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UK athletics to cut ties with coal?
4_real Wrote:seriously all that stuff being done aint gonna do nothing but make these right wing ran oil companies be just as greedy as the congress their lobbying to..i mean for real anytime thiers talk of a hurricane gas prices shoot up, thats big buisness not the president..

I don't blame Obama for the prices shooting up, but I DO blame him because he has every opportunity to make us independent when it comes to oil. This would obviously lower the prices quite a bit. Unfortunately, he has neither the ambition nor the sense to do so. I'm sure when he has all the time he wants for golf in a few months that Romney will come in and we will DRILL BABY DRILL!
WideRight05 Wrote:I don't blame Obama for the prices shooting up, but I DO blame him because he has every opportunity to make us independent when it comes to oil. This would obviously lower the prices quite a bit. Unfortunately, he has neither the ambition nor the sense to do so. I'm sure when he has all the time he wants for golf in a few months that Romney will come in and we will DRILL BABY DRILL!

and our grandkids will end up with 4 ARMS BABY 4 ARMS
nky Wrote:1. poor refining capacity that shuts down when the wind blows in the Gulf which is still an issue but the EPA will not issue permits to but new ones
2. War in middle east (increase domestic supplies you can negate this)
With record profits, and low taxes, where are the jobs these multi billion dollar companies "creating"? You know, the "job creators".
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There ya go Bob, That's the bob we have missed. Fight facts with personal attacks.

Oh, I aint been nowhere junior. What I said are the facts. Neither one of you two have enough sense to get in out of the rain. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face.

How about it Flip Flopper?
Bob Seger Wrote:Oh, I aint been nowhere junior. What I said are the facts. Neither one of you two have enough sense to get in out of the rain. You wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face.

How about it Flip Flopper?

There ya go. Again. Never even addressed the issue. Is Romney still for Abortions today? I forgot?
4_real Wrote:seriously all that stuff being done aunt gonna do nothing but make these right wing ran oil companies be just as greedy as the congress their lobbying to..i mean for real anytime thees talk of a hurricane gas prices shoot up, thetas big busyness not the president..
come on. You do know that lower energy prices will stimulate the economy? If we can increase our domestic production and lower out imported that's not going to help America? The you have the jobs that this increase will provide. Not minimum wage jobs but solid high paying jobs. Yea those 4 things would do nothing for America.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There ya go. Again. Never even addressed the issue. Is Romney still for Abortions today? I forgot?
Is President Obama for Gay Marriages this go around?
couldnt convince me that will happen if mitt is the president..with him in there big buisness will run rampid do what they want and minumum wage will probably go down and instead of importing goods we will be importing the chinese to work in all our oil fields and power plants for 5 cents a day..yea we may have coal mines but im not sure we will want to put our lives in danger for 7.25 an hour
TheRealVille Wrote:With record profits, and low taxes, where are the jobs these multi billion dollar companies "creating"? You know, the "job creators".
You know that the oil industry margin is one of the lowest of all sectors?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There ya go. Again. Never even addressed the issue. Is Romney still for Abortions today? I forgot?

You tell me, Mr. I hate Obama(two months ago) and I love the communist (today) squirt. Again you dont have a clue what you believe , you mind just blows with the wind.

What say junior!!
4_real Wrote:coolant convince me that will happen if mitt is the president..with him in there big baseness will run romped do what they want and minim wage will probably go down and instead of importing goods we will be importing the Chin's to work in all our oil fields and power plants for 5 cents a day..yea we may have coal mines but om not sure we will want to put our lives in danger for 7.25 an hour
:thatsfunn didn't do so well in those economic classes in high school either huh?
Bob Seger Wrote:You tell me, Mr. I hate Obama(two months ago) and I love the communist (today) squirt. Again you dont have a clue what you believe , you mind just blows with the wind.

What say junior!!

God please tell me where i said i hated Obama. I said i was going to vote for Romney. And i had planned on it. But listening to your nut cases every day would turn any undecided person away from it.
4_real Wrote:couldnt convince me that will happen if mitt is the president..with him in there big buisness will run rampid do what they want and minumum wage will probably go down and instead of importing goods we will be importing the chinese to work in all our oil fields and power plants for 5 cents a day..yea we may have coal mines but im not sure we will want to put our lives in danger for 7.25 an hour

I'll guarantee that if anybody works in them somebody else will have to do it.. Your sorry and worthless age group sure isn't going to strike a lick at anything.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:There ya go. Again. Never even addressed the issue. Is Romney still for Abortions today? I forgot?
Romney has never voted to allow doctors to kill live, air breathing babies. What about Obama, can he say the same? Nope, he is guilty as charged. There is no making up for that.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:God please tell me where i said i hated Obama. I said i was going to vote for Romney. And i had planned on it. But listening to your nut cases every day would turn any undecided person away from it.

Uh huh!! :eyeroll:Turn the dial then junior.
i guess not, teach me your ways please...we got economic majors AND english professors on here..and yet you must attack my intellect instead of going after my response
TheRealVille Wrote:With record profits, and low taxes, where are the jobs these multi billion dollar companies "creating"? You know, the "job creators".
The job killer has definitely been more effective these past 4 years. I see your point.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'll guarantee that if anybody works in them somebody else will have to do it.. Your sorry and worthless age group sure isn't going to strike a lick at anything.

I'm in this age group, and sadly I agree lol.
Bob Seger Wrote:I'll guarantee that if anybody works in them somebody else will have to do it.. Your sorry and worthless age group sure isn't going to strike a lick at anything.

id say youve never seen a hard days work..and no yelling at your mom to make you cookies from the basement cuz ur trying to get lvl 19 on WOW doesnot count
4_real Wrote:i guess not, teach me your ways please...we got economic majors AND english professors on here..and yet you must attack my intellect instead of going after my response

You've not made a response yet that makes any sense. You cant spell, capitalize, or punctuate.
4_real Wrote:id say youve never seen a hard days work..and no yelling at your mom to make you cookies from the basement cuz ur trying to get lvl 19 on WOW doesnot count

See, I cant even respond to it because you are not literate enough put it into words. Pure simpleton.
Bob Seger Wrote:You've not made a response yet that makes any sense. You cant spell, capitalize, or punctuate.

ok buddy lol
4_real Wrote:id say youve never seen a hard days work..and no yelling at your mom to make you cookies from the basement cuz ur trying to get lvl 19 on WOW doesnot count
Bob probably does more work than you do in a day before you drag yourself out of bed.
WideRight05 Wrote:I'm in this age group, and sadly I agree lol.

Well you may be in the age category but hopefully you not in the worthless category. At least you are honest enough to admit what I'm saying. All I know is I have had to fire a dozen of these little know it all punks(ala Wildcat/4_real) in the last year or so, because they are truely worthless. I have sworn that I'll never hire another current 18-25 year old.
4_real Wrote:coldest convince me that will happen if mitt is the president..with him in there big bossiness will run ramped do what they want and minim wage will probably go down and instead of importing goods we will be importing the chines to work in all our oil fields and power plants for 5 cents a day..yea we may have coal mines but um not sure we will want to put our lives in danger for 7.25 an hour
OK I'll type slowly
1. Domestic oil jobs do not get outsourced. Now they may bring migrant workers who aren't afraid to work hard that Americans will not do. But these jobs are solid $20+ an hour jobs. See the Dakotas for the jobs
2. minimum wage can not go down without out an act of Congress(or President Obama executive orderConfusednickerSmile.
3. Business has regulations that keep them in check(to many by the way) besides a strong business community equals a strong America.
im glad they give special ppl like you manager jobs at the supermarket
Bob Seger Wrote:See, I cant even respond to it because you are not literate enough put it into words. Pure simpleton.
Liberals are products of a failed public educational system, even when they do learn to spell and write. I told my Indian friend who carpools with me a few days ago that the English of the Indians with whom I have worked is much better than the English spoken and written by the average American. Liberals really kill our average.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Bob probably does more work than you do in a day before you drag yourself out of bed.

My days start about 4 AM , and

4_real Wrote:im glad they give special ppl like you manager jobs at the supermarket

I hire and fire managers punk.
4_real Wrote:um glad they give special pol like you manager jobs at the supermarket

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