ankle.
JACKED my knee up SOOO bad
sprained ankels
sprained back

Ive done so much that its not of course they are all related to basketball
I've broken my right forearm...both bones when I was little and as everyone knows I just healed from a broken right leg...the tips of my tibia and fibula were crushed in my wreck...and my jaw pops out of place even though it isn't but it's close
I've just broke some fingers and they had to brake my jaws when I had my wisdom teeth cut out... i've also tore some ligaments and stuff in my ankle and hurt my knee.. but nothing major
I have a torn misnucsus (sp?) in my knee... and also when I had surgery to repair my leg so it'd heal right they had to put something in to hold my knee in's not pins or anyhting like that but something ti keep it frm sliding out of place b/c it was dislocated...I've shut mu fingers in too many car doors...sprained ankles...I have scoleosis (sp?)...i've had too many concussions for 1 basketball season...and I have no feeling in the lower part of my right leg due to severed nerves from my wreck...
I have broke my hand and both ankles, I was always more of a have to get stitches guy, but I did break a few bones along the way.
All my toes on left foot
21pins 4 screws a plate in foot
3 ribs
knee cap
collar bone
left shoulder permently seperated due to AC joint tear
3 fingers
at least 5 concussions
I hated getting stitches taken out..
getting the stitches taken out of my leg wasnt bad but i had to be bribed by balla before i'd let the ones be taken out of my face...they hurt...but the funny thing is in the hospital when they were putting them in the ones in my face didnt hurt but they had to drug me up with morphine when they got to my leg...i screamed it hurt so bad!
broke the right side of my right hand hand, punched a TV, looked down at my hand the Right side of the hand was just setting there couldn't move it so i just kidna pulled it back up and got back to playing the game I was playing...
Four fingers
2 cracked ribs
2 times with the wrist
both shoulders dislocate at times for years.
skull fracture
broken nose
jaw fracture
broken heart when my wife said Her or my Four-Wheeler. I'm gonna miss her.
From now on I see a red sash, I kill the man wearing it. So run you cur. And tell the other curs the law is coming. You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me you hear! Hell's coming with me!
haha EARP thats funny
Jesus Shuttlesworth Wrote:I have broke my arm in 4 places, both my jaws and my fingers. I must say my arm hurt the most.....What are some of the injuries you have suffered?

Yup, i sure remember that.... you were in bad shape for a while.
It sure wasn't something that I want to remember.
Wyatt has a wimpy shoulder, wait so do I
Jesus Shuttlesworth Wrote:It sure wasn't something that I want to remember.

I wouldn't want to remember that, either. we were all prayin' for you during that time.
The metal plate in my arm always hurts during cold weather and it hurts real bad when I fall out or it is hit kinda hard.
I've broken both my ankles 7 times a piece.. not sprained but broken..
Broke my left arm when i was 7 or 8.. compound fracture.. it was pretty..
blew both my knees out doing squats..
broke about 8 of my fingers at different times..
the craziest one though had to be the 12 stictches it took to sew my head together when i got hit with a full can of mtn. dew..
That is a lot of injuries.
wow broken bone thread missed this one well lets start
broken left arm
broken left wrist 2x's
broke right wrist once
broke collarbone
broke left elbow(this year in fooball)
hyperextended(football same injury as above)
partial tore something in my left elbow(same injury)
some sprained ankles
thats quite a few injuries to only be 17 i think
And I thought I had a lot of injuries.
the thing that sux about most of mine is that 3 of those lines were all in one football injury but since i was a senoir it only kept me out 1 1/2 games hurt like hell when i played to my elbow still has a break in it
Dang Mc.
Sounds like you where in pretty bad shape.
That was I was thinking.

Perhaps in a body cast from the waist up? lol
And each of those injuries sound painful.
Yea really.

My uncle had an accident one time and dislocated his collarbone from his shoulder and it stayed seperated like 3/8" for the rest of his life. THAT sounds painful as well.

Injuries dealing with your limbs always hurt and will bite you in the ass in the long run as well. You can definetly mess up your entire future with one wrong move.
I broke three of fingers in a football game last year and coach mills, the assistant coach just sat there and bent them back and forth and said there aint nothing wrong your fingers......Then after the season was over I got them checked out and they where all broke.
Mills wasn't much of a coach I heard.

I mean, I do go to ER so I know a little bit about them and didn't hear very many good things. It happens though. Coaches will sometimes risk stuff like that, not GOOD coaches though.
Yeah I played for him and believe me his coaching was about like his doctor skills.

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